Podcast: Wales cuts, mental health, regulation


This week on the podcast the Welsh government has announced £18.5m in additional capital funding for universities – but questions remain over reserves, job cuts, competition law and student protection.

Meanwhile, new research reveals student mental health difficulties have tripled in the past seven years, and Universities UK warns that OfS’ new strategy risks expanding regulatory burden rather than focusing on priorities.

With Andy Westwood, Professor of Public Policy at the University of Manchester, Emma Maslin, Senior Policy and Research Officer at AMOSSHE, Livia Scott, Partnerships Coordinator at Wonkhe and presented by Jim Dickinson, Associate Editor at Wonkhe.

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The government’s in a pickle over fees and funding

As the cuts rain down in Wales, whatever happened to learner protection?

Partnership and promises are not incompatible

Student mental health difficulties are on the rise, and so are inequalities

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