Category: Learning

  • How ChatGPT Can Help Prevent Violations of Academic Integrity – Sovorel

    How ChatGPT Can Help Prevent Violations of Academic Integrity – Sovorel

    A full article (including a video) describing each aspect of how ChatGPT can help with preventing violations of academic integrity (cheating) is provided in an article I wrote located here:

    What are your thoughts on this or other aspects of ChatGPT and other AI in education? Leave a comment below.

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  • Make any Assignment ChatGPT Resistant & Many Other ChatGPT Resources – Sovorel

    Make any Assignment ChatGPT Resistant & Many Other ChatGPT Resources – Sovorel

    The great thing about this #ChatGPT infographic “Make ANY Assignment resistant to ChatGPT,” is that it simply describes a great way to make your course and your assignments, regardless of #AI use, better by being more active and hands-on.

    For specific help regarding essay writing and use of ChatGPT AI see the following infographic:

    Another very important aspect that must always be developed by both instructors and students is AI Literacy:

    For more information and resources dealing with ChatGPT / AI be sure to check out the Sovorel Educational YouTube Channel:

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  • What it is and How to Use it in the Classroom – Sovorel

    What it is and How to Use it in the Classroom – Sovorel

    I recently published a book to help all educators deal with the new technological phenomenon which came about on 30 November 2022 known as ChatGPT by OpenAI ( My book, ChatGPT AI in Education: What it is and How to Use it in the Classroom, available as a paperback or ebook on Amazon at covers all of the main aspects of this AI as applied to education. Here is the book’s Table of Contents:

    What is AI and ChatGPT

    AI What is ChatGPT

    Exactly What Can ChatGPT Do?

    ChatGPT Limitations

    How Can ChatGPT Be Used in Education

    How to Use ChatGPT in the Classroom

    1. Use ChatGPT as an Essay/Assignment
    2. Creation Checker
    3. Prompt Skill Development Competition
    4. Reflect and Improve
    5. In-Class Preparatory Process
    6. Full Incorporation Option
    7. Reflection of Why
    8. Maximize the Localization and Personalization of the Assignment
    9. Use More Dynamic Assessment Techniques
    10. Feedback Provider
    11. Scaffolding Creator
    12. Instructor Assistance
    13. Virtual Guest Speaker
    14. Virtual Experiment Conductor or Guide
    15. Research Assistant

    Ethical Considerations

    Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

    AI Policy and Privacy Concerns

    Educational Institutions’ Policy on Use of AI

    Privacy Concerns

    Teachers’ Jobs Taken Over by AI

    Future of ChatGPT and AI

    More Integration

    This is Just the Beginning

    Call to Action

    Additional Resources

    AI Guides




    About the Author


    Other Available Books

    In addition to the book, I have provided a large number of guides, information, and infographics via Twitter ( as well as multiple videos through the Sovorel YouTube Channel:

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  • 10 Reasons to Go Digital with Your Course Materials – Eric Stoller

    10 Reasons to Go Digital with Your Course Materials – Eric Stoller

    When I was a college student, there were times when I skipped out on buying a required textbook for a course. Finances were always tight, so I tried to balance my checkbook with buying actual books. Even then, textbooks weren’t cheap. Today, students are paying more and more for their higher education experience. If a university can find ways to make attending college more affordable, accessible, and “high-tech/high-touch”, well, it’s not really an option, it’s a necessity.

    Today’s technology makes it easy to distill course materials into digital formats and enhances them as a result.  Colleges and universities are quickly shifting from books to bytes to improve the student experience and boost course outcomes.

    Here are 10 reasons why your university should go digital with its course materials:

    1. Affordability: This may seem like an obvious reason to move to digital delivery of course materials. Students will end up paying less for digital course materials. From production to shipping, textbooks require a lot of costly infrastructure. Digital materials eliminate these costs and pass the savings on to students.
    2. A better experience for students with disabilities. Unlike print books, modern eTextbooks can be accessible “out of the box.”  When eTextbooks include features such alternative text descriptions of visuals and content that can be used with assistive technology, students can start reading right away, without waiting for a disability services department to create a file.
    3. Learning Analytics and Digital Integration: Can you remember when a physical book connected to a digital learning system? It’s just not possible. However, with digital course materials, integration with the campus LMS/VLE is possible. Plus, with learning analytics built in, digital materials can help support at-risk learners who may need additional assistance.
    4. Recruitment: Digital course materials might not seem like they give universities a recruitment edge, but in an increasingly competitive enrollment landscape, everything helps. Students seek modern solutions for their educational experience. For bring-your-own-device (BYOD) campuses and institutions that provide technology platforms for students, digital course materials hit the sweet spot. They create more affordances for student success and showcase a university experience that is effectively using the latest technologies.
    5. Multi-Platform Capability: The ability to view course materials on a variety of devices represents a huge advantage for digital course materials. If a student needs to read a chapter while on the go, odds are, they will be able to access it on whichever device they have with them. Also, it’s a good bet that no one misses having a backpack filled with textbooks.
    6. Seamless Group Work: University campuses are filled with versatile seating and project workspaces. You can’t project a textbook onto a large screen, but you can with digital course content. It’s simply a matter of either plugging in or wirelessly beaming content to a screen. It makes group work and collaboration a much easier task. 
    7. Always Current: Have you ever tried to update a textbook? Editions come and go, each one costing more than the last. With digital course materials, content is as up to date as possible and it doesn’t cost students more for this “always current” content. Who wants a used book when you can have a new digital version? 
    8. Instant Access: No longer do students have to search for the lowest price option or wait until after term starts. Instant access to digital materials, through programs such as Pearson Inclusive Access and others, ensures all students are ready to learn on the first day of class, not the third week. It’s as easy as logging into the university system, selecting the appropriate course, and downloading the material to a compatible device.
    9. Interactivity: Textbooks have been surpassed in form, function, and capability. Digital course materials allow authors the opportunity to embed audio and video into their work. This makes for a much more interactive and “real” experience for students. 
    10. Retention: Anything that a college or university can do to assist students with their academic success is a good thing. Digital course materials aid and enhance an institution’s ability to improve their overall retention rates and bolster student success with all of the supportive elements in this list. 

    What would you add to this list?

    Digital course materials are not the future for higher education; they’re the present. It’s only a matter of time before your institution goes digital for student success.


    This post was sponsored by Pearson as part of a higher education influencers collaboration.

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