What supports the geometry of space-time?

What supports the geometry of space-time?

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Einstein’s Explanation of the Unexplainable

When Einstein defined the equivalence between mass and energy, he also defined what “support the geometry of space…

In his General Theory of Relativity, he defined the force of gravity in terms of the energy density of space. This implies the mass and energy associated with it supports the geometric structure space because the equation E=mc^2 tell us when energy is concentrated in the form of mass it causes the geometry of space to contract creating the curvature he associated with gravity.

Additionally, the Big Bang’s assumption the universe expansion is the result of the energy associated with its origin can only be explained by assuming it is pushing on its boundaries.

Additionally, we have observed that the CBM (cosmic background radiation) imparts the energy associated with its 2.725 Kelvin temperature to even perfectly “empty” space devoid of all gas, dust, and particular matter.

The fact that concentrating energy in the form of mass results in space contacting while increasing it by releasing the energy contained in mass cause it to expand support the assumption space that does not contain any particular mass is not empty but contains energy.

Therefore because, Einstein’s equation E=mc^2 tells us space without any particular matter is not empty but contains the mass equivalent of the CBM defined by that equation.

The mechanism responsible would be analogous to how the volume of a balloon is supported by the air inside of it.

For example, if the air pressure increases its volume will expand while if it decreases it will contract.

Yet it also tells us how one can explain the quantum properties of energy and mass in terms of it being an emergent property of space if it contains a continuous field of energy.

For example, by using the science of wave mechanics and the fact that Relativity tells us energy would move through space on a continuous field of energy such as the one provided by the cosmic background radiation unless it is prevented from doing so by someone or something interacting with it. This would result in it being confined to three-dimensional space. The science of wave mechanics also tells us the three-dimensional “walls” of this confinement will result in its energy being reflected back on itself thereby creating a resonant or standing wave in three-dimensional space. This would cause the energy of an energy wave to be concentrated at the point in space were a quantized particle would be found.

Additionally, wave mechanics also tells us the energy of a resonant system such as a standing wave can only take on the discrete or quantized values associated with its fundamental or a harmonic of its fundamental frequency.

This explanation of why mass and energy are quantized is consistent with the observations of the environment defined by quantum mechanics in that the mathematical properties associated with the wave function will continue to evolve as a wave moving through space and only reduces of “collapses” to a quantized packed of energy when it is observed or encounters an object.

This defines how Einstein could have explain what an “empty” volume of space contains AND the observations associated with its quantization in terms of it being an emergent property of the continuous energy field or space as defined by him.

This also answers the question of how an electromagnetic wave can propagate though seeming “empty space because as was shown above what appears to be empty space is not empty but contains continuous field of energy which, it can propagate similar to how wave propagates on water



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