Category: Widening Participation

  • Open universities: between radical promise and market reality

    Open universities: between radical promise and market reality

    by Ourania Filippakou

    Open universities have long symbolised a radical departure from the exclusivity of conventional universities. Conceived as institutions of access, intellectual emancipation, and social transformation, they promised to disrupt rigid academic hierarchies and democratise knowledge. Yet, as higher education is increasingly reshaped by market logics, can open universities still claim to be engines of social progress, or have they become institutions that now reproduce the very inequalities they sought to dismantle?

    This question is not merely academic; it is profoundly political. Across the globe, democratic institutions are under siege, and the erosion of democracy is no longer an abstraction – it is unfolding in real time (cf EIU, 2024; Jones, 2025). The rise of far-right ideologies, resurgent racism, intensified attacks on women’s and LGBTQ+ rights, and the erosion of protections for migrants and marginalised communities all point to a crisis of democracy that cannot be separated from the crisis of education (Giroux, 2025). As Giroux (1984) argues, education is never neutral; it can operate as both a potential site for fostering critical consciousness and resistance and a mechanism for reproducing systems of social control and domination. Similarly, Butler (2005) reminds us that the very categories of who counts as human, who is deemed grievable, and whose knowledge is legitimised are deeply political struggles.

    Open universities, once heralded as radical interventions in knowledge production, now find themselves entangled in these struggles. Increasingly, they are forced to reconcile their egalitarian aspirations with the ruthless pressures of neoliberalism and market-driven reforms. The challenge they face is no less than existential: to what extent can they uphold their role as spaces of intellectual and social transformation, or will they become further absorbed into the logics of commodification and control?

    My article (Filippakou, 2025) in Policy Reviews in Higher Education, ‘Two ideologies of openness: a comparative analysis of the Open Universities in the UK and Greece’, foregrounds a crucial but often overlooked dimension: the ideological battles that have shaped open universities over time. The UK Open University (OU) and the Hellenic Open University (HOU) exemplify two distinct yet converging trajectories. The UK OU, founded in the 1960s as part of a broader post-war commitment to social mobility, was a political project – an experiment in making university education available to those long excluded from elite institutions. The HOU, by contrast, emerged in the late 1990s within the European Union’s push for a knowledge economy, where lifelong learning was increasingly framed primarily in terms of workforce development. While both institutions embraced ‘openness’ as a defining principle, the meaning of that openness has shifted – from an egalitarian vision of education as a public good to a model struggling to reconcile social inclusion with neoliberal imperatives.

    A key insight of this analysis is that open universities do not merely widen participation; they reflect deeper contestations over the purpose of higher education itself. The UK OU’s early success inspired similar models worldwide, but today, relentless marketisation – rising tuition fees, budget cuts, and the growing encroachment of corporate interests – threatens to erode its founding ethos.

    Meanwhile, the HOU was shaped by a European policy landscape that framed openness not merely as intellectual emancipation but as economic necessity. Both cases illustrate the paradox of open universities: they continue to expand access, yet their structural constraints increasingly align them with the logic of precarity, credentialism, and market-driven efficiency.

    This struggle over education is central to the survival of democracy. Arendt (1961, 2005) warned that democracy is not self-sustaining; it depends on an informed citizenry capable of judgment, debate, and resistance. Higher education, in this sense, is not simply about skills or employability – it is about cultivating the capacity to think critically, to challenge authority, and to hold power to account (Giroux, 2019). Open universities were once at the forefront of this democratic mission. But as universities in general, and open universities in particular, become increasingly instrumentalised – shaped by political forces intent on suppressing dissent, commodifying learning, and hollowing out universities’ transformative potential – their role in sustaining democratic publics is under threat.

    The real question, then, is not simply whether open universities remain ‘open’ but how they define and enact this openness. To what extent do they serve as institutions of intellectual and civic transformation, or have they primarily been reduced to flexible degree factories, catering to market demands under the guise of accessibility? By comparing the UK and Greek experiences, this article aims to challenge readers to rethink the ideological stakes of openness in higher education today. The implications extend far beyond open universities themselves. The broader appeal of this analysis lies in its relevance to anyone interested in universities as sites of social change. Open universities are not just alternatives to conventional universities – they represent larger struggles over knowledge, democracy, and economic power. The creeping normalisation of authoritarian politics, the suppression of academic freedom, and the assault on marginalised voices in public discourse demand that we reclaim higher education as a site of resistance.

    Can open universities reclaim their radical promise? If higher education is to resist the encroachment of neoliberalism and reactionary politics, we must actively defend institutions that prioritise intellectual freedom, civic literacy, and higher education for the public good. The future of open universities – and higher education itself – depends not only on institutional policies but on whether scholars, educators, and students collectively resist these forces. The battle for openness is not just about access; it is about the kind of society we choose to build – for ourselves and the generations to come.

    Ourania Filippakou is a Professor of Education at Brunel University of London. Her research interrogates the politics of higher education, examining universities as contested spaces where power, inequality, and resistance intersect. Rooted in critical traditions, she explores how higher education can foster social justice, equity, and transformative change.

    Author: SRHE News Blog

    An international learned society, concerned with supporting research and researchers into Higher Education

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  • The Luck of the Irish by Cheri Kelly – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    The Luck of the Irish by Cheri Kelly – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    On 12th July 2019 I drove into Liverpool for my Go Higher assessment  full of nervous anxiety and anticipation for what was to come.  I had been encouraged by a friend to think about doing an Access to Higher Education course. I had no idea what it was.  I  googled the term and  Go Higher  popped up in my browser and I was hooked immediately.  That discussion had not really been about using the course to go on to University, I had not even entertained that idea,  it was much more about me doing something that was just for me, rebuilding my confidence and getting myself back out into the world.

    So, here I was driving along through Toxteth, heading to the car park with an hour to spare when I got stuck behind the Orange March! Who knew they even existed in Liverpool?  I was diverted and, in a panic, got completely lost. Parking up in a cul de sac I ‘phoned through to the office to explain the situation and convinced myself that was the end of that then. The admin team were great, calmed me down and told me that they would move me back to the afternoon session.  Obstacle Number One overcome.  I do not know what I was expecting but being told that there was to be a written maths exam was not on my radar. I have a real phobia of the word maths; it sends me into a tailspin if ever mentioned. I explained to the coordinator that I probably wouldn’t pass and why. He was amazing and calmed me down, as did the couple of people sitting on each side of me. We were all a little panicked about different things, but the staff all made it such an enjoyable and calming experience. I felt a real affinity with the lecturer that interviewed me.  A few days later I received the letter congratulating me on being accepted onto the course.

    By September I had connected with Paula who was also starting the course, she lived not far from me and so we decided that we would car share and go together for the induction week.  I will not lie; it was probably one of the most intense weeks of my life for many reasons. The imposter syndrome set in immediately, the number of people at the first meeting was overwhelming, the schedule of work looked enormous, and the list goes on.  What was great was that everybody made new friends, groups were formed, and those groups really encouraged each other from day one.  By the end of the induction week a lot of people had dropped out.  I had several wobbles, but the excitement of learning took over from the imposter syndrome.  A few people threatened not to come back but, with encouragement from the tutors and their new friends they did return.  The wobbles do not stop after the induction week, they come back time and time again, but you just have to remember why you want to do the course and talk to people for support.

    By the time I had finished the course I had decided that I did want to go on to do a degree. I had decided part way through that I wanted to do a degree in Psychology and duly applied to three universities, including Liverpool, and was accepted by all. I had a change of mind and thought that I would prefer to do English. After speaking to Claire at Go Higher I realised that I could not apply for English at Liverpool as I hadn’t taken the English module on Go Higher. She suggested I consider Irish Studies. It was a perfect fit for me as a multi-disciplinary course incorporating History, Culture, Politics and Literature of Ireland.  I applied and was accepted. It seems ironic that just a year earlier my chance to even do the Go Higher was almost scuppered by an Orange march!  I was given so many fantastic opportunities as a student in the Institute of Irish Studies. I acted as both Student and Faculty representative;  I was privileged to be selected as an Undergraduate Research Student for Prof Frank Shovlin and I completed a placement at the Museum of Liverpool where I worked on a project to update the Irish Trail and revamp the Information pamphlets.

    My journey through university was not as straightforward as I had hoped it would be. Each year brought me ‘out of the ordinary’ personal challenges that affected my studies, but I persevered. It took me a little longer to complete my degree than I would have hoped but, with the fantastic support and encouragement from all of the academic staff in the Institute of Irish Studies I got there in the end.  I graduated earning a BA (Hons) in Irish Studies, 2:1 and winning the George Huxley prize for best dissertation.  I am so very proud of myself and will be forever grateful to all of the staff from Go Higher who inspired me, pushed me and helped me to find my way to university.

    If I can give any advice to anybody thinking about doing Go Higher it would be to just put one foot in front of the other. Sign up and focus on the assessment day, cross each bridge as it comes, when you wobble, get back up and keep moving forward.  Everybody suffers from Imposter Syndrome; everybody wants to give up at some point. When you graduate Go Higher and become an undergraduate, embrace being around  the younger students, join in with as many societies as you can, really immerse yourself in the lectures and seminars, enjoy every moment. Mostly I would say, never give up on yourself because the staff will not give up on you.

    Cheri Kelly.


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  • Thank you to the Go Higher team for allowing me to write a blog and share my amazing experience on the Go Higher programme! By Gary Singh – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    Thank you to the Go Higher team for allowing me to write a blog and share my amazing experience on the Go Higher programme! By Gary Singh – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    I am thrilled to share my heartfelt gratitude to the University of Liverpool for offering the Diploma for Go Higher Programme – a remarkable initiative designed to open doors and beacon of hope for those who, due to various reasons, have been unable to pursue their educational goals and have had to suppress their ambitions.

    My name is Gary Singh, and I want to share my journey with you, a journey that has been filled with challenges, resilience, and hope. In 2004, my plans to become a solicitor were shattered by the sudden passing of my father. I had to start working, and unfortunately, I faced exploitation by corrupt politicians in India, making it nearly impossible to chase my dreams. Every attempt to resume my education was met with rejection due to the gap in my studies. After seeking asylum in the UK, I reached out to the University of Liverpool, hoping to enroll in a degree program because of the plenty of time available to me. Unfortunately, again, I was told that the gap in my education prevented direct entry into a degree course. However, Go Higher Team introduced me to the Go Higher Diploma program, a pathway that would enable me to pursue a degree. This news reignited my optimism and belief that I could achieve my dream of becoming a solicitor to serve society, just as I had hoped for as a teenager.

    I was fortunate enough to receive scholarships from the University of Liverpool, which were specifically designed for destitute students like myself, as I am not permitted to work as an asylum seeker. Even as a mature student, I found the friendly, multicultural atmosphere at the University of Liverpool very welcoming. My classmates, both younger and older, were incredibly supportive. Despite English being my second language and the initial challenge of understanding new accents, I can comprehend about 80% of my tutor’s lectures and make up the rest by utilizing lecture slides and class recordings available on the Canvas site. I started my first assignment with marks well above passing, and with unimaginable support from my tutors, I received an A grade on my last assignment. The dedication of my mentors—James Bainbridge, David Ellis, Barbara Milne, Julia, Sharon Connor, Darryn Nyatanga, Claire Jones, Stephen Kearns, Debbie Hart, and Matthew—along with additional English classes by Will, has been invaluable.

    I have encountered challenges on the path to success, but determination and hard work have allowed me to conquer every obstacle. On the day of the Go Higher celebration, something incredible occurred. I was honored with a personal achievement award, which came as a pleasant surprise. Furthermore, I was accepted into the Law with Business program at the University of Liverpool. This achievement has filled me with excitement and hope as I strive to complete my degree and make a positive impact on society. My aspiration is to become so capable and competent that I can assist those in need.

    Go Higher education means more to me than just personal advancement; it’s a way to think critically for the betterment of society and individuals. Through my Go higher studies, I learned to see society from a different perspective and took the first step toward progress in civilized society. My message to everyone is this: Don’t let your ambitions die in your heart. Give it a try! If your intentions are good, you will find many opportunities, mentors, and friends who are ready to help you. Believe in yourself and take the first step. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable.

    Thank you,


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  • The essential PLUS for returning to learning at Liverpool by Sarah Hanson – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    The essential PLUS for returning to learning at Liverpool by Sarah Hanson – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    If you are a mature student, returner to learning or someone who has experienced a disrupted education, you may be anxious about the support available for anyone not familiar with higher education and its challenges.  Starting your higher education journey is one of the most exciting times of your life, but we realise you might have some concerns as well. Whatever they might be, you don’t need to worry as the University of Liverpool offers lots of support.

    Our Student Services team, who offer a huge range of services, including mental health support like counselling, a Mental Health Advisory Service and wellbeing support including self-help guides, workshops and events. They also provide financial advice, including guidance on managing the rising cost of living and support for disabled students through initiatives like Disability Coaches, a peer support service of trained students with lived experience of disability and accessing disability support. Disability Coaches can help with initial enquiries, support plans, obtaining medical evidence and Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).

    The Liverpool Guild of Students offer free and confidential advice to all students about the options available to you, covering academic, housing, wellbeing issues and more. Through the Guild you can  access a huge range of Societies, providing a brilliant opportunity to make new friends through shared interests. They also provide schemes like Give It A Go and lots of volunteering programmes, giving you the chance to enhance your student experience.

    From September 2024, Go Higher students will be able to access Liverpool Plus, a brand new post-entry support programme. Including an Enhanced Welcome package, 1-2-1 support with your transition into first year, bespoke events with University services like Global Opportunities and Libraries, and priority access to schemes like the Liverpool Advocate programme.

    With Liverpool Plus, we’ll provide the support you need to make the most out of your time at University

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  • How not to be afraid of Maths – a tutor’s story by Stephen Kearns – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    How not to be afraid of Maths – a tutor’s story by Stephen Kearns – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    My name is Stephen Kearns and I am the module co-ordinator for the maths module on Go Higher.

    I remember when I was in junior school and would rush home to work on my mathematics book because I loved solving the problems and getting the smiley faces on my work. I always considered myself to be quite clever and thought I’d do really well in school. But, secondary school was a different experience.
    The pupils just wanted to mess around ensuring the teacher spent most of her time dealing with the disturbance rather than teaching the class. Many teachers were absent through illness and substitute teachers struggled to lead the class so the pupils lost interest. It was a difficult environment in which to focus and I struggled. I left school with a couple of GCSE’s and Art A-Level which was all I deserved really, but I knew I should have done better.

    After many insignificant roles in thankless jobs I had begun reading about philosophy, spirituality/eastern philosophy, and physics. I had begun to ask meaningful questions about myself and the world; I wanted more from myself and my life. I decided it was time to retrain and get a career possibly in nursing so I started looking at access courses in Liverpool and came across Go Higher. I am from a poor, single parent family of six and was indoctrinated from an early age to think I was not the sort of person who goes to university. Go Higher was not a path to nursing but it taught a variety of modules including philosophy and so I applied thinking I wouldn’t even get accepted. But I got an interview and I remember the day clearly, I parked my car on Grove street, walked past Abercromby Square which looked beautiful in the spring sunlight with the trees in blossom, and nervously made my way to a large Georgian building which was a buzz of student activity. I sat in a dark oak wood room overlooking Abercromby Square wandering if I had made the right decision but the tutor who interviewed me made me feel valued for my life experience and dedication and not looked over because of my lack of academic qualifications. From this point on I never looked back. After completing Go Higher I stayed at University of Liverpool to complete my philosophy degree exceling at formal logic which is a mathematical based system of argumentation. I stayed at Liverpool for master’s degree focussing on ethics, the environment and technology. I am currently a PhD student focussing on the moral status of synthetically generated organisms in a Kantian framework, something I would not have dreamed about before I started Go Higher.

    I have worked in several secondary schools and the difficulties I faced in my education are still there. When I started teaching on Go Higher the academic literature on mature student learning of mathematics supports a flipped learning strategy so we redesigned the course to best fit the mature student learner. Learning math on Go Higher is not like school learning, there is a staff team to deliver 1:1 teaching, students have access to all the material at the start of the semester so they can go at their own pace, we have weekly quizzes for students to test themselves and for tutors to check how they’re progressing, and most of all it’s fun! The mathematics module is one that scares mature students the most but it not like mathematics at school, and once students get past that initial reservation it is great to see them understand this, enjoy it, and flourish. It is brilliant to see how many students end up enjoying mathematics on Go Higher, but it’s not surprising as that is why we structured the module the way we have, and it does work. Our pass rate is exceptional but that’s because students are willing to learn the subject and that is all down to them. Last year I went to the graduation of a former student who passed his History degree. He came to Go Higher hating mathematics but he was willing to put in the work and now he has a whole new life ahead of him. Go Higher could change your life if you are brave enough to give it a go.

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