Tag: Education

  • Key Findings from the 2025 Landscape of Higher Education Report  

    Key Findings from the 2025 Landscape of Higher Education Report  

    As higher education navigates demographic shifts, new technologies, and economic challenges, institutions face a complex landscape when optimizing enrollment and meeting the evolving needs of students. The 2025 Landscape of Higher Education Report provides actionable insights that empower educational leaders to improve learning pathways and better serve the Modern Learner.

    Challenges such as the rising education costs have led to increased scrutiny of a college degree’s value, with only 47% of Americans considering it worthwhile without loans. When loans are involved, this number drops to 22%, underscoring the imperative for institutions to adapt to more cost-effective pathways.

    The 2025 Report offers a future-oriented outlook, equipping institutions with data to address gaps and better understand the evolving profile of the Modern Learner. Themes include shifting student preferences, an increased emphasis on career-aligned programs, and the need for more flexible learning pathways. In this article, explore six key findings that are molding students’ educational journeys and how these trends can enable education leaders to adapt.

    Finding #1: Flexible Pathways Drive Enrollment Growth 

    Spring 2024 saw a 2.5% increase in undergraduate enrollment, particularly within community colleges, public institutions, and associate degree-granting baccalaureate institutions (PABs). Graduate programs also saw enrollment increases, with a 3% rise. The highest areas of growth occurred among private, for-profit four-year institutions. These trends indicate a growing demand for flexible learning pathways that accommodate different student preferences and career aspirations.

    The age profile of part-time students has shifted as well, with the median age of part-time undergraduate students decreasing by nearly 2% across all sectors since Spring 2020. The shift was most pronounced at public two-year institutions, which saw a 4.2% decrease, and private accredited bachelor’s programs, which experienced a 2.8% decrease. As the age of part-time students continues to trend younger, it reaffirms that age is no longer a reliable predictor of learning modality. Furthermore, these shifting demographics emphasize the importance of embracing a Unified Enrollment Strategy that engages with Modern Learners based on their preferences and behaviors to meet them where they are with the right message, in the right place at the right time.

    Finding #2: Modern Learners are Prioritizing Practical Skills and Career Outcomes

    The emphasis on practical skills and career-readiness is reshaping Modern Learners’ educational preferences. With nearly half of Americans questioning the value of a traditional college degree, the demand for flexible, affordable, and industry-aligned options is growing rapidly. Apprenticeships have emerged as an appealing pathway for Modern Learners, offering paid opportunities for hands-on learning and gaining practical skills without the burden of taking on additional debt. 

    Over the past decade, the number of apprenticeships in the U.S. has more than doubled, from approximately 317,000 to 640,000. Sectors such as Construction and Public Administration have led this growth with 34.5% and 22.4% increases, respectively. High-growth fields like Healthcare, Finance, and Technical Services present additional opportunities for expanding apprenticeship programs, aligning well with workforce demands and students’ increasing preference for practical, job-ready experience.  

    Despite apprenticeships’ increasing appeal, accessibility poses a challenge. While 75% find apprenticeships appealing, only 29% find them accessible. Geographic location, program availability, and a lack of awareness remain barriers that can prevent students from participating. Institutions can remove these barriers through strategic partnerships with industry leaders to expand opportunities, integrate practical skill-building in program curriculums, and market available programs to raise awareness. These efforts not only meet the demands of Modern Learners by providing them with relevant skills, but also enable employers to recruit qualified candidates, making apprenticeships valuable for both higher education and the economy.

    Finding #3: Student Demand for Alternative Credentials Continues to Rise 

    Much like apprenticeships, the rising demand for alternative credentials like certificates further underscores the shifting preference towards more flexible and affordable learning pathways. As students continue to seek programs that offer practical skills and immediate benefits for their careers, certificates have increasingly become an attractive alternative to traditional degree paths. With the cost of higher education on the rise, Modern Learners are turning to certificate programs as a focused and affordable way to gain relevant skills for their desired career industries.

    Spring 2024 saw significant growth in certificate enrollments, with graduate programs seeing a nearly 10% increase and undergraduate certificates growing by nearly 4%. This growth reinforces that Modern Learners are increasingly prioritizing education opportunities that yield a high return-on-investment. Institutions can capitalize on this interest by expanding certificate offerings and making them more accessible to students through diverse modalities, competitive pricing, and aligning programs with job demands.  

    Finding #4: Dual Enrollment Programs Gain Momentum Among High School Students

    Dual Enrollment programs are becoming increasingly popular pathways, as more young learners seek flexible avenues for higher education. The popularity of these programs aligns with the growing trend of younger students engaging in part-time studies, demonstrating a trend towards more adaptable educational modalities. Dual enrollment has increased over 10% over the last year alone, adding approximately 100,000 students and accounting for nearly 28.1% of undergraduate enrollment increases. This growth presents a crucial opportunity for institutions to leverage this interest as they develop enrollment strategies going into 2025.

    Finding #5: The Some College, No Credential (SCNC) Population Presents a Growing Opportunity for Re-Engagement

    The Some College, No Credential (SCNC) population, now at 36.8 million and growing by 2.9% from the previous year, represents a significant opportunity for enrollment growth. With re-enrollment rising by 9.1% in the 2022-2023 academic year, institutions have a chance to attract students who left before completing their degrees.

    Understanding the educational preferences of SCNC students is key to tailoring outreach and support services. Popular fields of study for this group include Business and Liberal Arts at the bachelor’s level, Liberal Arts and General Studies for associate degrees, and Health professions and Business for undergraduate certificates. These areas indicate a clear demand for programs that offer clear pathways to employment. To effectively engage this population, institutions should focus on building accessible options that allow students to build upon previously earned credits, prioritize transfer credits, and offer support that enables students to advance in their chosen career fields.

    Finding #6: International Student Enrollment Boosts Institutions’ Global Appeal

    The growing population of international students enrolled at U.S. schools presents a valuable opportunity to enhance universities’ presence and grow enrollments.  These students comprise of a significant share of enrollments, particularly in Massachusetts, Hawaii, New York, and California, where they account for 4.5% to 7.8% of the student population. Most undergraduate international students are enrolled within the public sector, underscoring its position to support higher education on a domestic and international scale.

    To maximize the benefits of international student enrollment, institutions should focus on strategies that attract and retain international students while providing support services tailored to their unique needs. By integrating a comprehensive enrollment and student support system with resources like language assistance, housing support, and financial aid, institutions can boost their global appeal, create more culturally diverse campuses, and enhance their enrollment by positioning themselves as a top choice for students worldwide.

    Looking Toward 2025

    The findings from the 2025 Landscape of Higher Education Report demonstrate both the challenges and opportunities shaping the future of higher education.

    As institutions look ahead, the ability to attract and retain students across a range of educational paths requires a holistic approach to enrollment and student support services. By focusing on creating accessible, cost-effective, and relevant learning opportunities, institutions can position themselves for success in 2025 and beyond, while meeting the diverse needs of Modern Learners and driving sustainable enrollment growth.

    For more insights and actionable strategies, download the full 2025 Landscape of Higher Education Report and see how your institution can stay ahead of the curve.

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  • SEO for Higher Education: Strategies in 2024

    SEO for Higher Education: Strategies in 2024

    Boost Your Enrollment Cycle With These Higher Ed SEO Strategies                                          

    Billions of queries occur daily through global search engines on desktop, mobile, and voice devices. These organic searches are the largest drivers of website traffic, particularly for higher education institutions, making SEO an essential ingredient in the recipe for generating student leads. A student’s journey toward enrollment is a roller coaster of considerations. From looking at financial costs and career opportunities to assessing workloads and faculty projects, students turn to search engines to answer their questions. 

    Optimizing your university’s website involves looking at a variety of SEO factors: webpage speed, page titles and headings, URL structure, link building, content, and more. Here at Archer, our higher education SEO team members have expert insight at every step on the path toward optimizing a university’s website, including technical on-page improvements, off-page link building, and, most importantly, content creation and promotion. 

    Let’s explore how your institution can stay relevant and bring new prospective students in with a sophisticated higher education SEO strategy.

    SEO for Higher Education: What You Need to Know 

    Online content saturation is at an all-time high, and competition in higher ed is intensifying. Meanwhile, the audiences that institutions are marketing to have become less traditional. 

    Capturing the attention of prospective students at a critical point in their college enrollment journey takes a deep understanding of all the nuances of search engine optimization, including search intent, click-through rates, and mobile experience. To create content that will engage online audiences, universities must have strong SEO strategies to ensure brand discovery. 

    7 SEO Strategies to Boost Your College Enrollment Cycle

    Our higher ed SEO experts have pulled together a list of seven strategies to help capture students along their path to college enrollment. Their expertise will help guide you in discerning what’s important in an SEO strategy and where to set focus for the rest of the year. 

    1. Determine Your Student Journey               

    Student journey maps are going to be key in helping you guide the focus and intent of your content. How are you making students aware of your programs? At what point are they considering your programs? Where in the journey do they make a decision, and what do they need to get there? 

    Students looking to advance their academic and professional careers are at some point in the sales funnel, but they’re also at some stage in their search engine journey. If you’re doing it right, you’ve constructed this journey carefully and provided several different routes for the different kinds of prospective students you interact with. 

    For example, a student might be only tangentially familiar with the construction industry, so you can gain their interest by crafting a piece about construction careers that graduates can enter after receiving a construction management degree. On the other hand, a student might be further along in their journey and might be at the point of more serious consideration of an engineering degree. For this student, you can craft a post about stress management for engineering students. 

    If you want to get students to your website, finding blog topics is only half the game. Using keywords to optimize your content is how you push those posts to the finish line. Google’s latest algorithms emphasize value, so figure out what value you can provide your reader at every stage of inquiry.

    By walking through the student’s college enrollment experience and differentiating content based on the needs of each stage, you can curate specific content to respond to their search intent, keep them engaged with your brand, and guide them down your content map to a post that encourages them to convert.

    2. Satisfy Student Search Intent              

    Since search intent is Google’s ultimate goal, when it comes to SEO for higher education, keyword research and content creation that match the student’s search intent should be a primary focus.

    The “How to Become a CEO” article above is a great example of a university-created piece of content that matches search intent and provides steps that show how the university program can help the searcher accomplish their goal. Content should discuss a range of topics that align with the university’s mission and program’s course curriculum while still keeping the searcher top of mind. With each piece of content, you’ll be able to attract a variety of students who are in different places in the student discovery process.

    Each of these posts should have a strong call to action (CTA) that intrigues prospective students to learn more about the university’s program and how they can become more involved and apply. This CTA can include an aesthetically pleasing “learn more” button that directs readers to a “request more information” form.

    3. Apply Google’s Helpful Content Update Learnings

    In 2023, Google introduced a new helpful content algorithm intended to help searchers find relevant results. This update is intended to weed out nonhelpful search results, defined as content that lacks experience, expertise, authoritativeness, or trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). 

    What does this mean for universities? Crafting high-quality content that meets student search intent is even more important. Instead of focusing solely on SEO keywords, university website pages and blogs need to meet Google’s quality standards in one or more E-E-A-T fields.

    Universities can meet these expectations by providing high-quality information that highlights faculty and student experiences and expertise.

    4. Elevate Your Content Strategy           

    Searchers are no longer satisfied with traditional text-based content or boring images. This is especially true for millennials and Gen Zers, who account for 42% of the U.S. population, according to Statista, and the majority of a university’s target market. 

    To capture the attention of these easily distracted searchers, higher education SEO strategies should branch out beyond traditional articles and infographics to include visually captivating and psychologically intriguing content, such as interactive graphics or videos. This refreshed content strategy should aim to not only catch a searcher’s immediate attention but also leave a lasting brand imprint to intrigue searchers to come back for more.

    Check out the following example of an engaging piece of content from Zippia.com that outlines the different career paths for cost accountants. The piece is interactive, allowing the user to move their mouse along the different career paths to reveal more detailed and relevant information.

    This interactive map is fun and easy to use while still providing the quality and quantity of content the user is looking for. It illustrates the kind of memorable yet useful experience required to capture a student’s attention.

    5. Occupy Google Search Results

    Occupying more real estate on ever-evolving search engine results pages (SERPs) is more crucial than ever. A large number of Google searches do not result in a click. With the advent of more featured snippets, the importance of a technically sound website, structured data, and high-quality content grows.

    While on-page SEO is still crucial for ranking on the SERP, off-page efforts and creating a user experience (UX) that expands past your website are the next wave of occupying internet real estate. Off-page citations, or references to your institution on websites such as U.S. News and Wikipedia, will push hints and signals to Google that validate your brand. Quality higher education SEO strategies should also include a UX that helps your site stand out in today’s saturated marketplace.

    6. Optimize Your Website for Mobile           

    To enhance the college enrollment funnel experience, you need to maintain the health of your website for both desktop and mobile.

    Since a majority of search engine visits come from mobile devices, there’s no question that higher education SEO teams should be focusing on the mobile user experience of their websites. Now that Google has mobile-first indexing best practices, your team has new factors to consider. If your website’s content differs between desktop and mobile, for example, then your site is at risk of having pages not indexed or crawled, which could result in a significant loss of traffic. 

    For starters, ensure that desktop and mobile versions of your website have identical content, as well as identical technical elements, such as structured data and meta tags. Whether you’re developing content or updating your website design, always be sure to consider both platforms in any updates you make.

    7. Understand Your Competition   

    With Google ads for search terms like “online mba” generating a high cost per click (CPC), higher education is one of the most competitive segments of search engine rankings. Why? Simply put, graduate degree programs are expensive and have large marketing budgets. In addition, affiliate marketing is rampant in the higher education space. What’s affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketers in higher education essentially sell student leads to universities.

    These affiliate sites often have large SEO budgets and benefit from degree ranking and badging tactics. Take a look at the density of non-edu sites in the search results by Googling “online mba.” 

    In addition to competing with a number of affiliate websites, traditional schools have to compete with for-profit institutions and institutions with powerful national and regional brands.

    Despite the competitive market, a long-term higher education SEO strategy, with a nuanced understanding of the market, can yield tremendous results around student enrollments and thought leadership.

    SEO for Higher Education: Boost Your Results with Archer 

    Here at Archer Education, we partner with accredited universities to help higher-ed leaders and marketers accelerate online learning growth and enrollment. We offer a variety of tech-enabled marketing, enrollment, and retention services, and our team of SEO experts is always up to date on strategies to help your program gain visibility in prospective students’ search results. 

    Our SEO tactics can help your university:

    Contact us or visit our SEO tactics page to learn more about how Archer can help you reach your enrollment goals.


    Backlinko, Search Intent and SEO: A Complete Guide 

    Forbes, “Understanding Google’s Mobile-First Indexing To Generate More Traffic To Your Website” 

    National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, Current Term Enrollment Estimates

     Statista, U.S. population Share by Generation 2023

    Zippia, How To Become A Cost Accountant: What It Is and Career Path

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  • Advanced Software for Higher Education

    Advanced Software for Higher Education

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    Why Student Discipline Matters in Higher Education?

    Good discipline is essential to a secure and encouraging campus environment. According to NCES, colleges can easily monitor and address problems as they come up by using behavior-tracking software. This has resulted in a 15% increase in campus safety and a 20% increase in student satisfaction. It takes more than just following the rules to create an environment where students can succeed. Behavior monitoring is directly linked to higher retention rates, as evidenced by students in well-managed environments being 25 percent more likely to finish their education.

    Campus administrators will benefit from happier students, a safer and more encouraging environment, and continued vigilance about compliance standards.


    The Changing Landscape of Student Behavior in Higher Education

    Keeping an eye on student behavior gets harder as universities get bigger and more diverse. The days of having a few basic rules and occasionally checking in were long gone. Maintaining a courteous, secure, and welcoming campus community presents many challenges for today’s higher education institutions. 



    This is what adds to its complexity:

    • Handling Students from Diverse Populations: Managing Different Cultural Expectations.
    • Addressing plagiarism and cheating in the digital age is academic misconduct.
    • Behavioral Concerns: Dealing with disruptive behavior on the internet and in classrooms.
    • Campus Safety: Protecting students’ health from abuse and harassment.

    Behavior tracking plays a critical role in helping institutions confront these challenges head-on in this dynamic environment. Maintaining documentation is not enough; you also need to build an environment of responsibility, encourage good behavior, and eventually make a contribution.


    The Need for Efficient Behavior Tracking Software

    These days, handling student discipline with just paper records and spreadsheets is not going to be sufficient. Colleges should reconsider their strategy for the following reasons:

    Challenges of Outdated Practices: Paper trails and manual tracking can result in misplaced incidents and postponed actions, which makes it more difficult to provide students with timely support and responses.

    Consequences of Ineffective Discipline Oversight: Ineffective discipline management can drive away students and damage the institution’s reputation. Students who experience a lack of accountability may feel unsupported and insecure.


    Modern Behavior Tracking Software Advantages

    Improved Student Experience: Students can flourish in a more secure and caring environment when simplified discipline management is put into place.

    Improved Policy Adherence: A strong system makes sure that institutional rules are followed, reducing the possibility of possible legal issues.

    Data-Driven Insights: With the use of sophisticated tracking tools, organizations can examine patterns of behavior to make well-informed decisions and take preventative action.

    Adopting behavior monitoring software can transform educational institutions’ approaches to managing student behavior and promote a campus climate that puts safety and support first.


    Key Strategies for Improving Student Discipline




    • Establish the tone by making student conduct policies very apparent from the outset.
    • Give employees the tools they need to immediately report issues so that they can be addressed quickly.
    • Analyze behavior trends with analytics to adjust your strategy.
    • Highlight positive behavior because it inspires more of the same when it is acknowledged and rewarded.
    • Establish avenues for students to express their ideas and worries to promote a feeling of community.
    • Work together to present a unified front for discipline management with the staff, teachers, and parents.
    • Provide regular training to staff members on behavior management and conflict resolution techniques.
    • Put in place a system to keep an eye on incidents and their results so that changes and improvements can be made continuously.


    How Technology Supports Discipline Management




    • When an incident occurs, you and your team can report it right away, focusing immediately on finding solutions. For example, a teacher could record a conflict in the hallway immediately rather than waiting for class to end.
    • You can quickly review and have educated discussions with ease when you have easy access to a student’s discipline history through a centralized system.
    • Parents and staff are kept informed about incidents instantly, allowing for timely action when necessary.
    • With the use of behavior tracking software, you can identify patterns over time and provide early interventions for students who consistently struggle.
    • Customized reports evaluate the success of disciplinary measures, enabling you to improve policies in light of actual outcomes.
    • Maintain open lines of communication among students, faculty, and parents as they work together to address discipline issues.
    • Use data insights to make informed decisions that improve behavior and campus safety. Institutions that implement technology solutions experience a 30% increase in compliance and satisfaction.


    Introducing Creatrix Campus Student Conduct Management System

    • Log incidents quickly while on the go to simplify documentation.
    • Create customized reports with an emphasis on particular incident types, locations, and student demographics.
    • To inform parents, teachers, and students about significant incidents, send out automatic alerts.
    • Using your mobile device, you can view and edit incident records from anywhere on campus.
    • An integrated reward system that acknowledges and motivates students can help to promote positive behavior.


    Benefits for Higher Education Institutions




    Higher Ed Leaders, Take Action!

    We feel you definitely deserve a utopian campus where monitoring student behavior is a breeze for you! You can now effectively replace your legacy procedures with a more effective approach to handling student behavior when you use Creatrix Campus behavior tracking software. Want to know how it operates? Set up a demo with Creatrix now to see how it can help you and your team have a more seamless experience on campus! Let’s talk!

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  • 10 Key Benefits of Using Fee Management Software in Higher Education

    10 Key Benefits of Using Fee Management Software in Higher Education

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    Higher Education institutions are increasingly moving towards an automated age of cloud, mobile, and big data analytics. There are many reasons institutions should implement the strategy of collecting payments through cloud and mobile-based fee management software. It would be desirable for any type of institution to automate billing/fee collection and drive greater revenue while saving greater hours of manual work.

    A fee management software solves many problems for higher education and helps parents to keep track of fee payments in real-time. No more manual records or calculations on sheets of paper. Using the fee accounting and financial management software, students and parents can use the latest technology tools to connect various departments such as admission, finance, transport, hostel, library, and more. This will result in wider engagement and improved efficiency in educational institutions with the synchronization of data on fee collections. Student fee collection and unpaid fee details can be accessed on mobile devices including iPhone and Android from anywhere and anytime, beyond the campus.


    Key Benefits of Using Fee Management Software



    Effortless Payment Integration

    Fee management software integrates effortlessly with most of the common payment gateway platforms, allowing students to select the payment options that best suit them, including digital wallets, bank transfers, and credit/debit cards, and pay in a click. To those in the finance team, the software ensures safe cash flow, timely payments, and streamlined financial operations, without spending too much time.


    Financial Data at the Fingertips

    Real-time financial insights can be obtained through the use of dynamic reporting technologies and real-time analytics of the finance module. Your team including key decision-makers and institutional heads can now make precise, data-driven decisions with this state-of-the-art capability, which guarantees precise financial forecasting and institutional strategic planning that helps you deal with tomorrow.


    100% Security on Finances

    Improve your institution’s financial security with cutting-edge encryption and AI-driven threat detection that most fee management software comes with. By using the most recent cybersecurity technologies integrated into the fee management systems, you can almost eliminate the risk of data breaches and fraud, providing rock-solid safety and total peace of mind for both the higher ed’s institution and its students.


    Personalized Payment Plans

    Transform student financial management with fully customizable payment alternatives that meet individual students’ needs. Whether it’s flexible installment plans, financial aid, or delayed payments, these specialized fee solutions increase student satisfaction and retention by giving the financial flexibility, empowerment, and assistance that every student deserves. The Mobile-first approach is another attractive feature of the fee management software that makes it a totally attractive package. 


    Laborsaving Fee Reconciliation

    Turbocharge your financial process with intelligent automation that promptly and accurately aligns invoices and payments, slashing administrative burdens and decreasing human errors so that employees can concentrate on key responsibilities.


    Mobile Access

    In a world where mobile devices are becoming more and more common, redefine payment management with a strong mobile platform that enables administrators and students to accept payments whenever and wherever they choose.


    Personalized Fee Structures

    Your higher education can execute a bunch of unique financial models and individualized solutions by utilizing flexible fee structures that are made to meet the unique requirements of different programs, courses, and students.


    Effortless Refund Automation

    Instill confidence in students with a cutting-edge, automated refund system that ensures rapid and precise disbursements, in no time. This benefit indeed reflects your institution’s dedication to transparency and superior financial stewardship.


    Seamless Regulatory Navigation

    Using state-of-the-art compliance tools, institutions can easily adhere to local and international financial regulations, protecting your institution from fines and legal trouble while maintaining the greatest levels of honesty and integrity.


    Strategic Financial Planning

    Make the most of cutting-edge analytics and comprehensive reporting to find insightful financial data, improve the distribution of resources, and create plans for strategic expansion that will help your higher education institution grow and prosper.


    Revolutionize Your Finances with Creatrix Fee Management Software Today

    In summary, putting in place strong fee management software is not just a contemporary comfort but also a tactical requirement for higher education institutions. Operational efficiency, financial correctness, and student satisfaction can all be significantly increased by integrating automated procedures, real-time financial information, and customized payment plans too!

    A recent research demonstrated the transformative power of such technology by showing that institutions that implemented advanced fee management systems witnessed a 75% reduction in administrative workload and a 30% rise in timely payments.

    If you wish to be one such institution, Creatrix Campus can help. Find out how the Creatrix Campus Fee Management System can improve security, expedite your billing procedures, and give you the real-time data you require to spur productivity and growth. To find out more and arrange a demo right away, click this link!

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  • Role of Dean in Higher Education: 8 Strategies for Engagement

    Role of Dean in Higher Education: 8 Strategies for Engagement

    Tune In To Our Audio Blog


    Hello Deans, you are crucial in determining how education will develop in the future because you are the designers of your higher ed’s academic vision. Building successful learning environments where faculty and students flourish depends on your leadership. We’ll look at the role of dean in higher education and how deans can foster innovation in higher education institutions, and their creative approaches in this blog that can improve instruction and student participation, turning your classrooms into places where learning happens and ideas are generated.

    We’ll also demonstrate how the Creatrix suite can help you at every stage and provide you with the resources you need to have a significant, long-lasting influence. Let’s get started and support your academic community in realizing its greatest potential!


    The Role of Dean in Higher Education – Understanding the Dean’s Influence on a Campus

    With your influence over all facets of your institution’s learning environment, deans are the beating heart of academic leadership. Your influence greatly influences student outcomes, research, and teaching in addition to administrative tasks. Here is the common role of dean in higher education that demonstrates your impact:



    • Decide on the priorities and institutional culture.
    • Take the lead in implementing cutting-edge instructional strategies and technological advancements.
    • Make certain that the courses adhere to the most recent developments in education.
    • Motivate and assist educators in investigating novel teaching strategies.
    • Promote initiatives that increase student involvement and academic performance to increase student engagement.
    • Faculty and students can flourish in a dynamic learning environment when your vision serves as the cornerstone for educational excellence.
    • You take the initiative to implement tactics that raise student retention and success and involvement while fostering engaging learning environments.


    What’s Working Globally: 8 Proven Strategies for Deans to Elevate Teaching & Engagement

    While researching how deans can foster innovation in higher education institutions we arrived at a stunning analysis; we discovered how effectively leading deans from all around the world are changing education by pushing the envelope and implementing cutting-edge tactics. And we have documented on what’s working with them and the reasons these strategies are spreading throughout institutions worldwide for you to help you better!




    1. Synergy across disciplines

    The most progressive deans of today are bringing students from various disciplines together to work together on real-world issues. Students studying business and engineering at the University of Michigan collaborated to develop ground-breaking solutions that enhanced critical thinking and teamwork, an approach that is quickly becoming recognized as a hallmark of academic innovation.


    2. Using Technology to Accelerate Learning

    Deans from the best universities across the globe are utilizing technology to transform education, from virtual reality to AI-driven tools. We figured out that Virtual reality (VR) and Gamified Learning were implemented at Stanford University recently! The main intention behind these initiatives was to enhance student engagement and understanding in subjects like anatomy and architecture! These technologies indeed allow students to study complex subjects in immersive and interactive ways.


    3. Investing in Faculty Development as a Strategic Move

    Giving professors the freedom to take the lead in innovation is crucial in the rapidly evolving field of education. At UC Berkeley, deans arranged workshops on active learning strategies, equipping teachers with the means to design more engaging, student-focused classrooms and demonstrating how supportive faculty members contribute to student retention and success.


    4. Innovation through research and experimentation

    It is also surprising to witness institutions such as Arizona State University provide faculty with resources to experiment with cutting-edge curricula. This is so welcoming indeed. By funding experiential learning projects, deans and decision-makers enable educators to test new models of teaching, and curriculum mapping, resulting in programs that increase student engagement and academic achievement.


    5. Change-Driven Loops of Student Feedback

    The next best strategy we figured out was that the academic institutions globally are utilizing student feedback to enhance their pedagogical approaches. They throng on 360-degree courses and faculty evaluation tools to listen out students’ opinions for improvement. It has been demonstrated that listening to students can significantly improve the learning experience. Georgia State University’s “Student Engagement Surveys” revealed insightful feedback that resulted in significant improvements in course delivery.


    6. Real-World Partnerships for Experiential Learning

    Another surprising discovery was this – Through partnerships with industry, top universities are witnessing a thirty percent increase in student engagement. More than 85% of participants at the University of South Florida reported feeling more prepared for the workforce as a result of the tech companies’ collaborative efforts with the university.


    7. Diversity and Inclusion as Innovation Drivers.

    We do not want to overlook this particular strategy! Institutions that prioritize diversity benefit from both innovation and engagement. At the University of Toronto, deans launched initiatives to bring diverse perspectives into the classroom, resulting in richer discussions, explorations, and new ideas, demonstrating that inclusive environments lead to more creative outcomes and better attainments!


    8. Risk-Taking & Experiencing Safe Environments

    The last thing we observed was promoting an environment where faculty and students feel comfortable taking chances to learn, adapt, grow, and shine. This strategy will for sure enable the upcoming generation of innovators to push boundaries and fail fearlessly, MIT has established “Innovation Labs,” which provide a creative environment where experimental projects flourish.


    The Role of Creatrix Campus Suite in Supporting Deans

    To all deans and academic leaders, managing a faculty is no small task, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With Creatrix Campus, it’s easy to foster a culture of teamwork and innovation.

    Encourage a Collaborative Culture: Picture professors working together on projects and easily exchanging ideas with one another. Creatrix makes that a reality.

    Way to Miss the Admin Stress: Turn in the paperwork to Creatrix so you can focus on helping students succeed—that’s what really counts.

    Easy Decisions: With Creatrix’s perceptive analytics, you can easily adjust your strategies to achieve better results by identifying exactly what’s working.

    Create an Engaging Learning Experience: The tools aren’t just for management; they’re here to help improve student outcomes. By streamlining how faculty teach and interact, you’ll be building a more engaging and inspiring academic environment.

    Creatrix isn’t just another platform—it’s your partner in transforming the way your institution runs, making your job smoother and your faculty more effective.


    Case Study: University of Otago – Empowering Deans with Creatrix Campus

    But don’t just take our word for it—let’s look at a peculiar student retention and success story from an institution that embraced the Creatrix Suite.

    “Creatrix’s curriculum mind mapping based on learning outcomes, competency standards, and graduate attributes is excellent.” — Stephen Duffull, Dean School of Pharmacy, University of Otago


    Client Overview

    The University of Otago, one of New Zealand’s leading institutions and ranked in the top 1% globally, was looking to innovate its academic management systems to support its pharmacy school. Faced with the complexities of curriculum management, EPA tracking, and faculty workload, they needed a solution that could streamline their academic processes.


    Key Challenges

    Otago’s Pharmacy Department was juggling:

    Complex curriculum mapping: Multiple layers such as LOs, SLOs, EPAs, competency frameworks, and professional standards were difficult to manage manually.

    EPA tracking and rotational planning: Managing placements across five hubs required a detailed, integrated system.

    Timetabling inefficiencies: Manual scheduling for courses, faculty, rooms, and teaching events slowed operations and led to conflicts.

    Faculty workload management: Needed a more transparent and automated way to measure and balance faculty workload.


    How Creatrix Empowered Deans

    Creatrix helped Otago create a connected digital campus, where Deans like Stephen Duffull could:

    Streamline curriculum mapping: A visual mind map that ties in learning outcomes, assessments, and professional competencies, making it easier for Deans to track academic progress.

    Automate EPA planning: A dynamic rotational planner for EPA tracking, reducing manual work and ensuring smooth coordination across hubs.

    Master Timetable Scheduler: Automated scheduling with alerts for conflicts, integrating seamlessly with Google Calendar.

    Faculty Workload Management: Real-time tracking of faculty workloads, helping Deans better allocate teaching, research, and admin duties, with instant visual analysis.


    Business Impact

    With Creatrix, Otago saw immediate gains:

    • 2X faster implementation times
    • Seamless onboarding and reduced admin overhead
    • Greater faculty productivity and balanced workloads
    • Efficient curriculum and EPA management—all under one system

    Deans at Otago now had the tools to lead academic innovation, boost engagement, and drive institutional excellence.


    Conclusion: Empowering Deans to Lead Innovation

    We know that deans are crucial in shaping the future of higher education. Your leadership drives innovation and boosts student engagement. By exploring the Creatrix suite, you’ll discover tools that can simplify operations and enhance your institution’s academic culture. Take the next step—visit the Creatrix Campus suite of solutions and see how deans can foster innovation in higher education institutions. Let’s make a difference together!

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  • InsightsEDU 2025 – Marketing and Enrollment Management for Adult and Online Education 

    Date: February 12-14, 2025
    Location: The Ritz Carlton, New Orleans

    EducationDynamics’ InsightsEDU is one of the only higher education marketing and enrollment management conferences focused on the Modern Learner. Every year, InsightsEDU brings together thought leaders, decision-makers, and professionals from colleges, universities, and education-related organizations nationwide. The mission of InsightsEDU is to create a platform for the exchange of ideas, strategies, and innovations that propel higher education forward.

  • 2025 Presidents Institute

    Date: January 4–7, 2025
    Location: San Antonio, TX  

    The Council of Independent Colleges’ 2025 Presidents Institute serves as a pivotal gathering amid the shifting higher education environment, offering a space for leaders to address key challenges. The 2025 gathering will provide over 300 college and university presidents, along with nearly 750 participants, the opportunity to explore how strategic community engagement can transform challenges into opportunities. With a focus on critical issues like financial sustainability, legal challenges, DEI and belonging, and federal policy, this event offers timely insights for navigating higher education’s political landscape.

  • SXSW EDU Conference & Festival 2025  

    Date: March 3-6, 2025 
    Location: Austin, TX 

    Immerse yourself in four days of unparalleled learning and collaboration at the SXSW EDU Conference & Festival. Designed for education professionals, industry leaders, and policymakers, this pivotal event ignites creativity and fosters innovation in the field of education. 

  • 2025 UPCEA Annual Conference 

    Date: March 24-26, 2025
    Location: Denver, CO  

    UPCEA’s Annual Conference is one of the most significant assemblies of thought leaders and practitioners today in the field of professional, continuing, and online education. Deans and other senior university leaders, key staff, and teams responsible for the management, administration, and growth of professional, continuing, and online education programs attend every year to gain insights on the most pressing topics in the higher education landscape – including federal policy, finance and operations, marketing and enrollment management, instructional design, noncredit programs, alternative credentialing, and more.  

  • American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) 2025 

    Date: April 12-16, 2025
    Location: Nashville, TN

    The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Conference hosts a premier professional development event for leaders and stakeholders in the community college sector. It features impactful keynote presentations, focused breakout sessions, technology showcases, and peer-to-peer exchanges, all aimed at addressing the most pressing challenges and opportunities in two-year colleges. With a focus on innovation, problem-solving, and extensive networking opportunities, the AACC Annual Conference serves as an essential platform for shaping the future of community college education.

  • The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO) 110th Annual Meeting 

    Date: March 30 – April 2, 2025
    Location: Seattle, WA 

    Join a global network of higher education professionals at the AACRAO Annual Meeting, where leaders from various disciplines come together to explore, engage, and advance the field. This event provides an opportunity to discuss the ever-changing landscape of higher education, share valuable insights, and collaborate on practical solutions to real-world challenges. Each year, the AACRAO Annual Meeting tackles emerging issues and trends, offering attendees the chance to deepen their knowledge, expand their network, and contribute to the future of higher education.

  • OLC Innovate 2025 

    Date: April 1-4, 2025
    Location: Nashville, TN

    The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is a group of higher education leaders and innovators who work to advance quality digital teaching and learning experiences. OLC Innovate 2025 offers educators of all experience levels to explore, share, and advance digital and blended learning. Themed “The Rhythm of Innovation: Hitting the High Notes in Digital Education,” the conference will reimagine how today’s disruptions shape tomorrow’s classrooms.

  • 2024 Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Annual Conference 

    Date: April 5-8, 2025
    Location: Chicago, IL 

    HLC’s Annual Conference is geared towards administrators in the higher education community, including administrative professionals, faculty members, CEOs, presidents, and chancellors. Sessions, speakers, and workshops provide opportunities for institutions that seek accreditation and offer information on the latest developments, issues, and best practices in higher education. The 2025 conference will explore how colleges and universities use higher education to address evolving student and societal needs, impart workforce skills, fuel innovation, and tackle today’s most pressing challenges.

  • ASU+GSV Summit 2025 – Learning at the Speed of Light 

    Date: April 6-9, 2025
    Location: San Diego, CA 

    The ASU GSV Summit brings together leading thinkers in digital learning and workforce skills to create a future where everyone has equal access to opportunity. It is a community of educators, entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators in the educational technology and higher education industry who are motivated in reshaping society and education through innovation.  

  • NAGAP, The Association for Graduate Enrollment – 2025 Graduate Enrollment Management Summit 

    Date: April 23-26, 2025  
    Location: San Francisco, CA

    NAGAP’s annual summit unites professionals engaged in every aspect of the graduate enrollment lifecycle—from admissions and recruitment to financial aid, academic affairs, and beyond. As the only professional organization dedicated exclusively to graduate enrollment management, NAGAP provides a unique platform for addressing the specific concerns and challenges faced by those in this field.

  • Digital University Week – Inside Higher Ed/Times Higher Education 

    Date: May 2025
    Location: TBD

    Digital University Week, hosted by Inside Higher Ed and Times Higher Education, brings together leaders in higher education’s digital transformation to explore the opportunities and challenges of a digital-first future. The event focuses on overcoming institutional silos, fostering industry collaboration, and maximizing resources while emphasizing a human-centered approach for equitable digital learning. The series offers an intimate setting for impactful conversations, sparking new ideas and building connections to reshape the future of education. 

  • 2025 Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU) Convention 

    Date: May 27-29, 2025
    Location: Las Vegas, NV

    The 2025 North American Career Education Convention is regarded as the largest gathering of private career education professionals nationwide. Featuring renowned keynote speakers, expert-led sessions, and ample opportunities to connect with sector leaders, this conference attracts a diverse audience each year, fostering collaboration and innovation in postsecondary career education.

  • Slate Summit 2025 

    Date: June 25-27, 2025
    Location: Las Vegas, NV

    The Slate Summit, an exclusive event led by the Slate community, provides a deep dive into specific Slate topics through expert-led sessions and offers networking opportunities with like-minded peers in affinity group breakouts. This year’s Summit, tailored for admissions, student success, and advancement professionals, promises to be the most engaging and informative yet, featuring industry experts, interactive workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities. 

  • eduWeb Summit 2025 

    Date: July 15-17, 2025 
    Location: Portland, ME 

    The eduWeb Summit is a community of higher education professionals and industry partners who are passionate about advancing their marketing, communications, and digital work. This conference gathers higher education professionals and industry partners from 16 countries and all 50 states. Attendees benefit from enhanced networking opportunities, engaging with peers and potential partners while gaining valuable insights into web and digital experiences, AI and analytics, leadership and innovation, and enrollment marketing. 

  • UPCEA DT&L and SOLA+R 2024 – Distance Teaching & Learning Conference and Summit for Online Leadership & Administration + Roundtable 

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    UPCEA’s DT&L and SOLA+R event combines 2 conferences into 1 seamless experience. It captures all the elements of digital transformation and leadership in a holistic way—from teaching and learning to leadership and administration—preserving the salient issues for two distinct professional communities, while catalyzing dialogue across all facets of the larger field. This event is ideal for key campus leaders – presidents, provost, deans, instructional designers, faculty, and other focused on digital leadership. 

    UPCEA DT&L and SOLA+R 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information. 

  • UNCF Unite 2025 

    Date: July 20-24, 2025
    Location: Atlanta, GA 

    UNITE, powered by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), is the nation’s leading annual gathering for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominately Black Institutions (PBIs). This influential event brings together thought leaders, change agents, and community partners to accelerate institutional transformation, address shared challenges, and celebrate achievements. Through networking, discussions, and celebration, UNITE fosters innovation within higher education and propels institutions towards a brighter future for all students.  

    UNCF Unite 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • HashtagHigherEd 2025

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    HashtagHigherEd is a dedicated forum of professionals in higher education marketing and communications to converge, fostering the exchange of best practices amidst the complexities of a competitive and ever-evolving landscape. This dedicated forum provides a space for these professionals to collaboratively discuss effective communication, marketing, and branding strategies tailored to the unique challenges of the higher education sector.   

    HashtagHigherEd US 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • HighEdWeb Association Annual Conference 2025 

    Date: September 28-October 1, 2025
    Location: Online and Grand Rapids, Michigan  

    Connect with colleagues and explore the impact of digital media on higher education at the HighEdWeb Annual Conference 2025. Designed for professionals across all roles—programmers, marketers, social media experts, managers, designers, and writers—this event offers diverse track sessions, an inspiring keynote, and group discussions. Engage with a vibrant community, gain valuable insights, and address unique digital challenges faced by colleges and universities, all while expanding your network and enhancing your professional development. 

  • NACAC Conference 2025 

    Date: September 18-20, 2025 
    Location: Columbus, OH

    The NACAC Conference 2025 will gather over 6,000 dedicated counselors in Los Angeles to exchange best practices, gain inspiration, and explore cutting-edge research in admission counseling. This event provides higher education counselors with the chance to discover innovative strategies, engage with thought leaders and peers, stay updated with the latest research, and connect with a diverse community of professionals. 

  • UPCEA Convergence 

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    The UPCEA Convergence conference explores contemporary trends and emerging models within the realm of alternative credentials. This event, a collaborative effort by UPCEA and AACRAO, serves as a platform for key campus figures involved in credential innovation. This includes deans of professional education, chief online learning officers, registrars, and their respective teams. Together, they aim to delineate and refine institutional strategies concerning alternative credentials.  

    UPCEA Convergence 2025 conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information. 

  • P3 EDU – Innovation and Public-Private Partnership in Higher Education

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD 

    P3 EDU is an invitation-only annual conference that brings together university administrators, government officials, and representatives from foundations and corporations to discuss public-private partnerships in higher education. Attendees will delve into partnership opportunities, share best practices, and address the challenges of implementing successful public-private partnerships in higher education.  

    P3 EDU 2025 conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information.

  • Educause Annual Conference 2025

    Date: October 27-29, 2025 
    Location: Nashville, TN and Online 

    The Educause Annual Conference is the premier event for higher education technology professionals, connecting the brightest minds in the field. This global gathering brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds within the higher education industry – practitioners, researchers, and solution providers – to share ideas, develop their expertise, and discover innovative solutions to contemporary challenges.  

    The Educause Annual 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information. 

  • 2025 AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education  

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD 

    For over 30 years, the AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education has offered a dynamic glimpse into the ever-evolving landscape of higher education. With a program featuring peer-reviewed content, attendees gain the strategic insights needed to elevate their marketing strategies, enhance their institutional reputation, and ensure financial strength. Beyond the wealth of sessions, the Symposium serves as a vibrant community where knowledge seamlessly transitions into actionable initiatives, making it an invaluable resource for marketers looking to shape the future of higher education, foster growth, and ensure vitality.   

    The 2025 AMA Symposium Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information. 

  • OLC Accelerate 2025

    Date: November 17-20, 2025
    Location: Orlando, FL 

    The OLC Accelerate conference showcases groundbreaking research and effective practices in online, blended, and digital learning. It offers a diverse range of sessions and activities designed to support administrators, designers, and educators by addressing the unique challenges and goals of the entire community. This event is a comprehensive resource for staying at the forefront of innovative practices in digital education.  

    The OLC Accelerate 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • UPCEA MEMS 2025

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    UPCEA MEMS is a must-attend conference for education professionals who want to stay on top of the trends in higher ed marketing. Presented from a variety of perspectives, sessions elevate the conversation about today’s higher education landscape. For over 30 years, MEMS has drawn professionals from institutions of all sizes to showcase thought leadership in higher education and explore trends in adult student recruitment and retention.

    UPCEA MEMS 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information.

  • NAICU 2025 Annual Meeting and Advocacy Day

    Date: February 2-5, 2025
    Location: Washington, DC

    NAICU’s Annual Meeting & Advocacy Day is the premier policy and advocacy event for private, nonprofit higher education leadership, including college and university presidents, government relations personnel, and executives from state and mission-specific higher education associations. The meeting annually offers briefings on pressing policy issues affecting higher education and focuses advocacy efforts on these critical concerns.

  • WCET 37th Annual Meeting

    Date: October 21-23, 2025
    Location: Denver, CO

    The WCET Annual Meeting brings together higher education professionals and practitioners to foster critical discussions, share the latest advancements in digital learning, and navigate the evolving regulatory landscape. With a registration limit of 500, the intimate and collegial setting of the WCET Annual Meeting offers unique opportunities for meaningful dialogue and insights, making it a valuable event for leaders and practitioners in digital learning.

    WCET 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • 2025 Engage Summit

    Date: June 24-26, 2025
    Location: Charlotte, NC

    The Engage Summit focuses on practical applications of AI, equipping attendees to lead their institutions through AI transformation. Participants will gain insights into the modern student’s mindset—understanding their motivations, interactions, and expectations in today’s digital landscape. This event serves as a great opportunity for educational leaders to prepare their campuses for the evolving future of learning.

    The 2025 Engage Summit Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

Conferences offer invaluable opportunities for higher education professionals to stay current with industry trends, discover innovative strategies, and connect with like-minded individuals. Whether you’re seeking to advance your career, enhance your skills, or simply stay informed, attending a relevant conference can be a hugely rewarding experience.  

If you see any of our experts at EducationDynamics (EDDY) at one of these events, come and say hello! We’re excited about making new connections with people from all over the world who share a passion for learning more about what it means to understand, find, enroll, and retain adult, online, or non-traditional students.  

We look forward to seeing you there; drop us a line if you’re attending any of the conferences above. 

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  • Tips for the Student Journey- Archer Education

    Tips for the Student Journey- Archer Education

    5 Tips for Keeping Students Engaged Throughout the Admissions Process

    In higher education, the enrollment funnel can feel like a battleground for institutions vying to convert interest into commitment. 

    Traditionally, the enrollment funnel has been viewed simply: attract, engage, and enroll. But the modern student’s journey is anything but straightforward — it’s a complex, winding path influenced by numerous digital touchpoints and personalized interactions.

    The health of the enrollment funnel extends beyond mere numbers; it represents the institution’s ability to connect with prospective students through every phase of their decision-making process. With technology reshaping expectations and behaviors, colleges and universities must not only catch the eye of prospective students but also keep them engaged through multiple channels and strategies. 

    This article unpacks key elements of the enrollment and admissions funnel, offering actionable insights and innovative tips to capture and retain students’ attention from their first inquiry through their enrollment stages. As we explore these strategies, you’ll discover the vital role that continuous, tailored engagement plays in transforming interest into activity, setting the stage for a successful educational journey.

    The Modern Student Journey

    Today’s students embark on their educational journeys equipped with a wealth of information and digital tools at their fingertips, making their paths to enrollment more complex and multifaceted than ever before. 

    Complexities and Challenges

    The student journey is far from linear. It involves numerous interactions across various platforms and touchpoints. Each student’s path is unique and influenced by personal, financial, and academic factors. 

    For instance, a modern student, such as a working professional returning to education or a parent seeking to balance family responsibilities with schooling, may have different priorities and use different resources compared to a younger, first-time college student.

    Technology has diversified the ways students gather information, and also how they engage with institutions. Prospective students might start their journey by conducting a simple Google search, but they will also often visit social media platforms, participate in virtual campus tours, and attend online webinars before starting their application. During this time, they are continuously evaluating their options and being influenced by each interaction they have with a school’s digital presence.

    Impact of Technology

    The proliferation of digital platforms has dramatically altered the student journey, both for students and institutions, in ways such as the following: 

    Given these technological influences, it is essential for educational institutions to adapt their enrollment strategies to meet the changing behaviors and preferences of modern students. Integrating data analytics, enhancing digital communication channels, and providing personalized experiences are all critical to effectively engaging with prospective students throughout their decision-making journey.

    Understanding the Enrollment Funnel 

    The enrollment and admissions funnel is a foundational concept in higher education marketing that illustrates the progressive stages a student navigates, from awareness through enrollment. The funnel is not just a theoretical model but a practical guide for shaping effective engagement strategies. 

    6 Stages of the Enrollment Funnel

    The enrollment funnel can be divided into several key stages, each requiring specific strategies to move prospective students to the next step:

    A deep understanding and effective management of the enrollment and admissions funnel is crucial for any educational institution aiming to increase its student body. Let’s see how it’s done. 

    How to Keep Students’ Attention Through the Enrollment Funnel

    Maintaining the attention of prospective students throughout their educational journey is crucial for successful enrollment. Here are key strategies to keep students engaged from initial inquiry through enrollment:

    1. Consistent Engagement Across Channels

    Leverage multiple channels to engage with students to ensure your institution remains top of mind. Implement a mix of digital and traditional marketing strategies to reach students where they are most active, such as the following:

    2. Personalization and Differentiation

    Tailor your communications to meet the specific needs and interests of each prospective student, and utilize data from their interactions with your digital content to personalize messages. Strategies to achieve these goals include the following:

    3. Incentives and Urgency

    Create a sense of urgency and motivation by offering incentives that encourage prospective students to take the next step:

    4. Building Relationships

    Foster a sense of community and belonging from the first interaction through forums such as the following:

    5. Continuous Improvement

    Regularly assess and refine your engagement strategies based on feedback and analytics tools and processes:

    It’s Time to Build Out Your Enrollment Funnel 

    The landscape of higher education is competitive, but the enrollment funnel could be your institution’s edge. By engaging prospective students at every stage of their journey with tailored strategies and personalized communications, institutions can significantly enhance their enrollment rates. If you’re ready to elevate your enrollment marketing strategies, Archer Education is here to take you to the next level. Reach out to us, and let us help you create a robust enrollment funnel that not only attracts but also converts prospective students into committed learners.

    John Van Fleet

    John Van Fleet is the Chief Marketing Officer at Archer Education. With more than 20 years of experience in higher ed marketing, John has a continuous track record of successfully supporting institutional growth.

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  • Equipping the Future – New Mexico Education

    Equipping the Future – New Mexico Education

    In the heart of Albuquerque’s west side, a new beacon of hope for elementary education is set to rise: Equip Academy of New Mexico.

    Spearheaded by Mercy Herrera, a Yale graduate with deep New Mexico roots, the school is designed to empower Kindergarten through 5th grade students through a unique blend of high academic expectations and culturally responsive teaching. With a personal history marked by overcoming educational challenges, Herrera is bringing her passion and vision to Equip Academy, aiming to equip every child with the tools to live out their greatness.

    On August 21 Equip Academy received unanimous approval to open as a charter school from the Public Education Commission.

    The school is set to open on Albuquerque’s west side in August 2025, with a focus to help improve student achievement and support the academic success of all students. This comes out of experience, as Herrera’s own academic journey was anything but straightforward.

    Raised in a family that moved frequently due to financial instability and personal challenges, Herrera attended multiple elementary schools, making it difficult to establish a strong academic foundation. “College seemed super out-of-reach,” she recalled, but her determination led her to Central New Mexico College (CNM), where she began to rebuild her academic confidence.

    After transferring to the University of New Mexico (UNM) and excelling in a Sign Language Interpreting Program, Herrera’s educational path took her to Harvard, where she presented research on translating scriptural metaphors from English to American Sign Language (ASL). This experience eventually led her to Yale University, where she earned her master’s degree in Disability Studies and Biblical Literature.

    In applying for Yale, Herrera didn’t tell a soul. She almost didn’t believe that someone like her, who struggled in school, could elevate to such a college. And yet, Herrera got in.

    Despite her achievements, Herrera never forgot her New Mexico roots or the struggles she faced growing up.

    Reflecting on the 2018 Yazzie-Martinez decision, which highlighted the state’s failure to provide an adequate education to many of its students, Herrera acknowledged that she would have been classified as a Yazzie-Martinez student.

    “My story isn’t unique,” Herrera said, “it’s common.”

    With support from mentors who believed in her, Herrera found the importance of quality education in shifting the narrative for students from backgrounds like hers. With the support, she made it to CNM, graduated UNM, attended an Ivy League, and earned a second masters in the Science of Teaching from New York City’s Pace University. It is this experience, and the belief that New Mexico’s students deserve to succeed, that drives the vision and mission of Equip Academy.

    “Every child has the opportunity to live out their greatness, and our commitment is to equip them to do so,” Herrera said, quoting the school’s vision.

    Equip Academy aims to provide a joyful and engaging environment with high expectations that prioritizes measurable academic learning while celebrating student curiosity and community, regardless of that student’s background.

    A key aspect of Equip Academy’s approach is its commitment to culturally responsive education. Understanding the diverse cultural landscape of New Mexico, Herrera has integrated culturally respectful education efforts into the school’s curriculum. “New Mexico has so much richness and beauty, and I think it took me leaving to understand that,” she said.

    To ensure the school is responsive to students across all walks of life, Herrera is working closely with the Hispanic Cultural Center, National Institute of Flamenco, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and utilizing resources from the Native American Community Academy (NACA) to ensure that the school’s curriculum respects and reflects the cultural heritage of its students.

    To support students academically, Equip Academy will implement a two-teacher model for kindergarten and first grade, allowing for more individualized attention. As part of her background, Herrera has worked as a teacher instructional coach and has made teacher support a key for the school’s success.

    The school will also use cross-grade, flexible guided reading groups to ensure that students receive instruction at their individual “just right” level, helping them progress academically. Herrera emphasizes the importance of data-driven instruction and teacher excellence, which will be central to the school’s success.

    Herrera’s return to New Mexico came after years of working in high-performing charter schools in New York City and driven by a desire to bring the same level of educational excellence to her home state. The experience shaped her vision for Equip Academy, prompting her to say, “I don’t know how, and I don’t know when, but I want to start a charter school in New Mexico.”

    Now, that vision is becoming a reality.

    Equip Academy plans to open with two kindergarten classes and one first-grade class, eventually growing to serve 450 students from kindergarten through fifth grade. The school will operate on a slow-growth model, adding one grade level each year to ensure that students receive a consistent and high-quality education throughout their elementary years.

    As Herrera prepares for Equip Academy’s opening, she remains focused on the bigger picture: equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to dream audaciously, engage deeply, and pursue lives of purpose. Her journey from a struggling student to an educational leader is proof that, with the right support and opportunities, New Mexico’s students can achieve greatness.

    Herrera’s words and hope for Equip Academy’s incoming students, “Believe in yourself, know what you want to do, and pursue it with everything you’ve got. With the right support, anything is possible.”

    Equip Academy is now accepting interest forms for future teachers and students. For more information, visit the Equip Academy LinkedIn page.

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  • Mariana Padilla named Public Education Secretary

    Mariana Padilla named Public Education Secretary

    Mariana Padilla, a long-time New Mexico educator and close confidant of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, has been named the state’s new Public Education Secretary.

    Padilla has served as the Director of the New Mexico Children’s Cabinet since the start of the Lujan Grisham administration. Before that, she served as the congresswoman Lujan Grisham’s state director for six years.

    She replaces Arsenio Romero, who served as secretary for 18 months before resigning in August when he was named a finalist for the presidency of New Mexico State University.

    A native of Albuqueruque’s South Valley, Padilla began her career as an elementary school teacher in Albuquerque Public Schools. She later earned dual master’s degrees in community and regional planning and water resources from the University of New Mexico.

    “I am incredibly honored to be appointed by Gov. Lujan Grisham to lead the New Mexico Public Education Department,” Padilla said in a press release. “My career has been focused on serving the communities and families of our state. I am committed to working collaboratively with students, families, educators, and community partners to achieve the outcomes we all want to see. As a parent of grade school students, I share the sense of urgency to deliver for our kids.”  

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  • A New Era of Higher Education- EducationDynamics

    A New Era of Higher Education- EducationDynamics

    The frequently used term “adult students” no longer captures the dynamic, diverse, and evolving population pursuing a degree today. Data from EducationDynamics’ Online College Students and Marketing & Enrollment Management Benchmarks reports show that the average age of learners is decreasing, and that their needs are growing more complex. Whether they are first-generation college students, single parents or veterans seeking to advance their career, these individuals represent what we now define as the Modern Learner. These learners are shaping the future of higher education by driving a demand for flexible, accessible, and affordable learning opportunities that meet their diverse needs. In a recent episode of the EdUp Experience Podcast, Dr. Joe Sallustio, the host of The EdUp Experience, Dr. Melik Khoury, President and Chief Executive Officer at Unity Environmental University and Greg Clayton, President of Enrollment Management Services of EducationDynamics, discuss the trends reshaping higher education and offer insights into how institutions can better serve Modern Learners amidst changing times.  

    Beyond Traditional Categories

    The Modern Learner is not defined by age – it’s a mindset. Gone are the days when “traditional student” and “adult learner” were distinct categories. Today, a diverse range of individuals, from recent high school graduates to seasoned professionals, are seeking education on their own terms. This shift is driven by a fundamental change in how students approach education, influenced by technology, individual aspirations, and an evolving job market. 

    Modern Learners often juggle busy lives, whether they are working professionals, parents, or recent graduates. Therefore, an education that seamlessly integrates with their personal and career goals has become crucial. They seek learning experiences that fit their unique circumstances, allowing them to pursue their passions and advance their careers.  

    Regardless of what their circumstances are, Modern Learners are not limited by geographic location or traditional educational barriers. They expect affordable and accessible learning opportunities. 

    As a result, Modern Learners have redefined the typical adult student profile by prioritizing flexible, career-focused programs that fit into their busy schedules. Traditional models and assumptions about age are no longer relevant, and institutions must adapt to these needs, focusing on providing accessible education that aligns with the personal and professional goals of Modern Learners.  

    Building a Student-Centric Model 

    Responding to the needs of the Modern Learner requires higher education institutions to move away from an institution-centric model and embrace a student-centric one. This involves a deep commitment to understanding and addressing the diverse needs of Modern Learners, rather than adhering to outdated practices and structures. Embracing various learning modalities including online, hybrid, and residential programs, while acknowledging the value of each, is paramount. Additionally, by recognizing that online learning is a valuable and equal learning pathway, institutions can provide more flexible, accessible, and relevant educational opportunities that align with the goals and lifestyles of today’s Modern Learners.  

    We really started to look at each and every one of our subsidiaries for, it didn’t matter how old you were, it was more how did you want to learn?

    Dr. Melik Khoury, President of Unity Environmental University

    To fully address these evolving needs, institutions must create personalized learning experiences and adapt program structures to accommodate varying schedules and preferences, which will more effectively engage Modern Learners.

    Navigating the Challenges of Change

    However, adapting to the needs of the Modern Learner is not without its challenges. Many institutions encounter resistance to change, ingrained practices, and varying levels of awareness about the evolving student landscape. 

    This resistance often stems from a reliance on traditional models, driven by a fear of disrupting established practices and structures. As a result, institutions may hesitate to adopt online learning, resist new marketing strategies, or cling to familiar, albeit outdated, approaches. 

    It’s amazing how many universities, if you ask them about the cost of acquisition, they would have no idea…Many institutions don’t even understand the concept of you can’t have a regional recruitment and marketing strategy and hope for a national draw.

    Dr. Melik Khoury, President of Unity Environmental University

    Traditional marketing strategies are becoming less effective in reaching the Modern Learner, as this population responds better to online channels, targeted digital marketing campaigns, and social media engagement. Adapting marketing strategies to better connect with this demographic is crucial. Additionally, demonstrating a clear return on investment is equally important, as Modern Learners make quick decisions—often within one or two weeks—based on the immediate value and benefits of their program choices. 

    The thinking about marketing and how to market to students has to evolve…The amount of time they want to wait is one to two weeks before, so maybe a month. And that’s it.

    Dr. Joe Sallustio, Co-Founder & Host of The EdUp Experience

    Embracing Innovation and Iteration

    Successfully meeting the needs of the Modern Learner is rooted in building a culture of innovation and experimentation. This involves a willingness to embrace new approaches, learn from mistakes, and continually refine programs and processes to better serve student needs. 

    A key aspect of serving the Modern Learner is pivoting to shorter, more skill-focused program offerings. By aligning curricula with industry demands and ensuring flexibility, institutions can better support students in acquiring relevant skills and advancing their careers.

    We actually don’t care anymore about majors…my faculty doesn’t identify their value based on our majors, but by the disciplines.

    Dr. Melik Khoury, President of Unity Environmental University

    Beyond adapting program design, Modern Learners also require a positive and supportive learning experience. Investing in technology, enhancing student support services, and cultivating a campus culture that fosters engagement and success are essential components of this experience.  

    Additionally, prioritizing data-driven decision-making is vital to guiding program development and implementation.  By using data to assess program effectiveness, track student success, and inform resource allocation and program design, institutions can ensure their strategies are grounded in evidence rather than relying on traditional methods.

    Are You Ready to Attract the Modern Learner?

    The higher education landscape is changing, and adapting to the needs of the Modern Learner is essential for success. Embracing innovation, moving away from traditional practices, and prioritizing the student experience are critical components for success in today’s learning environment.  

    Don’t ask me to be innovative and be bound to tradition, be bound to what has come before me, be bound to pedagogy that is tried and true

    Dr. Melik Khoury, President of Unity Environmental University

    Flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement serve as tenets for institutions successful in meeting the Modern Learner’s needs. Institutions that excel in these areas are more likely to distinguish themselves from the competition. By shifting their governance structures, decision-making processes, and faculty training to encourage innovation and flexibility, they can better meet the evolving expectations of Modern Learners and remain competitive in a rapidly changing higher education environment.  

    The future of higher education hinges on the ability to adapt. By prioritizing innovation, the student experience, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, institutions can not only survive, but thrive in this new era of learning. To enter this new era of higher education and elevate your institution’s programs to new heights, reach out to EducationDynamics. Together, we can drive meaningful change and achieve your goals.  

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