HEI Supports Upcoming Boycotts and Strikes

HEI Supports Upcoming Boycotts and Strikes

The Higher Education Inquirer (HEI) is in solidarity with nonviolent protests against the Trump administration.  Two upcoming events include a 24-hour boycott of Amazon, Walmart, and Best Buy (February 28th) and a 10-day General Strike. We hope enough people join these and other nonviolent protests to make our messages heard loudly enough. To our readers, if you know of any public protests and other nonviolent acts of civil disobedience that we can highlight, please contact us.  

Related links:

Protests Under Trump 207-2021 (Pressman, et al, 2022)

Timeline of protests against Donald Trump (Wikipedia)

List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States (Wikipedia)

Methods of Student Nonviolent Resistance (2024) 

Democratic Protests on Campus: Modeling the Better World We Seek (Annelise Orleck)

Elite Universities on Lockdown. Protestors Regroup. (2024)

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