Category: Educational Technology

  • Use of AI in Industries and Organizations: 2025 – Sovorel

    Use of AI in Industries and Organizations: 2025 – Sovorel

    AI skills are now needed by all students in every field and organization. This document focuses on the top ten industries/organizations, explains how AI is already being used in those fields, and breaks down the AI skills and subskills needed by all students.

    AI Literacy is an imperative that all students need to develop in order to be more competitive and effective in the workforce, to enhance their own learning, gain greater access to information, improve their research capabilities, and be better citizens with resistance to deepfakes and digital propaganda. This isn’t a hyperbally or future concern; this is the reality of today. “Use of AI in Industries and Organizations: 2025” is an original document created by the Sovorel Center for Teaching & Learning and written by Director Brent A. Anders, PhD. Its purpose is to help all of academia see and understand the real need for AI Literacy and specific AI skills for all fields.

    PDF download: Use of AI in Industries and Organizations: 2025 (3.1MB)

    In an effort to help all of academia and the rest of the world, this document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license ( so that it can be fully used by others.

    Suggested Citation:

    Anders, B. (2025, March). Use of AI in industries and organizations: 2025. Sovorel Center for Teaching & Learning.

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  • AI Literacy Resource for All – Sovorel

    AI Literacy Resource for All – Sovorel

    There is no longer any way to deny that AI Literacy is a must for all people. Regardless of whether you are a student, faculty, young, or old, all of us must continually develop our AI Literacy to effectively function and excel in our AI-infused world. The importance of everyone developing their AI Literacy has been expressed by virtually all nations and international organizations (UN, 2024; UN, 2024b). Additionally, many business organizations have expressed that in order to be competitive in the workforce, AI Literacy is now an imperative employment skill (Marr, 2024).

    The following Sovorel video and infographic (in addition to the above infographic) provide key components of AI Literacy and specifics regarding prompt engineering and using an advanced prompt formula:

    AI Literacy: Prompt Engineering, Advanced Prompt Formula Infographic (this infographic, the main AI Literacy infographic, and many more are also available within the infographics section:



    Cisco. (2024, July 31). AI and the workforce: Industry report calls for reskilling and upskilling as 92 percent of technology roles evolve. Cisco.

    Marr, B. (2024, October 24). The 5 most in-demand skills in 2025. Forbes.

    UN. (2024). Addendum on AI and Digital Government. United Nations.

    UN. (2024b). Governing AI for humanity. United Nations.

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  • Here are 5 Alternatives to Google Jamboard

    Here are 5 Alternatives to Google Jamboard

    If you are working for a higher education institution or a non-profit organization, you have probably utilized Google Jamboard as part of your teaching or professional development workshops. 

    Well my friends, our beloved software has reached the end of its life at Google. Now, we will need to find a suitable alternative to collaborate with others at our organization and to brainstorm ideas online.

    Speaking of alternatives, here are some alternatives to Jamboard:

    1) LucidSpark

    2) Padlet

    3) Figma

    4) Zoom Whiteboard


    5) Canva Whiteboard

    Which one of these are your favorite? Let us know which one you’ve utilized before.

    Have an amazing day!



    Do you need a keynote speaker? – Check out my topics:

    Check out my book – Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

    Thanks for visiting! 


    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
    Professor of Communication

    Executive Director: International Artificial Intelligence and Communication Institute, Texas Social Media Research Institute, & Rural Communication Institute

    My Social Media Channels!
    Remember to Follow Me on Twitter! @drjtedwards
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  • 2024 Top Tools for Learning Votes – Teaching in Higher Ed

    2024 Top Tools for Learning Votes – Teaching in Higher Ed

    Each year, I look forward to reviewing the results of Jane Hart’s Top 100 Tools for Learning and to submitting my votes for a personal Top Tools for Learning list. I haven’t quite been writing up my list every single year (missed 2020 and 2023), but I did submit a top 10 list in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022. I avoid looking at the prior year’s lists until I have identified my votes for current year.

    My 2024 Top Tools for Learning

    Below are my top 10 Tools for Learning for 2024. The biggest change in my learning tools involves using social media less, most specifically that service that used to have an association with a blue bird and can most closely be associated with a cesspool these days.


    This podcast catcher is a daily part of my life and learning. Overcast has key features like smart speed and voice boost, which you can have for free with some non-intrusive ad placements, or pay a small fee for a pro subscription and have them hidden from view. Overcast received a major design overhaul in March of 2022, which led me to reorganize my podcast playlists to take full advantage of the new features.


    While Overcast is for the spoken word, Unread is primarily for written pieces. Powered by real simple syndication (RSS), Unread presents me headlines of unread stories across all sorts of categories, which I can tap (on my iPad) to read, or scroll past to automatically mark as read. I use Unread in conjunction with Inoreader, which is a robust RSS aggregator that can either be used as an RSS reader, as well, or can be used in conjunction with an RSS reader, such as Unread.


    The biggest change from prior year’s surveys has to do with social media. The bird app just isn’t like it used to be. I’ve found most of my professional learning via social media takes place on LinkedIn these days. If you’re on LinkedIn, please follow me and the Teaching in Higher Ed page.


    Once I found out that I could subscribe to new YouTube videos on my RSS reader, Inoreader, it changed how often I watch YouTube videos. That, plus subscribing to YouTube Premium, which means we get ad-free viewing as a family, makes me spending a lot more time with YouTube. I even have my own YouTube channel, which I occasionally post videos on, most recently about my course redesign and use of LiaScript.


    The expression tells us that it is better to show than tell in many contexts. Loom is a simple screen casting tool. Record what’s on your screen (with or without your face included via your web cam) and as soon as you press stop, there’s a link that automatically gets copied to your computer’s clipboard which is now ready to paste anywhere you want. I use Loom for simple explanations, to have asynchronous conversations with colleagues and students, to record how-to videos, and to invite students to share what they’re learning. If you verify your Loom account as an educator, you get the pro features for free.

    Kindle App

    I primarily read digitally and find the Kindle iPad app to be the easiest route for reading. I read more, in total, when I am disciplined about using the Kindle hardware, but wind up grabbing my iPad most nights.


    It is so easy to highlight sections of what I’m reading on the Kindle app and have those highlights sync over to a service called Readwise. The service “makes it easy to revisit and learn from your ebook and article highlights.


    My use of the graphic design website Canva has evolved over the years. I started by using it to create graphics and printable signs for classes. Now I also use it to create presentations (which can include embedded content, slides, videos, etc.). For some presentations I’m doing in the coming weeks, I’m experimenting with using for my presentations. I still think Canva is great, but am having fun trying something new.

    Probably more than any other app, I use Raindrop on a daily basis. It is a digital bookmarking tool. I wrote about how I use Raindrop in late 2020. I continue to see daily benefits with having such a simple-yet-robust way of making sense of all the information coming at me on a daily basis.


    I don’t change my core productivity apps very often. In the case of Craft, once I made the switch, I never looked back. This app has both date-based and topic-based note-taking, as well as individual and collaborative features. From their website: “Craft is where people go to ideate, organize, and share their best work.”

    Those are my top ten for the year, not in any particular order. The first draft of this post had eleven items, since I lost count as I was going. I wind up using Zoom as so much a part of almost every day, it winds up getting forgotten, given its ubiquity in my life. I’m leaving it on this post, even though it takes me over my count of ten.


    I use Zoom so often that one of the years, I entirely left it off of my top ten listing, because it is just always there. Recent enhancements I have grown to appreciate are the built-in timer app, the AI transcripts and summaries, and that you can present slides while people are in breakout rooms.

    Your Turn

    Would you like to submit a vote with your Top Tools for Learning? You can fill out a form, write a blog post, or even share your picks on Twitter. The 2024 voting will continue through Friday, August 30, 2024 and the results will be posted by Monday, September 2, 2024.

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  • for Generative AI Integration into Education – Sovorel

    for Generative AI Integration into Education – Sovorel

    I’m very happy and excited to share that I have released a new book that is geared specifically to helping universities, as well as all educational institutions, with the very important topic of generative AI integration into education. This is a vital process that higher education and all places of learning need to address in order to become and stay relevant in a world that so filled with AI. All of us in academia must develop AI Literacy skills in order to fully develop these skills within our students. If educational institutions do not integrate this important process now, then they will not be properly setting up their students for success. This book specifically provides an action plan to help educational institutions be part of the solution and to better ensure success.

    Here is a video trailer for the 9 Point Action Plan: for Generative AI Integration into Education book:

    Table of contents for the 9 Point Action Plan: for Generative AI Integration into Education book that is now available as an ebook or printed book at Amazon:


    1. Chapter 1: Institutional Policies
      • Examples
      • Policy Examples
      • Implementation
    2. Chapter 2: Leadership Guidance on Utilization of Generative AI
      • Examples
      • Michigan State University Example
      • Yale University Example
      • Template Example: Leadership Guidance on Generative AI in Education
      • Implementation
    3. Chapter 3: Training
      • Faculty Training
      • Staff Training
      • Student Training
      • Examples
      • American University of Armenia Example
      • Arizona State University Example
      • Other Examples
      • Implementation
    4. Chapter 4: Generative AI Teaching & Learning Resources
      • Examples
      • University of Arizona
      • American University of Armenia
      • The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
      • Implementation
    5. Chapter 5: Outside Information/Confirmation
      • Bring in an Outside Speaker, Presenter, Facilitator
      • Examples
      • Obtain Employers’/Organizations’ Views & Ideas on Needed AI Skills
      • Implementation
    6. Chapter 6: Syllabus AI Use Statement
      • Examples
      • Tuffs University Example
      • Vanderbilt College of Arts and Science
      • American University of Armenia Example
      • Implementation
    7. Chapter 7: Strategic Plan Integration
      • Components of a Good Strategic Plan and AI Considerations
      • Environmental Analysis
      • Review of Organizational Vision/Mission
      • Identification of Strategic Goals and Objectives
      • Key Performance Indicators
      • Integration of AI Literacy into the Curriculum
      • Example: White Paper: Integration of AI Literacy into Our Curriculum
    8. Chapter 8: Integration Observation and Evaluation
    9. Chapter 9: Community Outreach
      • Example Benefits of Community Outreach
      • Implementation
    10. Chapter 10: Conclusion and Call to Action
    11. Glossary
    12. References
    13. Additional Resources

    As with all of my books, please reach out if you have any questions. I can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter. I also respond to all comments placed this blog or through YouTube. Please also join the Sovorel Center for Teaching and Learning Facebook page where I post a lot of updates.

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  • The TRAP Test to Spot AI Deepfakes and How to NOT Be Deceived – Sovorel

    The TRAP Test to Spot AI Deepfakes and How to NOT Be Deceived – Sovorel

    Everyone needs to develop AI Literacy skills in order to use AI properly and increase effectiveness/efficiencies, yet another vital part of AI Literacy is to develop critical thinking and awareness skills to avoid being deceived by synthetic data such as AI created deepfakes. Cyber Magazine, an international news source, expressed the importance of this issue by stating:

    Deepfakes are inevitably becoming more advanced, which is making it harder to spot and stop those that are used with bad intentions. As access to synthetic media technology increases, deepfakes can be used to damage reputations, fabricate evidence and undermine trust.

    With deepfake technology increasingly being used for mal-intent, businesses would do well to ensure that their workforce is fully trained and aware of the risks associated with AI-generated content. (Jackson, 2023)

    To address this important issue I have created the TRAP test:

    T: Think Critically. All of us must now have a critical awareness and mindset when using any type of digital media since all digital media can now be easily manipulated and created with generative AI. When encountering any digital text, images, audio, or video we need to realize that it might not be real and it might be trying to manipulate our perception. We need to use the TRAP test to ask further questions to help ensure that we are getting the object truth.

    R: Realistic/Reliable/Reputable: When using digital media or viewing a video, we need to ask ourselves the question “does this seem real and is it likely to occur?” We must also consider whether or not the source of the information is reliable and if it is coming from a reputable source. Is it from an official source, a well known news source, a government agency, or established organization? Always check the source.

    A: Accurate/Authority: Check to see if all parts of the digital media are accurate. As an example, if watching a video, are all parts accurate and consistent. Are there any issues with the eyes, the background, or the light sources? Is it similar and consistent with other videos, images, or text? Additionally, has the media been released or authenticated by an authority? These questions must be verified and answered to help ensure validity and accuracy.

    P: Purpose/Propaganda: When reviewing any digital media we must ask ourselves, “what is the purpose of this media? If the answer is that they are trying to get your money or to sway your vote in an election then you should be extra sure that the information is completely truthful. Ask yourself if the digital information presented is simply just propaganda, full of bias and misleading. Be sure to ask if there is more to the story that you are reading/watching.

    Using the TRAP test and asking these questions will help to prevent everyone from being scammed and/or deceived. Students, faculty, and everyone must develop AI Literacy skills like these.

    All aspect of this defined AI Literacy are important (Anders, 2023), but Awareness and Critical Thinking are key in developing the proper mindset to use the TRAP test. This is something that must be continually developed and used in order to ensure its greatest effectiveness.

    All of us in academia must work to ensure that student and everyone else develop these skills to use AI in the right way and be able to properly spot AI deepfakes and avoid being deceived. Please share this information with colleagues, students, family, and friend; especially the elderly who can at times be even more vulnerable. Together we make a major difference and improve our new world filled with AI.

    A video describing the TRAP test is also available on the Sovorel Educational YouTube channel:

    “How to Spot a Deepfake and NOT Be Deceived” (Anders, 2024)

    Please share your thoughts and comment below:


    Anders, B. (2023). The AI literacy imperative: Empowering instructors & students. Sovorel Publishing.

    Jackson, A. (2023, October 13). The rising tide of deepfakes as AI growth cause concern. Cyber Magazin, Technology: AI.

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  • Using AI in Education is NOT an All or Nothing Endeavor – Sovorel

    Using AI in Education is NOT an All or Nothing Endeavor – Sovorel

    In working with many different instructors around the world, I still run into a lot of teachers and professors that think that using AI and teaching about AI Literacy in the classroom is an all or nothing endeavor. They have the false belief that you either have use AI in every part of your teaching, for every assignments, or you can’t use AI at all. The reality is that there is a full continuum of how an instructor can use and implement generative AI within their classroom.

    The infographic provided in this post is an example of the many different ways that an instructor could use generative AI within their teaching and learning process. To begin with an instructor could simply just talk about generative AI. This is beneficial on a multiple of levels in that for one it helps student understand that the instructor is at least aware of generative AI. Additionally, talking about AI helps students develop their AI Literacy skills which is something that all of us in academia must continually develop within ourselves so that we can can properly develop it within all of our students.

    The continuum of AI integration into learning that proceeds with different levels of use of AI in the classroom. This could be done in a way so that the instructor uses generative AI, such as ChatGPT, in front of the students so that then everyone can then discuss and answer questions about the interaction and the created results. Another way to implement could be that students use the AI in class for different activities. A more advanced way would be for students to have homework assignments where they would have to us the AI in some way to complete a task or as part of a group project.

    A key consideration with AI integration is that every instructor must be knowledgeable about the topic to be taught and their students needs. Instructors need to make purposeful choices as to when to us AI and in what ways. A great tool to help with the creating or redesigning assessments and assignments given that we know have generative AI is the following infographic titled “Redesigning Assignments & Assessment in Age of AI.”

    The SHARE Technique to Assist in Redesigning Assignments and Assessments in the Age of AI

    This infographic is very benifitial in that in addition to helping all with the creation of assignments/assessments in the age of AI, it helps instructors to create good and effective assignments/assessment in general. Faculty need to be purposful and really think about assignments and learning activeities in order to help students learn the material and also develop appropriate AI Literacy skills.

    View this following video for additional information on integrating AI in the classroom:

    What are your thoughts? Please add to the comments so that we can all learn from one another.

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  • Writing Assignments in the Age of AI – Sovorel

    Writing Assignments in the Age of AI – Sovorel

    I put this infographic together to help many instructors that are struggling with this issue as they teach and are trying to keep students from using AI when they are not supposed to. Be sure to take every opportunity to help students learn about AI Literacy when you can, even when telling them that for this assignment/eval they won’t be able to use it.

    You as the instructor are the subject matter expert and must be the one deciding how AI will be used in your classroom and for your assignments/evaluations. For some assignments, the use of AI may not be the right answer in that you are trying to help them develop skills mastery, so they can properly gain the skill of what “right” looks like. Be sure to fully explain that to them so that they have full relevancy and understanding as to why they can or can not use AI.

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  • How ChatGPT Can Help Prevent Violations of Academic Integrity – Sovorel

    How ChatGPT Can Help Prevent Violations of Academic Integrity – Sovorel

    A full article (including a video) describing each aspect of how ChatGPT can help with preventing violations of academic integrity (cheating) is provided in an article I wrote located here:

    What are your thoughts on this or other aspects of ChatGPT and other AI in education? Leave a comment below.

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  • Make any Assignment ChatGPT Resistant & Many Other ChatGPT Resources – Sovorel

    Make any Assignment ChatGPT Resistant & Many Other ChatGPT Resources – Sovorel

    The great thing about this #ChatGPT infographic “Make ANY Assignment resistant to ChatGPT,” is that it simply describes a great way to make your course and your assignments, regardless of #AI use, better by being more active and hands-on.

    For specific help regarding essay writing and use of ChatGPT AI see the following infographic:

    Another very important aspect that must always be developed by both instructors and students is AI Literacy:

    For more information and resources dealing with ChatGPT / AI be sure to check out the Sovorel Educational YouTube Channel:

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