My name is Joanne Henry and started Go Higher in 2018 as a mature student. I left school with no formal qualifications and since then had always worked in the retail sector. I always looked back and wished I had done better at school, but truth be told, whilst suffering the bereavement of my mother whilst still young at age 13 so unexpectedly, I had experienced some mental health difficulties and had lost all interest in doing well on my exams.
Later in life, I become dissatisfied with how my life/career was progressing and applied for college to complete my level 2 in English and Maths. However, before being accepted, I had to sit an exam and was advised after this that unfortunately, it was believed I was not capable of sitting my level 2 in both subjects and that they could not accept me at the time. I found this extremely upsetting but accepted it and went back to my everyday employment within retail.
It was a year after this that a friend had recommended Go Higher to me, at first, I didn’t quite believe that with no formal qualifications I could attend any university never mind one as prestigious as the University of Liverpool. My friend encouraged me to apply like she had, so I did. Shortly after, I received a letter inviting me for an interview and a test, I was filled with sheer dread after my last experience! On the day I contemplated not attending and ringing with some excuse due to my fear of being rejected, but I decided to go along and see what happened…
That was when I met with a tutor from Go Higher for my interview who was warm, friendly and welcoming. My immediate dread subsided, and I was put at ease. I explained the reasoning for leaving school with no formal qualifications and I was given a big hug. I was then asked to sit the test. I did what I could and thought, well, it is what it is, if it is meant to be it will be.
To my sheer astonishment, I received an acceptance letter. I was so proud of myself. I started the course which is and was life changing, the tutors, the course content, the lovely cohort I was with, it was all thoroughly enjoyable. The year went so quickly and after completing Go Higher, I started to believe in my own ability and my confidence had increased drastically. I then applied for a degree in mental health nursing, something which I felt passionate about, helping others who experience mental illness. I was surprised when I received the acceptance letter and commenced my 3-year journey to become a registered mental health nurse. I finished with a first-class honours degree and began my career in the NHS helping others.
Go Higher provided me with the self-belief and confidence which I believe I would never have gained if I wasn’t for the lovely people who took a chance on me that day. I owe so much to Go Higher, and I hand on heart, encourage anyone who is considering starting higher education as a mature student not to hesitate, apply it’s never too late!