Author: admin

  • Lessons for leaders from the campus encampments

    Lessons for leaders from the campus encampments

    It’s neither a personal nor an especially novel observation to suggest that both in the UK and across North America and Western Europe, debates about campus climate, culture and freedom of speech were upended on 7 October 2023.

    It’s not the purpose of the report, but you can really feel some of the contradictions coming to a head in Josh Freeman’s terrific new HEPI report on the Encampments protesting for Palestine and the response to them, tentatively timed to offer early reflections now that a ceasefire has been secured.

    What until October 7 had been a rhetorically wide framing of freedom of speech and a pretty narrow one over protection from harm and harassment was always going to be challenged when speech took the form of pro-Palestine placards rather than the punch and judy of rarified Russell Group debating societies.

    And while plenty of people still pretend that there are no “fine lines” and contradictions between, say, expressions of pro-Palestinian solidarity and antisemitism, Freeman’s report lays out the realities and complexities of universities, their students’ unions and students themselves being expected to tread and police those lines.

    I was struck, reading the report, by the contradictions between the way in which student “debaters” (the subject of a previous report from Freeman) and student activists of the sort in the encampments are often framed in terms of what they represent – the former is often assumed to be a near-universal experience or at least an ideal, while the latter are painted as an angry mob that often aren’t even students anyway.

    Both, in truth, are pretty unrepresentative of the contemporary higher education experience, both can seem like indulgences that many students are unable to afford, but both do have an influence on students’ understanding of the world. The fact that both appear to be largely confined to the Russell Group could easily be a source of shame rather than relief.

    Motivations and disruptions

    There’s a good methodology to the report that some tend to turn their nose up at when used on other issues – it’s basically a qualitative, case study-based approach, drawing on lived experiences through semi-structured interviews with key players – student protestors, university staff, students’ union officers, and Jewish students – while triangulating these insights with documentary analysis of public statements and social media discourse.

    As a result, there are some fascinating insights from Freeman. Fairly early on, he notes that in the student interviews, many were motivated by factors which, at least at face value, went far beyond the situation in Gaza – referring to other factors like islamophobia, tuition fees, staff pay and pensions, mental health or even the freedom to protest:

    These issues were rarely mentioned in encampments’ official demands but they appear to have been significant motivators to join the protests.

    There’s also a clutch of material on the way in which the encampments themselves operated – laying bare both aspects and incidents of obvious antisemitism, but also anguish about the right (and for some, perceived duty) to object to and highlight the actions of Israel throughout the war, and the way in which those protestors knew that that might be misinterpreted.

    Material on “disruption” is interesting too. Freeman identifies both an oft-denied truism – that this kind of “speech” is designed to be disruptive – and a less-understood concern of some protestors that keeping students on side by not excessively disrupting their education was important.

    The section on the “institutional response” is particularly helpful, mainly because it draws comparisons in the approach on engagement. The running theme is that where – either by chance or by design – institutional managers and student protesters were caused to meet and discuss as people, some inching away from simplistic demonisation was possible and helpful. By contrast, it looks like a lack of engagement allowed a simplistic framing – of protester as terrorist, and university manager as oppressor – to unhelpfully persist.

    Freeman also reflects on the learning made possible by those encounters:

    The ultimate goals of discussions should be learning, on the one hand – these examples suggest institutions still have much to learn from their students – and explaining, on the other, why some demands are not feasible.

    Another aspect of the diversity in approaches relates to “demands”. The old “give them an inch and they’ll take a mile” approach to students can be seen in this quote:

    It would create two categories of students … it would give them a carte blanche for any kind of behaviour.

    …while others were perceptive enough to recognise that hard and fast rules can look quite silly quite quickly when it’s often context that counts:

    It’s a special situation, an emotional issue. It’s okay to call this a one-off. Though some have said we are setting a bad precedent by allowing this behaviour.

    That’s true too over a running theme in the narrative amongst protesters – that taking an early and unequivocal stance on Ukraine in the way that most of the sector did was, for them, incompatible with a sudden concern for neutrality over Israel/Palestine.

    Frustratingly, Freeman even reports that after accusations of being “hypocrites”, “several” senior staff said that, on reflection, their institutions would avoid political statements entirely in the future – as if carefully crafted regulations will always trump context. They won’t.

    I’d also tentatively add that while it was undoubtedly true that:

    …In comparison with the Marking and Assessment Boycott, there is tiny traffic from students. To the bulk of our students, it [the conflict] is not on their radar. We have had a few hundred emails on divestment, but they are the same people writing over and over, with the same template.

    …one might argue that a huge international conflict, with significant global implications, might cause one to wonder why more students weren’t engaged, particularly in universities where “activism” is more a rarity than a rhythm.

    Threats, reputation and officialdom

    There are, inevitably, some pointed observations both about government and the Office for Students – which to this day has said almost nothing about so many of the edge cases of freedom v harm involved in Israel/Palestine, despite being in the process of launching two new “sandbags on the see saw” in the form of free speech duties and anti-harassment duties.

    Universities – perhaps it was always thus – were neither to be trusted nor offered much in the way of help when being left to resolve the tensions themselves:

    They’ve left us to it. That may have been the best thing.

    In a week when student activists appear to have brought down a populist Prime Minister in Serbia, I was also especially interested in Freeman’s observations about the relationship between what we might call the “official” voice of students – students’ unions – and the activists in the encampments.

    Before I even got to page 35, for example, I knew that words to this effect would appear somewhere:

    We engage with the Students’ Union as they are the democratically elected representatives, not with some small group of people, most of whom have nothing to do with the University or its community.

    I would note in eyebrow-raising passing that I’ve often come across that view from those who tend, in other contexts, to challenge the representativeness of their students’ union when advancing recommendations or opinions.

    But more broadly, I tend to adopt a straightforward principle when an organised group of students decides that the “official” channel of communication isn’t cutting the mustard – they often have a point. That’s partly because, back on that “hard and fast rule” thing, some SUs (and their universities) can take their apoliticism and desire to be seen to be supporting all students too far – overcooking reputational or charity law fears, and undercooking their role as clearing houses for often opposed student opinion.

    When Freeman recommends that:

    Distinguishing between the collective position of the students’ union on the one hand and the stances of individual elected officers on the other, so elected officers can remain true to their own views and the mandate they were elected on, while allowing the students’ union to remain apolitical, follow charity law and be representative of the wider student body.

    …it also seems fairly clear that the “own views” aspect of that doesn’t mean silence in the way that has been imposed for many an SU officer with strong views on the issues.

    Mediation and advocacy

    What’s helpful in the report is the description of the positive role that many SU officers and staff played in the process as mediators (supporting both encampments and institutions to reach a resolution), as intermediaries (passing “intelligence” between encampments and institutions), and as advocates to make sure the voices of all students are heard roles that many of their staff (outside a handful) are neither routinely funded for nor recognised.

    And as Freeman puts it when discussing allegations of illegitimacy:

    But rather than undermining the positions of elected officers, it might be more productive to work with the SU to create an effective process for dialogue with all groups of students. When the main mechanism for students to contribute to institutional policy does not function properly, it may explain why many students choose to bypass their unions and channel their frustrations through protest.

    I discussed some of the differences between what we might call the “official” student movement and the activists leading the blockades in Serbia in my write up on that issue elsewhere on the site – and I’m struck by the character of the past 18 months’ pro-Palestinian activism when compared to previous intensifications of the Middle East conflict.

    For many years, the “voice” of such activism tended to be the Federation of Islamic Student Societies (FOSIS), often setting up an arguably unhelpful and simplistic link between Jewish students, the Union of Jewish Students and a “pro Israel” position on the one hand, and Muslim students, FOSIS and a “pro Palestinian” position on the other.

    For all sorts of obvious reasons, the simplicity of those links and resultant “sides” was always problematic – it has never been just Muslim students and Jewish students caught up in debates over the conflict, and there have always been significant differences of opinion on the conflict within those “sides”.

    But it’s also true to say that both UJS and FOSIS were able to act in an “official” student representative role in a similar way to that that Freeman frames students’ unions as inhabiting – able to speak to power, their own members, and through NUS, each other. In recent years, FOSIS has fallen away in prominence – the channel for much of the anger and activism now represented by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and related offshoots – while UJS has tended to focus its efforts on persuading power to exert authority over antisemitism.

    That is not to suggest that either is wrong, or illegitimate, or especially problematic – but it has meant that in this phase of the Middle East crisis, one “side” has looked very official, while the “other” has looked like the opposite. In a climate where words like “oppressor” get attached to one side and “terrorist” to the other, those types of perhaps accidental perceptions are likely to have clouded wider students’ engagement in and understanding of what has been happening.

    Partnership and power

    Bringing both Serbia and the HEPI paper together, in quieter moments this week I’ve been caused to re-read this terrific paper from Simon Varwell on citizen participation in an era of emergency decision-making.

    Varwell is a former staffer from Sparqs – the little known (outside of Scotland) student participation “agency” originally set up to give a boost to class rep training north of the border. It rarely gets the credit it deserves from Scottish ministers or Principals, but it’s much more than its roots as a train the trainer scheme for reps these days – producing acres of intelligent and helpful material that has helped to engender partnership between students and universities in Scotland more generally.

    His paper – written in the teeth of the Covid crisis – makes a compelling argument that what Sherry Arnstein described in the late 60s as a “ladder” of participation pretty much turned into a circle during the pandemic – where the very highest and lowest levels of student engagement overlapped in a zone of anger and conflict.

    I think that argument matters – not especially from a tactical point of view, but because it’s clear that in some universities, notions of “partnership” melt away quickly when something more “serious” or “risky” is on the table – whether that’s making cuts to provision, handling Covid, or dealing with ministerial and press interest in a protest or “woke” initiative on campus.

    Partnership can mean all sorts of things to all sorts of people. But fundamentally it’s about sharing power, both between groups of students and between students and their university.

    Few would argue that partnerships of the latter should be “equal”. But when what is sold as a safe environment doesn’t feel like it, and when what is promoted as way of having your voice heard or your interests met feels like being ignored or marginalised, “senior” partners should always be mindful that universities aren’t schools, authority tends to depend on consent, and whatever the weight of expectation on the “grown ups” to crack down and control, conflict almost always requires both mediation and mutual respect.

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  • Grant reviews at NSF and NIH still paused

    Grant reviews at NSF and NIH still paused

    Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

    The Trump administration on Wednesday walked back its plan to freeze trillions in federal grants and loans, though a review of thousands of federal programs continues, along with a pause on grant reviews at the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health.

    A federal judge blocked the plan from taking effect Tuesday night, but the proposal, outlined in a two-page memo, raised a number of questions and concerns from higher ed leaders who warned of devastating consequences. Had the order taken effect, it could have cut off millions in federal aid to colleges, though not federal student loans or Pell Grants. Congressional Democrats and others called the decision to rescind the memo a victory but criticized the Trump administration for causing chaos and confusion.

    White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said on social media that rescinding the memo was “not a rescission of the federal funding freeze,” adding that “the president’s [executive orders] on federal funding remain in full force and effect and will be rigorously implemented.”

    So, the White House is still moving forward with plans to stop funding programs that are at odds with the president’s executive orders. In the last week, President Trump has issued executive orders that banned funding for diversity, equity and inclusion programs and “gender ideology” as well as cracked down on illegal immigration, among other issues.

    In order to comply with those orders, the National Science Foundation halted grant reviews this week, even before the memo from the Office of Management and Budget. The National Institutes of Health also canceled meetings key to reviewing research grant applications.

    The disruption to federal research funding has set university researchers and scientists on edge, and the grant reviews are still on hold, according to numerous sources within the academic research community. On Wednesday, the National Science Foundation said its top priority was to resume funding actions.

    “We are working expeditiously to conduct a comprehensive review of our projects, programs and activities to be compliant with the existing executive orders,” a statement posted online reads.

    NSF said that all grantees must comply with the orders and cease “all non-compliant grant and award activities.”

    “In particular, this may include, but is not limited to conferences, trainings, workshops, considerations for staffing and participant selection, and any other grant activity that uses or promotes the use of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) principles and frameworks or violates federal anti-discrimination laws,” the statement said. “Please work with your institutional research office to assist you in complying with the executive orders.”

    In addition to the temporary pause, the Office of Management and Budget ordered federal agencies to review more than 2,600 programs by Feb. 7 to ensure they comply with the executive orders. It’s unclear whether that deadline remains now that OMB rescinded the memo.

    At the Education Department, programs subject to review include TRIO, Pell Grants, student loans and grants for childcare on campus, as well as those that support students with disabilities and minority-serving institutions. Currently, neither the $229 million fund for Hispanic-serving institutions nor the $400 million grant program for historically Black colleges and universities is included in the review.

    As part of the review, agencies will have to answer a series of questions for each program, including whether the programs fund DEI, support “illegal aliens” or promote “gender ideology.”

    For programs that might not comply with the executive orders, OMB officials wrote in further guidance sent Tuesday that agency leaders could consult the office “to begin to unwind these objectionable policies without a pause in the payments.”

    Kathryn Palmer contributed to this report.

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  • FIRE statement on reports of forthcoming executive order on student visas and campus protests

    FIRE statement on reports of forthcoming executive order on student visas and campus protests

    President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order today threatening action against international students in the United States for their involvement in campus protests related to Israel and Hamas. 

    Per reports, President Trump promises to “quickly cancel the student visas of all Hamas sympathizers on college campuses, which have been infested with radicalism like never before,” and to deport students who joined “pro-jihadist protests.” 

    The revocation of student visas should not be used to punish and filter out ideas disfavored by the federal government. The strength of our nation’s system of higher education derives from the exchange of the widest range of views, even unpopular or dissenting ones.

    Students who commit crimes — including vandalism, threats, or violence — must face consequences, and those consequences may include the loss of a visa. But if today’s executive order reaches beyond illegal activity to instead punish students for protest or expression otherwise protected by the First Amendment, it must be withdrawn.

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  • Rachel Reeves and the Oxford-Cambridge Arc: Right time. Right place. Long live the Growth Corridor!

    Rachel Reeves and the Oxford-Cambridge Arc: Right time. Right place. Long live the Growth Corridor!

    The idea of a growth corridor between Oxford and Cambridge announced today is not new. Our region was fortunate with the announcements today: being ready, and in the right place at the right time armed with a good piece of policy background from Public First and Rachel Wolf.   

    While it has had many changes of name and cast, the idea of connecting this region has been around for at least 25 years. The idea has waxed and waned as it has acted as the poster child for Coalition, Tory and now Labour governments. It is estimated the Corridor could boost the economic contribution of the region by up to £78 billion, so has formed the centrepiece of the speech on growth given by Chancellor, Rachel Reeves. The Chancellor is going for growth in the Oxford-to-Cambridge Growth Corridor (formerly known as the Corridor, Arc, Region and now Corridor) with the ingredients of world-class companies with world-class talent and research and development.  

    It may even feel as if the Arc Universities Group – ‘working together towards inclusive and sustainable economic growth in an area of designated national economic significance’ – was formed in 2018 in anticipation of such a moment. This is a very long-term project which promises to bear fruit in 30-to-50 years. Universities are able to understand and span such timeframes. My own involvement, for a mere seven years, is transitory and many others have come and gone.  

    The universities in our region, and the relationships that they enjoy with industry and others, have played a pivotal role. There are several reasons for this, including:  

    1. We have been able to act as the honest broker and use our convening power to bring together people and conversations.  
    2. There has been a lot to learn as we face adaptive and existential challenges and these are the stock of universities.  
    3. We are largely independent in our actions, able to tell it how it is, free from the pressures of the electoral cycle or the vicissitudes of policy change. 
    4. Our universities have maturity of governance and stability of leadership, with vice-chancellors serving for at least five years, whereas Secretaries of State sometimes last only a few weeks. 
    5. The region, like many others, hosts a great diversity of institutions. The missions of our members are complementary  in their offering.  
    6. There is significant scale and influence with universities often being the biggest employers. With the benefit of money from the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF), we have been able to act quickly and take risks that others have not and we have been able to hold the space while other processes catch up. 
    7. We have developed a great interface with industry and the private sector. 
    8. Partnerships: Perhaps the most valuable outcome of working in the wings for so many years is the alliances that have been formed between actors. We have formed a strategic alliance with East West Rail, with the private sector and with the sub-regional transport body, as well as the pan-regional partnership.  
    9. More recently we have cemented the relationship between universities and the private sector, in the formation of the Supercluster Board. 

    As our Chair, Alistair Fitt, the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford Brookes University and Chair of the Arc Universities Group, has reflected: 

    This region hosts a great diversity and scale of universities. Together we offer a wide range of key contributions: globally renowned research brilliance, the powerhouse of skills provision provided by cutting edge teaching, world-class knowledge transfer and commercialisation. Our universities, working in close partnership, in alliance with others – particular the private sector – are organised into the Arc Universities Group. We stand ready for the challenge. We welcome the oversight and experience that the leadership of Sir Patrick Vallance brings to the region, and we look forward to helping deliver the Chancellor’s aspirations for growth.

    The Supercluster Board (SCB) has been formed to ensure the UK can achieve its ambition to become a science and technology superpower. The SCB comprises a group of globally recognised scientific enterprises, investors and world-leading universities alongside the local enterprise partnerships, all of which have a vested interest in the region and will seek to work constructively with a wide range of stakeholders, including the UK Government, to deliver on the ambition for the Oxford-Cambridge Growth Corridor. 

    There is significant representation on this new group, with four university representatives on the main board, including Alistair Fitt, and with an expert panel comprising all the vice-chancellors or their near proxy. It is the private sector voice that has succeeded in landing the message about the region’s potential with Rachel Reeves.  

    I’m grateful to the many colleagues who have kept the faith. It is not always been easy, especially given the recent financial constraints, but the future looks promising and we can be greatly encouraged by the Chancellor’s recognition of the potential. The next challenge will be to see how we all deliver under the sudden power of the spotlight that will inevitably follow the announcements.  

    The photo accompanying this blog on the HEPI website is taken from

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  • Liaison Unveils New Intelligent Names Degree Intent Scores, Enhancing Predictive Power and Reach 

    Liaison Unveils New Intelligent Names Degree Intent Scores, Enhancing Predictive Power and Reach 

    Liaison, a leader in education technology and data-driven solutions, is excited to announce the release of its 2025 Intelligent Names Degree Intent Scores. These advanced scores represent a transformative leap in identifying adult learners nationwide with the highest potential for pursuing a degree. 

    The 2025 Degree Intent Scores are powered by cutting-edge data science, advanced modeling techniques, and insights from a national survey conducted in late 2024. Combined with responses from Liaison’s extensive consumer database of over 260 million Americans, this enhanced model offers unparalleled precision and reach into the adult learners market. 

    Recent testing using a national dataset of graduate program applicants showed a 20% improvement in predicting applicant activity within the highest intent band when comparing the new intent scores to the original. Similarly, an analysis of a national dataset of bachelor’s degree seekers found that Liaison’s Bachelor’s Degree Intent model accurately identified 91% of degree seekers under the age of 25 in the top two quintiles. These findings underscore the model’s remarkable accuracy, effectiveness, and value for higher education institutions. 

    “The 2025 Degree Intent Scores mark a major milestone in our mission to connect educational institutions with adult learners who are ready to take the next step in their academic journeys,” said Dr. Mark Voortman, Chief Data Scientist at Liaison. “By leveraging large-scale data and state-of-the-art modeling techniques, we’ve significantly enhanced our ability to help institutions identify adult learners most likely to pursue degree opportunities in the near future.” 

    The updated scoring model empowers colleges, universities, and other education providers with deeper, data-driven insights to refine recruitment strategies, enhance student engagement, and achieve enrollment goals more effectively. 

    Learn more about Intelligent Names here.

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  • Eight free expression cases pending on SCOTUS docket — First Amendment News 455

    Eight free expression cases pending on SCOTUS docket — First Amendment News 455

    Thus far this term, the Supreme Court has rendered judgments in three free speech cases. In two of them, it vacated and remanded the matters for further consideration in light of Gonzalez v. Trevino (2024) (per curiam, First Amendment retaliation claims). In the other case, TikTok Inc. and ByteDance Ltd v. Garland, the Court rejected the First Amendment claim. 

    At this point, the following eight cases remain on the docket and involve everything from student speech to campaign financing to abortion clinic buffer zones and an occupational licensing case, among other things.

    The Eight Cases

    1. The university bias-response teams case

    Issue: Whether university bias-response teams — official entities that solicit anonymous reports of bias, track them, investigate them, ask to meet with the perpetrators, and threaten to refer students for formal discipline — objectively chill students’ speech under the First Amendment.

    Counsel for PetitionerJ. Michael Connolly of Consovoy McCarthy, former Director of the Free Speech Clinic at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University.

    2. The conversations between counselors and their clients case

    Issue: Whether a law that censors certain conversations between counselors and their clients based on the viewpoints expressed regulates conduct or violates the free speech clause of the First Amendment.

    Counsel for PetitionerJohn J. Bursch of the Alliance Defending Freedom.

    3. The public middle school that censored a T-shirt case

    Issue: Whether school officials may presume substantial disruption or a violation of the rights of others from a student’s silent, passive, and untargeted ideological speech simply because that speech relates to matters of personal identity, even when the speech responds to the school’s opposing views, actions, or policies. 

    Counsel for PetitionerJohn J. Bursch of Alliance Defending Freedom.

    4. The campaign limits on coordinated party expenditures case

    Issue: Whether the limits on coordinated party expenditures in 52 U.S.C. § 30116 violate the First Amendment, either on their face or as applied to party spending in connection with “party coordinated communications” as defined in 11 C.F.R. § 109.37.

    Counsel for PetitionerNoel J. Francisco of Jones Day, former Solicitor General.

    5. The occupational-licensing law case

    Issue: Whether, in an as-applied First Amendment challenge to an occupational-licensing law, the standard for determining whether the law regulates speech or regulates conduct is this Court’s traditional conduct-versus-speech dichotomy.

    Counsel for PetitionerSamuel B. Gedge of the Institute for Justice.

    6. The sidewalk abortion counseling case

    Issue: Whether the court should overrule Hill v. Colorado.

    Counsel for PetitionerPaul D. Clement of Clement & Murphy, also a former Solicitor General.

    7. Another sidewalk abortion counseling case

    Issue: Whether the court should overrule Hill v. Colorado.

    Counsel for PetitionerWalter M. Weber, senior counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice.

    8. The fee to speak to government officials about political issues case

    Issue: Whether — and if so, under what circumstances — the First Amendment permits the government to require ordinary citizens to register and pay a fee to communicate with their government representatives.

    Counsel for PetitionerKyle D. Hawkins of Lehotsky Keller Cohn, who served as a law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito.

    Revenge against political enemies: Executive tactic?

    In his first week in office, President Trump made clear that his promises to exact revenge on his perceived enemies were not empty campaign pledges — and that his retribution is intended not just to impose punishment for the past but also to intimidate anyone who might cross him in the future.

    By removing security protections from former officials facing credible death threats, he signaled that he was willing to impose potentially profound consequences on anyone he sees as having been insufficiently loyal. That included his former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, who helped lead the pandemic response.

    Mr. Trump’s decision to try to scale back civil service protections was aimed at culling federal employees he believes slowed or blocked his first-term agenda and replacing them with loyalists.

    [ . . . ]

    [These and other measures taken] together . . . send a clear signal that Mr. Trump feels unconstrained about punishing the disloyal, that he is potentially willing to go further against his enemies than he had pledged on the campaign trail and that there will be a price for any opposition to come.

    Trump video clip

    WATCH VIDEO: Trump speech: ‘Bring back free speech to America’


    Controlling academic freedom: Another Executive tactic?

    Will Creeley

    FIRE Legal Director Will Creeley

    “There’s kind of a multifront threat right now as to whether or not you can express views that are unpopular with the folks in the White House and executive agencies and continue to enjoy the protections of the First Amendment on academic freedom,” said Will Creeley, legal director of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, which fights both left- and right-wing infringements on free speech.

    [ . . . ]

    Creeley, at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, predicts that many state legislatures, local officials and university trustees are going to enlist, either out of enthusiasm or expediency, in the crusade to bring the academic left to heel. “I think you’ll see professors investigated and terminated. I think you’re going to see students punished, and I think you’re going to see a pre-emptive action on those fronts,” he said.

    Just look at what’s happened at Harvard this week. On Tuesday it announced that, as part of a lawsuit settlement, it would adopt a definition of antisemitism that includes some harsh criticisms of Israel and Zionism, such as holding Israel to a “double standard” and likening its policies to Nazism. Though Harvard claims that it still adheres to the First Amendment, under this definition a student or professor who accuses Israel of genocidal action in Gaza — as the Israeli American Holocaust scholar Omer Bartov has — might be subject to disciplinary action.

    Trump suit against Pulitzer board — Ballard Spahr for the defense

    Charles Tobin lawyer at Ballard Spahr

    Charles Tobin for the defense

    On Monday, the board that awards the Pulitzer Prizes — which Mr. Trump sued in Florida in 2022 for defamation — said that the case should be put on hold because, as Mr. Trump has argued in two other cases, a state court should not be permitted to exert control over a sitting president.

    “Defendants agree,” wrote the law firm representing the board, Ballard Spahr. “To avoid such constitutional conflicts, the court should stay this case until plaintiff’s term in office has concluded.”

    Mr. Trump’s lawsuit accuses the Pulitzer board of defaming him, in essence, by continuing to honor The New York Times and The Washington Post for their coverage of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. A state judge in Florida last year cleared the case to proceed toward trial.

    The Pulitzer board’s filing on Monday leaned heavily on statements the president’s legal team had made in other cases. One involved a suit filed in 2017 by Summer Zervos, a former contestant on “The Apprentice” reality show, who accused the president of unwanted sexual advances. Mr. Trump’s team argued that her suit should be thrown out or delayed because dealing with it — including by producing records during discovery or being forced to appear in court — would “disrupt and impair” Mr. Trump’s ability to do his job. (The suit was settled in 2021, after he was out of office.)

    Mr. Trump’s lawyers repeated that argument last week in a different case in Delaware, in which he and his social media company are defendants.

    Excerpt from Trump v. Members of the Pulitzer Prize Board

    [Motion to temporarily stay civil action]

    It is well-established that “a trial court has broad discretion to grant or deny a motion to stay a case pending before it.” Shake Consulting, LLC v. Suncruz Casinos, LLC, 781So. 2d 494, 495 (Fla. 4th DCA 2001) (affirming trial court’s entry of stay). For three reasons, the Court should exercise that discretion and stay this action until Plaintiff’s term in office has concluded.

    First, as Plaintiff himself has argued, and continues to argue, allowing a lawsuit to proceed in state court while a party to that action is the sitting President would invite irresolvable constitutional conflicts arising from the Supremacy Clause.

    Second, the grounds for staying this action are particularly strong because the prize-winning articles concern — and discovery will thus need to probe — Plaintiff’s official actions during his first term.

    Third, entering a stay will not prejudice Plaintiff, whereas denying a stay would pose constitutional issues both by stopping him from seeking to stay future civil litigation that may arise in state court during his presidency and by raising due process concerns for the Defendants.

    Attorneys for the Defendants 

    Nunes loses defamation case

    Nunes and his family’s farm can’t sufficiently show damages, so the court doesn’t have to reach any of the other elements of defamation.


    Protected expression: Elon Musk’s controversial salute

    WATCH VIDEO: Elon Musk appears to give fascist salute during Trump inauguration celebration.

    New scholarly article: Calo on holding social media accountable

    Professor Ryan Calo University of Washington School of Law

    Prof. Ryan Calo

    Plaintiffs are beginning to test the boundaries of tort law once again to fit social media. Seattle and other public-school districts recently sued TikTok, YouTube, and other platforms on the age-old theory of nuisance, arguing that these companies endanger public health by fostering a toxic online environment. When two boys died in a high-speed accident trying to trigger Snapchat’s “Speed Filter,” the Ninth Circuit allowed a cause of action to proceed against the company for negligent design. Snap could be held responsible for the “predictable consequences” of its irresponsible feature, the court reasoned, even though the “Speed Filter” always accompanied user-generated content. Washington election officials successfully sued Facebook, over its Section 230 objection, for failing to keep records on political ads in the state. The emphasis, again, was on Facebook’s own conduct around the ads, rather than the content of the ads themselves.

    There is an admittedly fine line between attributing third party content to the platform, which federal law forbids, and holding the platform accountable for foreseeable harms to people and communities, which tort law encourages. What did TikTok do wrong in Anderson? They did not film or upload a dangerous challenge video, and they cannot be held liable for hosting, distributing, or even recommending it. But has TikTok invested enough time and resources in protecting children on the platform, especially considering what the company knows about the toxic content that appears there?

    Should families like Nylah’s be able to rely upon TikTok’s own community guidelines, which pledge to “[r]estrict content that is not suitable for youth”? Such questions sound less in derivative liability as non- and misfeasance. Section 230 was meant to be a shield, not a shibboleth. Courts should be trying to thread this needle, rather than pretending Section 230 does not exist. Obviously wrong interpretations of Section 230, like the Third Circuit’s in Anderson v. TikTok, Inc., only set the law back.

    Forthcoming scholarly article on AI and free speech

    This paper challenges the assumption that courts should grant outputs from large generative AI models, such as GPT-4 and Gemini, First Amendment protections. We argue that because these models lack intentionality, their outputs do not constitute speech as understood in the context of established legal precedent, so there can be no speech to protect. Furthermore, if the model outputs are not speech, users cannot claim a First Amendment right to receive the outputs.

    We also argue that extending First Amendment rights to AI models would not serve the fundamental purposes of free speech, such as promoting a marketplace of ideas, facilitating self-governance, or fostering self-expression. In fact, granting First Amendment protections to AI models would be detrimental to society because it would hinder the government’s ability to regulate these powerful technologies effectively, potentially leading to the unchecked spread of misinformation and other harms.

    Freedom Forum’s new ad campaign

    Barbara Yolles, Ludwig CEO of LUDWIG+

    Barbara Yolles Ludwig, CEO of LUDWIG+

    LUDWIG+, a woman-owned brand actualization and business acceleration agency, is pleased to announce that they have been named as the creative agency for Freedom Forum’s new advertising campaign. Freedom Forum is the nation’s foremost nonpartisan advocate for First Amendment freedoms. As part of this collaboration, LUDWIG+ helped conceptualize and launch “Brought to You By the First Amendment,” a multichannel advertising campaign designed to drive awareness for the everyday freedoms made possible by the First Amendment.

    Today, Freedom Forum launched a dynamic and engaging digital experience with The Onion to further magnify the reach of this campaign. Combining The Onion’s satirical voice with Freedom Forum’s mission to foster First Amendment freedoms for all, this collaboration features onsite and social content strategically created and curated by LUDWIG+. The activation includes several articles published by The Onion that highlight First Amendment freedoms, as well as multiple digital infographics, videos and ad banners that showcase how freedom of speech is central to a thriving and diverse society.

    [ . . . ]

    “It’s an incredible honor to partner with Freedom Forum in championing our First Amendment freedoms and bringing the ‘Brought To You By the First Amendment’ campaign to life,” said Barbara Yolles Ludwig, Founder and CEO of LUDWIG+. “The First Amendment shapes our everyday lives — from the clothes we wear, the music we love, the books we cherish and the beliefs we hold. We look forward to bringing awareness to this paramount mission and the continued success of this campaign.”

    New Book: The Chicago canon on free inquiry

    A collection of texts that provide the foundation for the University of Chicago’s longstanding tradition of free expression, principles that are at the center of current debates within higher education and society more broadly.

    Cover of "The Chicago Canon on Free Inquiry and Expression" by Tony Banout

    Free inquiry and expression are hotly contested, both on campus and in social and political life. Since its founding in the late nineteenth century, the University of Chicago has been at the forefront of conversations around free speech and academic freedom in higher education. The University’s approach to free expression grew from a sterling reputation as a research university as well as a commitment to American pragmatism and democratic progress, all of which depended on what its first president referred to as the “complete freedom of speech on all subjects.” In 2015, more than 100 years later, then University provost and president J.D. Isaacs and Robert Zimmer echoed this commitment, releasing a statement by a faculty committee led by law professor Geoffrey R. Stone that has come to be known as the Chicago Principles, now adopted or endorsed by one hundred U.S. colleges and universities. These principles are just a part of the long-standing dialogue at the University of Chicago around freedom of expression — its meaning and limits. The Chicago Canon on Free Inquiry and Expression brings together exemplary documents — some published for the first time here — that explain and situate this ongoing conversation with an introductory essay that brings the tradition to light.

    Throughout waves of historical and societal challenges, this first principle of free expression has required rearticulation and new interpretations. The documents gathered here include, among others, William Rainey Harper’s “Freedom of Speech” (1900), the Kalven Committee’s report on the University’s role in political and social action (1967), and Geoffrey R. Stone’s “Free Speech on Campus: A Challenge of Our Times” (2016). Together, the writings of the canon reveal how the Chicago tradition is neither static nor stagnant, but a vibrant experiment; a lively struggle to understand, practice, and advance free inquiry and expression.

    At a time of nationwide campus speech debates, engaging with these texts and the questions they raise is essential to sustaining an environment of broad intellectual and ideological diversity. This book offers a blueprint for the future of higher education’s vital work and points to the civic value of free expression.

    ‘So to Speak’ Podcast: Interview with the editors of ‘The Chicago Canon’

    The University of Chicago is known for its commitment to free speech and academic freedom. Why are these values important to the university? Where do they originate? And how do they help administrators navigate conflicts and controversies?

    Tony Banout and Tom Ginsburg direct the University of Chicago’s Forum for Free Inquiry and Expression, which received a $100 million gift last year. They are also editors of “The Chicago Canon on Free Inquiry and Expression,” a new book that collects foundational texts that inform the university’s free speech tradition.

    WATCH VIDEO: “So to Speak” podcast on the Chicago Canon.

    More in the news


    2024-2025 SCOTUS term: Free expression and related cases

    Cases decided

    • Villarreal v. Alaniz (Petition granted. Judgment vacated and case remanded for further consideration in light of Gonzalez v. Trevino, 602 U.S. ___ (2024) (per curiam))
    • Murphy v. Schmitt (“The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted. The judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit for further consideration in light of Gonzalez v. Trevino, 602 U.S. ___ (2024) (per curiam).”)
    • TikTok Inc. and ByteDance Ltd v. Garland (The challenged provisions of the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act do not violate petitioners’ First Amendment rights.)

    Review granted

    Pending petitions 

    Petitions denied

    Last scheduled FAN

    FAN 454: “Trump’s stated promise: ‘Stop all government censorship’ and his free speech Executive Order

    This article is part of First Amendment News, an editorially independent publication edited by Ronald K. L. Collins and hosted by FIRE as part of our mission to educate the public about First Amendment issues. The opinions expressed are those of the article’s author(s) and may not reflect the opinions of FIRE or Mr. Collins.

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  • Raw Deals in Higher Education

    Raw Deals in Higher Education

    In a 2022 interview with Gary Stocker of College Vialbility App, we discussed the idea of bad deals in higher education. And as the College Meltdown advances, we expect many more bad deals to occur, both for institutions and consumers.   

    Already, in early 2025, we have seen documentation of the collapse of St. Augustine University, a 146-year old HBCU in North Carolina. We expect many more collapses and closures like this, and difficult mergers, to occur in the coming years. The immense greed we saw in for-profit higher education a decade ago we’ll see in public and non-profit private education.

    HEI will attempt to document these events not merely as news, but as part of a larger pattern of criminality in US higher education, not just at the institutional level, but at the state and federal level, and with predatory banks and other investors who are working on these deals behind the scenes.  We also plan to explain how this predatory behavior damages communities. Communities with people.  


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  • Baseless SLAPP suits threaten the speech rights of all Americans

    Baseless SLAPP suits threaten the speech rights of all Americans

    This article originally appeared in The Dispatch on Jan. 28, 2025.

    J. Ann Selzer planned to step back from election polling at the end of 2024. She had spent three decades working with The Des Moines Register and other media outlets, earning a reputation as “the best pollster in politics” for her consistent and reliable work. Selzer’s polls had correctly predicted the winner of every presidential race in Iowa since 2008, and she was hoping to end her election-related work with one last accurate survey of public opinion.

    But things turned out differently.

    Selzer’s final poll of the 2024 Iowa electorate, commissioned by The Des Moines Register, found that Vice President Kamala Harris was leading Donald Trump by 3 points. She was wrong. In fact, Trump won the state by more than 13. To her credit, Selzer was quick to own up to the margin between her poll and the eventual outcome. She explained her methodology and released the data she had collected in the process.

    “Polling is a science of estimation, and science has a way of periodically humbling the scientist,” she said in a November 17 farewell column for The Register. “So, I’m humbled, yet always willing to learn from unexpected findings.”

    Iowa pollster J. Ann Selzer

    President Donald Trump, however, doesn’t seem to think “humbled” is enough. That same day, Trump took to Truth Social to accuse Selzer of intentionally fabricating her poll and committing possible election fraud. A month later, he sued Selzer and The Register for alleged election interference and violations of the Iowa Consumer Fraud Act.

    It’s difficult to imagine a more thorough and obvious violation of basic First Amendment principles than this lawsuit. Polling the electorate is election participation, not interference—and reporting your findings is protected speech whether your findings turn out to be right or wrong. Iowa’s laws on election “interference” are about conduct such as using a counterfeit ballot or changing someone else’s ballot. This does not and cannot include asking voters questions about their votes.

    Any attempt to punish and chill reporting of unfavorable news or opinion is an affront to the First Amendment. Our rights as Americans, and participants in our democracy, depend on it.

    Trump’s claims of consumer fraud have even less merit. Consumer fraud laws target sellers who make false statements or engage in deception to get you to buy something, like a sleazy car salesman rolling back the odometer on an old sedan. This cannot logically—or legally—apply to a newspaper pollster who makes a wrong prediction.

    Consumer fraud statutes have no place in American politics or in regulating the news. But it has become an increasingly popular tactic to use such laws in misguided efforts to police political speech. For example, a progressive nonprofit tried to use a Washington state consumer protection law in an unsuccessful lawsuit against Fox News over its COVID-19 commentary. And attorneys general on the right used the same, “We’re just punishing falsehoods” theory to target progressive outlets. Both Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton opened investigations into the nonprofit Media Matters for America for allegedly manipulating X’s algorithm with “inauthentic behavior.” In the Texas suit, Paxton argues that he can use the state’s Deceptive Trade Practices Act to punish speech even if it is “literally true,” so long as officials think it’s misleading. 

    Efforts to prohibit purportedly false statements in politics are as old as the republic. Indeed, our First Amendment tradition originated from colonial officials’ early attempts to use libel laws against the press.

    America rejected this censorship after officials used the Sedition Act of 1798 to jail newspaper editors for publishing “false” and “malicious” criticisms of President John Adams. After Thomas Jefferson defeated Adams in the election of 1800, he pardoned and remitted the fines of those convicted, writing that he considered the act “to be a nullity, as absolute and as palpable as if Congress had ordered us to fall down and worship a golden image.”

    Trump’s allegations against Selzer are so baseless that you’d be forgiven for wondering why he even bothered. That is, until you realize that these claims are filed not because they have any merit or stand any chance of success, but in order to impose punishing litigation costs on his perceived opponents. The lawsuit is the punishment.

    Lawsuits are costly, time-consuming, and often disastrous to people’s personal lives and reputations. If you have the threat of legal action hanging over you for what you’re about to say, you will think twice before saying it—and that’s the point.

    In fact, Trump has a habit of doing this. He once sued an architecture columnist for calling a proposed Trump building “one of the silliest things anyone could inflict on New York or any other city.” The suit was dismissed. He also sued author Timothy L. O’Brien, business reporter at The New York Times and author of “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald,” for writing that Trump’s net worth was much lower than he had publicly claimed. The suit was also dismissed.

    But winning those lawsuits wasn’t the point, and Trump himself said so. “I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees, and they spent a whole lot more,” he said. “I did it to make his life miserable, which I’m happy about.” Back in 2015, he even threatened to sue John Kasich, then-governor of Ohio and a fellow Republican candidate for president, “just for fun” because of his attack ads.

    This tactic is called a “strategic lawsuit against public participation,” or SLAPP for short, and it’s a tried-and-true way for wealthy and powerful people to punish their perceived enemies for their protected speech. It’s also a serious threat to open discourse and a violation of our First Amendment freedoms.

    FIRE’s defense of pollster J. Ann Selzer against Donald Trump’s lawsuit is First Amendment 101


    A polling miss isn’t ‘consumer fraud’ or ‘election interference’ — it’s just a prediction and is protected by the First Amendment.

    Read More

    Lawsuits are costly, time-consuming, and often disastrous to people’s personal lives and reputations. If you have the threat of legal action hanging over you for what you’re about to say, you will think twice before saying it—and that’s the point. Trump’s dubious legal theory is a blatant abuse of the legal process, one that we cannot let stand. If we sued people every time we thought someone else was wrong about politics, nobody would speak about politics. A lawsuit requires a credible basis to believe your rights have been violated. You have to bring facts to court, not baseless allegations.

    That is why my organization, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), is defending Selzer pro bono against Trump’s SLAPP suit. By providing legal support free of charge, we’re helping to remove the financial incentive of SLAPP suits—just as we did when a wealthy Idaho landowner sued over criticism of his planned airstrip, when a Reddit moderator was sued for criticizing a self-proclaimed scientist, and when a Pennsylvania lawmaker sued a graduate student for “racketeering.”

    The protection of unfettered freedom of expression is critical to our political process. Any attempt to punish and chill reporting of unfavorable news or opinion is an affront to the First Amendment. Our rights as Americans, and participants in our democracy, depend on it.

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  • A Guide to Video Marketing for Schools

    A Guide to Video Marketing for Schools

    Reading Time: 11 minutes

    With video consumption accounting for nearly 83% of global internet traffic and popular platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook prioritizing video content, video marketing has become indispensable for educational institutions aiming to boost visibility and enrollment. 

    To stay competitive in today’s market, you’ll need to harness the potential of video advertising effectively. This comprehensive guide explores the power of video marketing for schools, the types of video content that work best for student recruitment, strategies for success, and solutions to common challenges.

    Struggling to stand out in a crowded market?

    Boost Enrollment with Engaging Short Videos

    The Power of Video Ads

    Video ads have revolutionized student recruitment strategies. With the average attention span of viewers shrinking to just eight seconds, video offers a uniquely engaging way to capture attention and convey key messages. 

    Prospective students, especially from Generation Z, respond favorably to videos that are authentic, visually appealing, and emotionally resonant. Institutions that embrace this medium can benefit in several ways.

    HEM Image 2HEM Image 2

    Source: HEM

    Are you ready to start seeing the benefits of video marketing for schools in your strategy? Reach out to learn about our short-form video services

    The Rise of Video Content

    The prevalence of mobile devices has played a crucial role in video’s dominance. Roughly 75% of video consumption now takes place on smartphones, which means that optimizing video content for mobile viewing is no longer optional. 

    How can you ensure that your videos perform well on mobile devices? Optimize videos for vertical viewing on social media stories, reels, and TikTok where many of your prospects spend time each day. 

    Videos resonate because they combine auditory and visual stimuli, making it easier to communicate complex ideas quickly. From showcasing campus life to highlighting academic achievements, videos allow your institution to tell compelling stories that resonate with viewers on an emotional level.

    Video is also uniquely positioned to address the challenge of dwindling attention spans. Short, visually rich content quickly captures the viewer’s interest and sustains it by combining engaging visuals with concise messaging. 

    Platforms such as TikTok, with its bite-sized, highly engaging format, demonstrate the power of video to connect with younger audiences effectively. On platforms like YouTube, longer-form videos offer opportunities to dive deeper into campus life, academic programs, or institutional values.

    Engagement metrics further underscore the importance of video. Social media algorithms prioritize video content, leading to higher visibility and better engagement rates. 

    Studies consistently show that video posts receive significantly more likes, shares, and comments than static posts. This increased interaction enhances the institution’s online presence and builds a stronger connection with potential students by inviting them to engage directly with the content.

    Finally, video content creates a multisensory experience that helps prospective students visualize themselves at the institution. When students see themselves participating in activities, walking the campus, or enjoying the community, they are more likely to form an emotional connection that influences their decision-making process. 

    Example: Here, UC Berkeley shares a short, interesting interview-styled video, optimized for vertical video apps. When choosing a video format and editing your video, be sure to keep your viewer’s short attention span in mind.

    @ucberkeley What do students from around the world know about UC Berkeley? 🐻🌎 #berkeley #ucberkeley #studyabroad #bayarea #publicinterview ♬ original sound – UC Berkeley

    Source: UC Berkeley | TikTok

    Types of Video Ads for Student Recruitment

    To fully leverage video advertising, it’s important to understand the different types of videos that resonate with your audience. Each type serves a unique purpose, allowing schools to communicate effectively across various platforms.  

    Hype Promo Videos

    Hype promo videos are ideal for generating excitement around major announcements, such as launching a new program or an upcoming campus event. These high-energy videos grab attention with dynamic visuals and captivating music, making them perfect for social media platforms where scrolling speeds are fast. 

    While shorter clips work well for platforms like Instagram and TikTok, longer versions can be hosted on the institution’s website or YouTube channel to provide a more comprehensive overview.

    Example: Randolph-Macon Academy uses high-quality footage, eye-catching editing, and epic music to tell a compelling story about the student life experience they offer. Hype promo videos are an excellent avenue for visual storytelling.

    HEM Image 4HEM Image 4

    Source: Randolph – Macon Academy | YouTube

    User-Generated Content

    User-generated content (UGC) is a game-changer for student recruitment. Content created by current students, alumni, or ambassadors exudes authenticity, which prospective students highly value. 

    Whether it’s a student documenting their day on campus or an alumnus sharing their career journey, UGC builds trust and fosters a sense of relatability. Institutions can encourage student participation by offering incentives like branded merchandise or featuring contributors prominently on official channels.

    Example: This UGC video from Cumberland College is authentic and appeals to the desires of a specific Gen-Z audience particularly as the popularity of online careers grows. Throughout your UGC campaign, be sure to focus on highlighting genuine experiences to differentiate the content from a traditional ad.

    @cumberlandcollegebc ✨ Want to give your career a boost? ✨ Our Digital Marketing diploma program will give you the chance to develop the digital skills you need to thrive in today’s business world! 👉👉 $12,000 in financial aid with the new Valued Skills Bursary available when you study online or at our Surrey campus! #DigitalMarketing #Surrey #BC #OnlineLearning #CumberlandCollege ♬ original sound – Cumberland College

    Source: Cumberland College

    DIY Video Tips

    Limited budgets should never deter institutions from producing impactful video content. If you’re wondering how to create video ads on a limited budget, look no further than a modern smartphone. Capable of capturing high-quality footage, you can create professional-looking videos without expensive equipment.

    Simple strategies like natural lighting, stabilizing the camera, and adding subtitles can elevate production quality. Starting small with test videos allows for refinement over time, paving the way for a more robust video marketing strategy.

    Example: Video marketing for schools doesn’t always have to involve highly produced footage. As long as the quality isn’t compromised, and the results are just as engaging, all you really need to get started is a modern smartphone with a decent camera and some creative ideas. Video marketing is heavily trend-driven, particularly on platforms where short-form videos are popular. For your DIY videos, do preliminary research, taking note of the trends that viewers are responding to.

    YouTube videoYouTube video

    Source: Cambridge University | YouTube

    Strategies for Effective Video Content

    Creating effective video ads requires more than just compelling visuals. Institutions must adopt a strategic approach to ensure their content aligns with their goals and resonates with their target audience.

    Focus on Quality Over Quantity

    Every video should reflect the institution’s values, strengths, and mission. To ensure consistently high-quality video content, schools can implement several strategies. 

    First, create clear production guidelines that include lighting, sound, and framing recommendations. These guidelines can help amateur creators, such as students contributing user-generated content, maintain a professional standard.

    When relying on user-generated content (UGC), provide participants basic training or tip sheets on capturing footage. Encourage contributors to use stable tripods, proper lighting, and minimal background noise to enhance video clarity. Offering editing support or simple tools to enhance UGC—such as branded filters or overlays—ensures that the final product aligns with the institution’s brand identity.

    Consistency in quality also comes from pre-production planning. For example, institutions can create storyboards or scripts for key content themes, ensuring each video maintains a cohesive narrative. Review processes are equally critical; assigning a designated team or individual to review and approve content before publication allows schools to catch inconsistencies and errors early.

    Investing in scalable tools, such as video editing software or mobile apps, allows schools to polish videos before posting. Paired with these efforts, periodic feedback sessions with creators can help refine content over time. A single high-quality video can generate more engagement and drive more conversions than a series of poorly produced clips.

    Segment Videos by Topic

    Educational institutions cater to diverse audiences, each with unique interests and priorities. By creating topic-specific videos, schools can address these varying needs effectively. For instance, one video might highlight academic programs, while another focuses on student life or campus facilities. 

    This segmentation ensures prospective students receive information tailored to their interests, enhancing engagement and encouraging further exploration.

    Example: Organize your videos into playlists to make it easier for viewers to find what they’re looking for as the University of Toronto did on their YouTube page in the image below.

    HEM Image 7HEM Image 7

    Source: University of Toronto

    Showcase Real Success Stories

    Nothing resonates more deeply than genuine success stories. Featuring interviews with current students, alumni, or faculty members allows institutions to highlight real-world outcomes and the impact of their programs. 

    These narratives provide relatable insights that prospective students can envision for themselves, making the institution’s offerings more tangible and aspirational.

    To create compelling success story videos, schools should start by identifying standout students or alumni whose journeys reflect the institution’s values and strengths. 

    Conduct interviews in visually appealing settings, such as iconic campus locations, to give viewers a sense of place. Incorporate diverse voices and experiences to ensure the stories resonate with a wide audience.

    Actionable strategies include integrating authentic visuals, such as clips of the featured individual participating in classes, engaging in extracurricular activities, or achieving milestones in their careers. Pair these visuals with concise, heartfelt narratives that emphasize personal growth and accomplishments.

    For consistency and quality, schools can create a structured framework for storytelling. This might include opening with a brief introduction, highlighting the challenges or goals the individual faced, and concluding with their achievements and future aspirations. Encourage participants to speak naturally, as unscripted moments often feel more genuine and relatable.

    Additionally, amplify the impact of these stories by embedding them into broader marketing campaigns. Share snippets on social media, include them in email outreach, or feature them prominently on the institution’s website. This multi-channel approach ensures that success stories reach prospective students at various touchpoints, enhancing their overall effectiveness.

    Boost Engagement with CTAs

    Every video should include a clear and compelling Call-To-Action (CTA). CTAs are the bridge between engagement and action, guiding viewers to take the next step in their journey with the institution. To craft effective CTAs, schools should focus on clarity and relevance. For instance, a video showcasing campus life might end with an invitation to “Book a Campus Tour,” while a testimonial video could encourage viewers to “Apply Today and Start Your Journey.”

    The placement and timing of CTAs are equally important. CTAs placed at the end of a video often drive action most effectively, as viewers are already immersed in the content. However, mid-video CTAs can also be used strategically in longer videos to re-engage audiences who may drop off before the end. Interactive elements like clickable links or embedded forms can make CTAs even more effective by reducing friction for viewers.

    Customization of CTAs based on the platform is another key strategy. On YouTube, a CTA might take the form of a video overlay or end screen, while Instagram could use stickers or swipe-up features. These platform-specific approaches ensure that the CTA feels natural and intuitive to the viewer.

    Finally, measuring the success of CTAs is critical. Schools can track metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, and engagement to refine their approach over time. A/B testing different CTA phrasing or formats can also provide valuable insights into what resonates most with prospective students. With these strategies in place, CTAs can transform passive viewership into active interest and tangible results.

    Overcoming Challenges in Video Marketing

    Despite its benefits, video marketing comes with its own set of challenges. Educational institutions must address these hurdles to maximize the impact of their campaigns.

    Privacy and Legal Compliance

    Privacy concerns are paramount when creating promotional content involving students. Institutions should implement consent forms and adhere to relevant regulations to ensure that all video materials comply with legal requirements. Transparency in this process not only safeguards the institution but also builds trust with stakeholders.

    Maintaining Brand Cohesion

    Consistency is key to building a strong brand identity. To achieve this, schools should develop a brand style guide that outlines visual and messaging standards for all video content. This ensures that every video aligns with the institution’s overall branding, reinforcing recognition and credibility.

    Generating Fresh Content

    Keeping content fresh and engaging can be a challenge, especially for institutions with limited resources. One solution is to develop themes or “content buckets,” such as academic achievements, campus events, or faculty highlights. This approach provides a structured framework for content creation, making it easier to maintain a steady flow of new material.

    Leveraging Stock Footage

    For institutions with constrained budgets, stock footage offers a cost-effective alternative to original video production. By customizing stock footage with branded elements like logos or text overlays, schools can create visually appealing content that feels authentic and aligned with their messaging.

    Enhancing Impact with Professional Elements

    While authenticity is critical, incorporating professional touches can elevate video quality and make content more impactful. Techniques like using green screens, investing in studio settings, and optimizing videos for mobile viewing can significantly enhance production value. 

    Additionally, tailoring content for specific platforms—such as LinkedIn for professional audiences or Instagram for visual storytelling—ensures maximum reach and engagement.

    Building Trust Through Authenticity

    Authenticity is the cornerstone of effective video marketing. Overly polished advertisements can sometimes feel impersonal, while genuine, unscripted content fosters emotional connections. 

    Videos that highlight real student experiences, showcase unfiltered moments, or provide behind-the-scenes glimpses into campus life resonate deeply with prospective students, making them more likely to consider the institution.

    Cost-Effectiveness and ROI

    Video marketing doesn’t have to break the bank. User-generated content, in particular, offers a highly cost-effective way to create engaging videos. Encouraging students and alumni to contribute content not only reduces production costs but also enhances relatability. 

    When paired with strong CTAs, video ads often outperform other formats in generating conversions, making them a high-ROI investment for student recruitment campaigns.

    Example: Pictured below are the average conversion rates of various traffic sources. Second only to organic traffic (referring to visitors that complete a desired action after finding your institution through unpaid search results), video marketing boasts a high 4.8% conversion rate making it a worthy investment.

    HEM Image 8HEM Image 8

    Source: Business Dasher

    In review, what are the best video marketing strategies for schools? Creating effective video ads requires you to go beyond compelling visuals. Schools need to adopt a strategic approach to ensure their content aligns with their goals and resonates with their target audience. 

    This includes focusing on quality over quantity by creating visually appealing and professional videos that reflect the institution’s values. Schools should also segment their video content by topic to cater to the diverse interests of their prospective students, ensuring each video delivers targeted and relevant information.

    Leveraging real success stories is another impactful strategy, as these narratives provide relatable and aspirational insights. Institutions should also craft clear and engaging calls-to-action (CTAs) that guide viewers toward the desired next steps, such as applying or signing up for a campus tour. 

    Ensuring consistency in quality, brand cohesion, and authenticity while addressing privacy concerns and optimizing for platform-specific formats will further enhance the effectiveness of video ads. By combining these strategies, you can create videos that capture attention and drive meaningful engagement and conversions.

    Video ads are transforming digital marketing strategies for schools. Embracing this powerful medium can significantly amplify your reach, foster emotional connections, and drive enrollment. From leveraging user-generated content to creating high-quality promotional videos, the strategies outlined in this guide provide a roadmap for success. 

    Don’t get left behind as marketing trends evolve. Institutions that prioritize video marketing will be better positioned to connect with the next generation of students and thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape. The time to invest in video ads is now and we can help you get started.

    Struggling to stand out in a crowded market?

    Boost Enrollment with Engaging Short Videos

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Question: How to create video ads on a limited budget?

    Answer: Look no further than a modern smartphone. Capable of capturing high-quality footage, you can create professional-looking videos without expensive equipment. Simple strategies like using natural lighting, stabilizing the camera, and adding subtitles can elevate production quality.

    Question: What are the best video marketing strategies for schools?

    Answer: Creating effective video ads requires you to go beyond compelling visuals. Schools need to adopt a strategic approach to ensure their content aligns with their goals and resonates with their target audience.

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  • Online Teaching Challenges Using Virtual Classroom Software

    Online Teaching Challenges Using Virtual Classroom Software

    What is a virtual classroom software?

    A virtual classroom is a digital replica of a traditional classroom, the only difference is that it uses technical tools to interact with students in real-time. The virtual classroom software for teachers helps higher education institutions to manage classes remotely using interactive tools for collaboration, brainstorming, ideation, and discussion. All this is followed by instant assessments and result publications to measure the learning that happened in the session.


    The sudden school closures and the need of Virtual classroom software for teachers

    There can never be a PAUSE mode for Education nor Learning. But what if a situation demands it? Let’s take the example of our current COVID-19 scenario.

    The UNESCO states that globally, over 1.3 billion children are out of the classroom, across 186 countries, as on March 2020.



    There are schools and universities closures everywhere, forcing educational institutions to look for an option to deal with the crisis.

    Thanks to the distinctive rise in the online teaching environment and virtual classroom software, what we could now call the only future of higher education and universities.

    Even the traditional universities and higher eds that were once tabooed to using online teaching are now racing to adapt their programmes and classes to online alternatives. The situation may be pressing, but retorting to any technology wouldn’t help.

    An intuitive, high-end, modern, virtual classroom software for teachers would serve the purpose—a tool that acts as a bridge to offering uninterrupted teaching/learning even during the difficult times.

    Creatrix Campus is end-to-end higher education software that brings campus online on-the-go. You could plan online exams, assignments, execute tasks, conduct online quizzes, group discussions, polling, all virtually.

    Creatrix Campus virtual campus management system has always helped faculty indulge in successful ways of teaching, revolutionizing digital education.

    There’s data analysis, visualization, forecast of assessments that predict learning outcomes, personalized learning pathways for students, and much more. We have figured out 12 successful ways by which Creatrix facilitates successful online teaching and learning, virtually. Here are they;


    How to Create an Engaging Virtual Classroom Environment with Virtual classroom software for teachers




    1. Get scheduled first

    Now, this is a great feature to start an online classroom—setting up schedules and a set of predefined rules.

    Faculty are allowed to create schedules that most suits their online sessions. Creatrix Scheduling allows schedule creation based on faculty and student preferences.

    Multiple class schedules could be created for different time periods with options to add, edit or cancel schedules, and assign student groups, all this without conflicts.

    There’s enough flexibility here. While any new and complicated topic can be scheduled up in the forenoon, the rest can make up for the afternoon session. Achieving a balanced timetable schedule is also possible with faculty management software that will accommodate all changes instantly and meet your criteria.


    2. Build a course and student community

    The next crucial step in virtual teaching lies in the creation of a course and student community. The faculty is the moderator and the courses she creates are the community. On logging in, the faculty would see the list of batches he handles on her personal dashboard.

    The act of the faculty clicking on a particular batch is alike to the real-life scenario of getting into a classroom, with the bunch of students waiting to be marked attendance, hear their performance reports, and submission of assignments, etc. Before the class commences, the faculty marks attendance of the day.

    Nothing goes lacking in this sort of online teaching. Faculty plans well ahead of the classes with a solid curriculum management system from Creatrix.

    The faculty strategically adapt to the industry trends as well as the unique needs of the students. There’s enough option to track the daily progress of the students in line with the curriculum.


    3. Digitize the course contents

    At Creatrix we know the real purpose of a virtual LMS; we make learning enjoyable, accessible, and meaningful to students, improving their learning outcomes.

    The faculty takes control of the class, adding course materials to suit her course’s plan. Creatrix virtual Learning Management System (LMS) is brings in a lot of tools for applying various learning models in a wide range of digital formats.

    Instructors are allowed to create, upload, the course’s content, back it up with videos and files, deliver them to students, assign tasks and assessments, administer and track their progress, followed by record-keeping. There’s complete transparency on all these processes.

    The topic planned and covered are kept track of and those that need attention are extended for longer hours. The simplified workflows in Creatrix helps to focus students by giving constructive feedback and personalized recommendations.


    4. Adopt collaborative tools to maximize participation

    Virtual teaching is successful only when there’s maximum student participation. Creatrix has many collaborative and communication tools to keep the students glued to the actual teaching process.

    Creatrix virtual LMS allows students to team up on live sessions and video conferencing through external integrated tool.

    Faculty can put forward techniques including quizzes, debates, interactive discussions, etc. There are options to share additional resources for any topic by uploading videos, share relevant PDFs, PPTs, website links, etc. The sessions could be made more fun by bringing in polling, surveys, and map each topic with learning outcomes.




    Creatrix Campus’s Virtual LMS comes with adaptive teaching models like blended learning, self-paced learning, collaborative learning, and flipped learning to arouse student participation. The lesson planner option in Creatrix helps users to plan and execute both physical and virtual classes for the same course.


    5. Focus on keeping the students engaged

    Online remote classes at any cost should be made interesting, mainly because the faculty-student is not in direct interaction. Classes hence have to be delivered in such a way that it builds engagement for learning.

    Creatrix has the Digital Whiteboard tools which come with a virtual pointer to facilitate brainstorming activities. In addition, there are discussion forums and messaging, which is another way of keeping students engaged. 

    Just like how Quora, Yahoo Answers, and Reddit act as amazing discussion forums, Creatrix LMS does the same. 

    The activity wall acts as a message board for further collaboration; students get to post doubtful questions, create polls, and share documents with faculty and his peers.

    There are enough ways a faculty could add advantage to online teaching by sharing learning videos, texts, podcasts to students.


    6. Introduce self-learning techniques

    Not all courses in the syllabus would call for a synchronous way of teaching. Some subject’s objectives maybe just research and self-learning. Creatrix virtual LMS creates a self-learning environment that gives enough room for real-time student engagement and self-reflection.

    On completion of topics, student take up auto-assigned, online assessments and quizzes that are used to track their understanding level on the current topic. Uploading videos related to the topic expands the learners to self-learn.

    The progress the student makes can be seen in their personalized dashboards on their real-time status bar reports displaying current, past, and future course progresses, along with the tasks due.

    The faculty’s journey is similar to a facilitator who provides relevant resources and course materials, create tutorials, short lessons, all made possible through online course repositories.

    Students could take part in live streaming and self-paced learning (video upload), conveniently accessible from a single point.


    7. Centralize the communication efforts

    There should be an organized way of communication keeping both the students and their parents/guardians informed about the teaching happening.

    This allows the stakeholders to stay informed with auto-notified alerts and reminders about deadlines on assignment submission, feedback, as well as missed topics. They get real-time status via email, SMS, and push notifications.


    8. Customize the testing and assessments for personalized learning outcome

    This is an unmissable feature in any online teaching. Assessments help to gauge the learner’s proficiency. Customizing them is incidentally what most software systems lack.

    With customized assessments, faculty have the option to personalize tests for students with different attainment levels. This gives the option to focus on weaker students in a much better way.

    Creatrix has options to conduct both online and offline Assessments/assignments in the form of quizzes, MCQs, long papers, articles, followed by instant onscreen evaluation. Based on the learning outcomes mapping, the system would then intimate the students attainment levels, individually.


    9. Get gamified

    A good online teaching platform should work on making things simple for the learners. They won’t really enjoy teaching that’s monotonous, after all, their eyes are starring the digital devices all day long.

    Pick out elements of game playing to add spice to your teaching. Students look for such a twist in their learning experience.

    Assign tasks and projects online, track the submission rates, and provide them badges or scores.

    Integrate with the course schedule and bring forth activity-based learning in line with the Curriculum. This will help instructors and students track topics better. Students, on the other hand, will have access to course information times during absenteeism. Wouldn’t that be great?


    10. Link to Incidents Tracking

    There are also options to deal with tardy behavior. Online teaching doesn’t mean you have to compromise on bad behavior incidents, students cheating during online exams by conducting online proctoring etc. A university management software with conduct management system make sense here.




    Instantly parents get notified in real-time via email, SMS alerts, and push notifications.
    Besides capturing incidents, rules could be configured, discipline letters created, referrals initiated, analyze trends, and generate reports for faster decision-making to resolve behavior problems.


    11. Reporting

    With real-time reporting, instructors should be able to generate real-time reports, right in their hand. They get to know the stand of their students and work on their continuous improvement gradually.

    The instructor could track those students who are accessing the course content and who isn’t.

    Creatrix classroom management software is capable of generating real-time reports including students’ demographics, assignments, attendance, assignments, fee payments, grades, discipline incidents, coursework, assignments, etc.

    All these reports from the virtual classroom software help at deriving insights into learning for a bigger picture of the institutional reporting.

    The best thing about using Creatrix Online LMS is student’s progress data is right in their hands. They have the ability to track their own progress, their dips and ups with the progress status bar on their personal dashboard.

    They get to view the current, past, and future course progresses, along with the tasks due.


    12. Mobile support, 24*7

    Wrap up all the above-mentioned features into an all-time accessible mobile app!  A mobile tool is a necessity to support students with uninterrupted learning these days.

    Creatrix Online Learning Management System (OLMS) gives any time, anywhere access to learning where students team up for live sessions via mobile devices and tablets.

    They get the feel of in-the-classroom training with options to view the session’s content visually and communicate via text chat and audio; they can submit assignments, view grades & course materials, and interact with each other just the way they would do in the real classroom.



    It’s high time we try and reset higher education learning to meet the present 2020 demands by giving uninterrupted online learning.

    A virtual classroom software for teachers is the call of the day; a tool like Creatrix Campus is sure to break the shackle that disrupts the flow of higher education by waking up to a better tomorrow.

    Let the higher education institutions get into virtual learning mode and blend with technology for incessant learning even during a crisis like Covid-19 and beyond. Connect with team Creatrix Campus to learn more about virtual classroom software for teachers!

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