Category: 1. Predictions

  • The Double Slit Experiment in Space-time.

    The Double Slit Experiment in Space-time.

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    Richard Feynman the father of Quantum Electrodynamics or “OED” realized the significance of Thompson’s double slit experiment because he felt carefully thinking through its implications would allow one to get complete understanding of the wave particle duality of existence predicted by Quantum Mechanics.

    However, one can understand it in terms of the classical properties of wave mechanics and the space-time universe defined by Einstein.

    The double slit experiment is made up of a coherent source of photons illuminating a screen after passing through a thin plate with two parallel slits cut in it.  Their wave properties cause them to interfere after passing through both slits, creating an interference pattern of bright and dark bands on the screen.  However, at the screen, the light is always found to be absorbed as discrete particles, called photons.

    When only one slit is open, the pattern on the screen is a diffraction pattern however, when both slits are open, the pattern is similar but with much more detailed.  These facts were elucidated by Thomas Young in a paper entitled “Experiments and Calculations Relative to Physical Optics,” published in 1803 wrote “To a very high degree of success, these results could be explained by the method of Huygens–Fresnel principle that is based on the hypothesis that light consists of waves propagated through some medium.

    However, discovery of the photoelectric effect made it necessary to go beyond classical physics and take the quantum nature of light into account.

    It is a widespread misunderstanding that, when the two slits are open but a detector is added to determine which one a photon has passed through, the interference pattern no longer forms and it yields two simple patterns, one from each slit, without interference.

    This is because there are ways to determine which slit it passed through in which the interference pattern will be changed but not be completely wiped out.  For instance, by placing an atom at the position of each slit and monitoring whether one of these atoms is influenced by photon passing through it the interference pattern will be changed but not be completely wiped out.

    But the most baffling part of this experiment comes when only one photon at a time impacts a barrier with two opened slits because an interference pattern forms which is similar to what it was when multiple photons were impacting the barrier.  This is a clear implication the particle called a photon has a wave component, which simultaneously passes through both slits and interferes with itself.  (The experiment works with electrons, atoms, and even some molecules too.)”

    Many believe the importance of this experiment is that it demonstrates both the duality of the wave and particle properties of photons and the concepts of superposition and quantum interference.

    Yet, one can understand this experiment in terms of the classical properties of waves and Relativity because they tell us an electromagnetic wave moves continuously through space-time unless it is prevented from doing so by someone observing or something interacting with it.  This would result in its energy being confined in three-dimensional space.  The science of wave mechanics also tells us the three-dimensional “walls” of this confinement will result in its energy being reflected back on itself thereby creating a resonant standing wave in three-dimensional space.  This would cause its energy to be concentrated at the point in space where a particle would be found.  Additionally, wave mechanics also tells us the energy of a resonant system, such as a standing wave which this confinement would create can only take on the discrete or quantized values associated with its fundamental or a harmonic of its fundamental frequency.

    Additionally, it also tells us a particle would have an extended volume equal to the wavelength associated with its standing wave.

    (Note the boundaries or “walls” of its confinement would be defined by its wave properties.  If an electromagnetic wave is prevented from moving through space it will be reflected back on itself.  However, that reflected wave still cannot move through space therefore it will be reflected back creating a standing wave.  Putting it another way the wave itself defines its boundaries because if it cannot move though space it MUST STAND in place in the form of a standing wave.)

    Putting it in the vernacular of Quantum Mechanics when an electromagnetic wave is prevented from moving through space either by being observed or encountering an object its “Collapses” to a form a standing wave that would define the quantized energy Quantum Mechanics associates with a particle.

    It shows the reason why the interference pattern remains when one photon at a time is fired at the barrier with both slits open or “the most baffling part of this experiment” is because, as mentioned earlier it is made up of an electromagnetic wave, therefore it occupies an extended volume which is directly related to its wavelength.

    This means a portion of its energy could simultaneously pass through both slits, if the diameter of its volume exceeds the separation of the slits and recombine on the other side to generate an interference pattern.

    However, if its energy is prevented from moving through space by contacting the screen it will be confined to three-dimensional space causing it to be concentrated in a standing wave that as mentioned earlier would define the energy of the photon that impacted the screen.

    Additionally, because the energy of the standing wave which earlier was shown to define the quantum properties of a photon is dependent on its frequency the energy of the particle has when it contacts the screen must have the same energy.  Therefore, where it appears on the screen will be determined by where the interference of the wave properties from each slit combine to produce enough energy to support the standing wave associated with its particle properties.

    It also explains why the interference pattern disappears, in MOST cases when a detector is added to determine which slit a photon passes through is because the energy required to measure it causes the wavelength of the one being measured to change so that it will not have the same resonant characteristics as one that passed through the other slit.  Therefore, the energy passing thought that slit will not be able to interact, in MOST cases with the energy passing through the other one and no interference pattern will form.

    However, it also explains why, as was mentioned earlier “there are ways to determine which slit a photon’s energy passed through that will cause a change in the interference pattern but will not completely wipe it out.

    The reason for this is if the energy passing through one of the two slits is altered by a relatively small amount compared to what it originally was, classical wave mechanics tells us it will be able to interact to form a slightly different resonant structure with a slightly different interference pattern on the other side than would be the case if no measurement was taken.

    However, this also means one should be able to use the science of wave mechanics and the physical properties of space-time to quantify the maximum amount of energy a measuring device can remove from the wave while passing through a slit that will permit the interference pattern although somewhat altered to be re-established on the other side.

    For example, if the above interpretation for the double slit experiment is correct one should be able to use the science of wave mechanics to calculate the energy required to cause specific shift in the interference and determine if it matches the energy taken out of the system by the detecting equipment.

    This provides an experimental way of determining if the results of the Thompson’s double slit experiment are due to physical properties of space-time or the quantum properties of the wave function because if the pattern disappears above that value and reappears below it would suggest the above explanation is valid.  If not, it would suggest the quantum mechanical one is.

    Einstein’s Explanation of the Unexplainable 




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  • Article 45 Defining Maxwells Equation in terms of the physical properties of space time

    Article 45 Defining Maxwells Equation in terms of the physical properties of space time

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    Einstein’s Explanation of the Unexplainable

    In Maxwell’s mathematical formulation of electromagnetism, he defined light as a propagating electromagnetic wave created by the interaction of its electric and magnetic fields

    While Einstein in his General Theory of Relativity defined the forces associated with gravity in terms of a geometric curvature or spatial displacement in space-time caused by its energy density.

    Additionally, he showed that it was directed along the radius of the curvature in the two-dimensional plane that was parallel to it.

    Therefore, to explain how Maxwells equations can be defined in terms of a space-time environment one must show how both the observable and mathematical properties of an electromagnetic: such as why its wave properties are created by the interaction of its electric and magnetic fields and why polarized light has a perpendicular orientation in terms of the geometry of space time.

    Additionally, one must also show why its electrical and magnetic components are in phase, it’s the only form of energy that can move at the speed of light along with the defining the reason why it always appears as a photon when observed or interacts with its environment in terms of that same geometry.

    As was just mentioned gravity’s force vector is along the radius of one of dimensional plains of three-dimensional space.  However, that does not mean the other two plains of three-dimensional space cannot contribute to energy content of space.

    The fact that light is polarized supports that assumption because it allows one to understand the mechanism responsible for its perpendicular orientation in terms light waves moving on the different dimensional plains that are perpendicular to each other.

    However, one ALSO allow one to explain both the observations and Maxwell equations in terms of the dimensional prosperity of space if one assumes the electrical and magnetic are components of light are propagated by spatial displacements created by an energy wave moving on the surface of one of those two-dimensional plains.

    (This assumption is supported by Einstein suggestion that spatial displacements in one of the three-dimensional plains of three-dimensional space is responsible for gravitational energy.

    One can understand the mechanism responsible by using the analogy of how a wave on the two-dimensional surface of water causes a point on that surface to become displaced or rise above or below the equilibrium point that existed before the wave was present.

    The science of wave mechanics tells us a force would be developed by those displacements which would result in the elevated and depressed portions of the water moving towards or becoming “attracted” to each other and the surface of the water.

    Similarly, an energy wave on the “surface” on one of the two spatial dimensions that are perpendicular to the axis of gravitational forces would cause a point on that “surface” to become displaced or rise above and below the equilibrium point that existed before the wave was present.

    Therefore, classical wave mechanics, if extrapolated to the properties of two of the three spatial dimensions of our universe that are perpendicular the one responsible for gravity tells us a force will be developed by the differential displacements of energy wave which will result in its elevated and depressed portions moving towards or become “attracted” to each other as the wave moves through space.

    This would define the causality of the attractive electrical fields associated with an electromagnetic wave in terms of a force caused by the alternating displacements of a wave moving with respect to time on a “surface” of the two spatial dimensions which are perpendicular to the axis of gravitational forces.

    However, it also provides a classical mechanism for understanding why similar electrical fields repel each other.  This is because observations of waves show there is a direct relationship between the magnitude of a displacement in its “surface” to the magnitude of the force resisting that displacement.

    Similarly, the magnitude of multiple displacements in a “surface” of a two-dimensional plain in space-time will be greater than that caused by a single one.  Therefore, they will repel each other because the magnitude of the force resisting the displacement will be greater than it would be for a single one.

    One can also derive the magnetic component of an electromagnetic wave in terms of the horizontal force developed along the axis that is perpendicular to the displacement caused by its peaks and troughs associated with the electric fields.

    This would be analogous to how the perpendicular displacement of a mountain generates a horizontal force on the surface of the earth, which pulls matter horizontally towards the apex of that displacement.

    This also explain why the electrical and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave are in phase or maximum at the same time in terms of the geometric properties of space time defined by Einstein

    However, it also provides an explanation for why electromagnetic waves can transmit energy through space at the speed of light.

    The observations and the science of wave mechanics tell us waves move energy through water, causing it to move in a circular motion therefore it does not actually travel with waves.  In other words, waves transmit energy, not water, across the ocean and if not obstructed by anything, they have the potential to travel across an entire ocean basin.

    Similarly, an electromagnetic wave will cause the geometry of space time to move in a circular motion and therefore the geometric components of space Einstein associated with mass do not move with respect to its velocity vector.  Additionally, if not obstructed by anything, they have the potential to travel across an entire universe to the velocity of light.

    As was just shown the speed of a wave on water is defined in part by the rate at which its particles interact.

    Therefore, the speed of light would depend on the rate at which the electrical and magnetic components interact.

    Therefore, its velocity is constant in free space with no obstacles to its motion because the rate at which its electrical and magnetic components interact is constant.

    However, to understand how and why an electromagnetic wave evolves into photon one must connect its evolution to that environment.

    One can accomplish this by using the science of wave mechanics and the properties of space-time as define by Einstein.

    For example, an electromagnetic wave is observed to move continuously through space and time unless it is prevented from doing so by someone or something interacting with it.  This would result in its energy being confined to three-dimensional space.  The science of wave mechanics tells us the three-dimensional “walls” of this confinement will result in its energy being reflected back on itself thereby creating a resonant or standing wave in three-dimensional space.  This would cause its wave energy to be concentrated at the point in space were a particle would be found.

    Additionally, wave mechanics also tells us the energy of a resonant system, such as a standing wave can only take on the discrete or quantized values associated with its fundamental or a harmonic of its fundamental frequency.

    This explains why an electromagnetic wave if it is prevented from moving through space-time either by being observed or encountering an object is reduced or “Collapses” to a form a standing wave that would define the quantized energy Quantum Mechanics associates with a particle.

    However, this also provides a Classical mechanism in terms of Einstein theories for defining one of the core principals Quantum Mechanics in that when field properties light and all other forms of energy are prevented from moving through space either by being observed or encountering an object that energy will become quantized in the form of a particle.

    This shows how one can define all of the mathematical of Maxwells equation in terms of the physical properties of space time

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  • A background independent quantum gravity in terms of Relativity.

    A background independent quantum gravity in terms of Relativity.

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    Einstein’s Explanation of the Unexplainable

    Background independence is a condition in theoretical physics that requires the defining equations of a theory to be independent of the actual shape of spacetime and the value of various fields within it. In particular this means that it must be possible not to refer to a specific coordinate system—the theory must be coordinate-free. In addition, the different spacetime configurations (or backgrounds) should be obtained as different solutions of the underlying equations.

    Einstein defined gravity and the shape or geometry of space in terms of its energy density while defining the interaction of gravitating bodies in terms of a gravity wave moving through space. Therefore, to define a background independent quantum gravity one must first show why its energy is quantized and then show why it is independent of the geometry and the value of the various fields within the spacetime it occupies.

    Relatively and the science of wave mechanics tells us wave energy moves continuously through space-time unless it is prevented from doing so by someone or something interacting with it. This would result in its energy being confined to three-dimensional space. The science of wave mechanics also tells us the three-dimensional “walls” of this confinement will result in its energy being reflected back on itself thereby creating a resonant or standing wave in three-dimensional space. This would cause its wave energy to be concentrated at the point in space were a particle would be found. Additionally, wave mechanics also tells us the energy of a resonant system, such as a standing wave can only take on the discrete or quantized values associated with its fundamental or a harmonic of its fundamental frequency.

    This defines how and why the field properties of space time can evolve to create a quantized increase in the energy density and therefore gravity in a space-time environment.

    This suggests the quantization of gravity is not a fundamental property of space but a dynamic one of continuous property of space-time.

    As was mentioned earlier Einstein defined gravity and the shape or geometry of space in terms of its energy density. However as was shown above its value would be independent of the value of the various fields within it and the coordinate system in which it is formed because its geometry is only related to the number and quantum properties of particles in a volume of space.

    However, some feel that this would contradict the fact that gravity waves cause acceleration when they interact with objects which they feel suggests they are background dependent because they change geometry of space as they move through it.

    The reason this is not true is because the energy density associated with a mass is static or unchanging with respect to the geometry of space, it can be defined by the background independent equation of Special Relativity.

    However, because Einstein defined the propagation of energy including gravitational in terms of waves moving through space at the speed of light means the energy associated with a collision of two gravitating masses would result in that energy being radiated through space at the speed of light in the form of gravity waves.  This suggests they would obey the same laws that govern the relativistic properties of space and time associated with background. independent properties of electromagnetic energy in Special Relativity.

    This is how Einstein could have defined a background independent quantum gravity in terms of the relativistic properties of space time as defined by him.

    Einstein’s Explanation of the Unexplainable


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  • Einstein on the internal structure of protons and neutrons

    Einstein on the internal structure of protons and neutrons

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    Einstein’s Explanation of the Unexplainable

    It can be shown Einstein may have been able to derive the internal structure of protons and neutrons if he was aware they had one before he died.  This is because he was the first to define the flexibility of the spatial dimensions when he defined the force of gravity in terms of a curvature in them.

    Observations of hadrons such as protons and neutrons confirmed they are made up of distinct components called quarks of which there are six types, the UP/Down, Charm/Strange and Top/Bottom. The Up, Charm and Top have a fractional charge of 2/3. While the Down, Strange and Bottom have a fractional charge of -1/3. However, no one has been able to define their internal structure in terms of observations.

    However, another property of quarks defined by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), is their color charge which are red, green, and blue. It assumes each one is made up of three different colors of quarks red, blue and green and only the combinations of the colors that produce “white” can be found in a stable particle.

    It will be shown the color charge of each quark represents orientation of three two-dimensional plane (xy, yz, xz) of three-dimensional space responsible of its charge.

    For example, red would represent the xy plane green, the yz, and blue xz. The fact that three-dimensional space contains only one of each explains why particle must be composed of one each color to be stable.

    However, before we begin, we must first define how and why the color charge of a quark is related to the two-dimensional planes mentioned earlier

    As was shown in Article 12 (page 61) the alternating charge of an electromagnetic wave are the result of displacement in the two-dimensional planes of space that it is moving on. .

    Briefly it showed the electric and magnetic components of an electromagnetic wave are the result of a spatial displacement in the two-dimensional “surface” of three-dimension space.

    One can understand the mechanism responsible by using the analogy of how a wave on the two-dimensional surface of water causes a point on that surface to become displaced or rise above or below the equilibrium point that existed before the wave was present.

    The science of wave mechanics tells us a force would be developed by these displacements which would result in the elevated and depressed portions of the water moving towards or becoming “attracted” to each other and the surface of the water.

    Similarly, an energy wave on the “surface” of the two spatial dimensions that are perpendicular to the axis of gravitational forces would cause a point on that “surface” to become displaced or rise above and below the equilibrium point that existed before the wave was present.

    Therefore, classical wave mechanics, if extrapolated to the properties of two of the three spatial dimensions of our universe tell us a force will be developed by the differential displacements caused by an energy wave on it which will result in its elevated and depressed portions moving towards or become “attracted” to each other as the wave moves through space.

    This would define the causality of the attractive electrical fields associated with an electromagnetic wave in terms of a force caused by the alternating displacements of a wave moving with respect to time on a “surface” of the two spatial dimensions which are perpendicular to the axis of gravitational forces.

    However, it also provides a classical mechanism for understanding why similar electrical fields repel each other. This is because observations of waves show there is a direct relationship between the magnitude of a displacement in its “surface” to the magnitude of the force resisting that displacement.

    Similarly, the magnitude of a displacement in a “surface” of the two spatial dimensions will be greater than that caused by a single one. Therefore, they will repel each other because the magnitude of the force resisting the displacement will be greater than it would be for a single one.

    One can also derive the magnetic component of an electromagnetic wave in terms of the horizontal force developed along the axis that is perpendicular to the displacement caused by its peaks and troughs associated with the electric fields. This would be analogous to how the perpendicular displacement of a mountain generates a horizontal force on the surface of the earth, which pulls matter horizontally towards the apex of that displacement.

    Even though the above explanation of how a charge is related to an alternating displacement in the “surface” of three-dimensional space it also can explain a static one in terms of their relative positions in.

    For example, Einstein showed us if a two-dimensional plane is displaced with respect to another in three-dimensional space a force responsible for static charge would be developed similar as was shown earlier to how the peaks and valleys of an electromagnetic did.

    As was mentioned earlier Einstein define forces such as gravity in terms of the flexibility of the spatial dimensions.

    However, one can derive the internal structure of protons and neutrons if one assumes orientation of the color charges of quarks are the result of the flexibility of the two-dimensional planes which earlier were defined as being responsible for them.

    This is because for a proton or neutron to be stable in three-dimension space the orientation of the xy, yz, and xz dimensional planes must perpendicular to each other

    If they are not, they will be unstable.

    For examine the two up quarks of proton each with a color charge of two would contain 4 two-dimensional planes (one for each charge).  However, according to Einstein each dimensional plane has the flexibility to orient itself to oppose or cancel the charge of another one.  Therefore, when up quark combines with a down quark the two-dimensional plane that define its charge can orient itself to oppose or cancel one of the charges of the up quarks.  This means it will have forces only 3 of 4 dimensional planes associated with the 2 up quarks

    This will form a stable structure in three-dimensional space because it contains the (xy, yz, xz) planes which can be perpendicular to each other.

    Neutrons on the other hand contains one up quark and two down quarks.  It is neutral because the 1/3 charge on each of the two down quarks cancel the 2/3 charge of the up quark.

    But it also consists four two dimensional planes which means it cannot exist in three-dimensional space.

    However, when close enough to a proton it can borrow enough binding energy required to cause its two down quarks to line up along the same two-dimensional plane of three-dimension space. This will result in that plane having the opposite color charge of two down quarks which will result in a neutron having no charge when it interacts with the two charges of the up quark This also means the xy, yz, xz planes would define the three-dimensional volume of a neutron it because they do not have any of the forces that define it color charge. This is true even though one may have twice the color charge of the other two. This will result in it being stable when near enough to borrow some binding energy from proton

    However. when a neutron it is not the two two-dimensional planes that define the color charges of the down quarks will not line up resulting in it having 4 dimensional planes resulting in it being unstable and decaying in a proton electron and neutrino.

    As was mentioned earlier a stable electric charge is the result of a static spatial displacement in a two-dimensional plain of the three-dimensional space.

    This suggests one could describe their geometry in terms of how those planes are oriented.

    For example, if a proton is made up two up quarks each with a positive charge of 2/3 and its charge is the result of a displacement in dimensional plane of three-dimensional space each one would contain 2 and combined would contain 4.

    However, this means a proton would consist of four spatial dimensions which could not exist in our three-dimensional universe.  Therefore, to correct that it attracts a down quark which has a negative or opposite spatial displacement with respect to one of those dimensional planes.  This would reduce its spatial properties to three allowing it to exist in our universe.

    However, it also would change their orientation with respect each other. Instead of being perpendicular it would be 60-degree. This is because as was just mentioned the 2 up quarks of a proton would contain 4 dimensional planes creating four-dimensional spatial object which cannot exist in three-dimensional space.  However, when it combines with the negative dimensional energy Einstein would have associated a down quark it cancels out one of the four dimensional planes associated with the 2 up quarks of a proton leaving only three which can exist in three-dimensional space.

    But when one removes one side of a square it allows one of three sides to connect to one of the others to form an equilateral triangle This suggest the energy associated with the rearraigning the orientation of dimensional planes from 90 degrees to 60 creating the object which is responsible for both the positive charge and stability of a proton. I believe Einstein would have come to this conclusion if he as was mentioned earlier, he had known protons had an internal structure.


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  • A fan of Einstein’s work? This is the book for you.

    A fan of Einstein’s work? This is the book for you.

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    While new technological advancements grace humankind every day, it is astonishing that some long-gone scientists have produced research that is very much relevant today. As new research about the universe comes to light, we see that research done years ago is being proven right. One of these brilliant scientists that have stood the test of time is the great Albert Einstein. Unbelievable as it may be, the studies and theories put forth and born from his exceptional mind are still aiding scientists of today to understand the world better.

    Thus, his work holds imperative value and should be studied even today. Maybe that is why it was a great idea for Jeffrey O’Callaghan to write a book about it.

    Ever since I picked up “Einstein’s Explanation of the Unexplainable,” I’ve been completely engrossed and enraptured. While I always had a great admiration for Einstein and his work, I never really understood it on a fundamental level. This book helped me do just that. I must give credit where it’s due, of course. The author does a great job of explaining theories that would otherwise go above my head.

    The book is filled with the theories and works of Einstein’s life. But… they’re explained in a way that makes it easy for just about anyone to understand. That means you don’t need to be an expert in the field to grasp the concepts. You can just be curious or want to know more.

    For example, let’s discuss one of the topics mentioned in the book that captured my attention. In the very first article of the book titled, “Do the Laws of Physics Break Down in a Black Hole?”, he talks about one of the most important theories that have plagued many a scientist back in the day. This, of course, is the theory of general relativity.

    Black holes pose a concern because they are enormously large and incredibly remote. Our ability to see their backsides is obstructed, and the signals coming from that side are weak. This makes it challenging to explain and nearly impossible to observe the swirling, extremely hot materials pouring into them (the accretion disc).

    When Einstein first explained his theory of general relativity, it was considered extremely outlandish. What is the theory? Gravitational lensing is a phenomenon that amplifies light and causes it to move along a different trajectory than it might otherwise, each of which is caused by the distortion of space and time that large objects like black holes cause.

    The English astronomer Arthur Eddington and colleagues made the first recorded observations of this phenomenon during a full solar eclipse in 1919, which propelled Einstein and his untested hypothesis to notoriety. Normally, stars stay in one spot in the night sky, whereas during the eclipse, those that were behind the Sun looked to have moved because the Sun’s gravity altered the path that their light took to reach earth.

    In this chapter, he also answers the question posed in the chapter title itself, but I’ll leave that for you to discover.

    Later Jeff


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