Tag: Edwards

  • Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Preparing Our Higher Education Institutions for the Future

    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Preparing Our Higher Education Institutions for the Future

    As we prepare for an upcoming year, I have to stop and think about the future of higher education. The pandemic changed our students, faculty, staff, and our campus as a whole. The Education Advisory Board (EAB) provides colleges and universities across the country with resources and ideas to help the students of the future.

    I confess, I have been a complete fan of EAB and their resources for the past ten years. Their resources are at the forefront of higher education innovation.

    🏛 – Dining Halls and Food Spaces

    🏛 – Modern Student Housing

    🏛 – Hybrid and Flexible Office Spaces

    🏛 – Tech-Enabled Classrooms

    🏛 – Libraries and Learning Commons

    🏛 – Interdisciplinary Research Facilities

    Higher education institutions should also focus on the faculty and staff as well. When I ask most of my peers if they are comfortable with the numerous changes happening across their institution, most of them are uncomfortable. We need to prepare our teams for the future of higher education. 

    Here’s the Millennial Professor’s Call the Action Statements for the Higher Education Industry

    🌎 – Higher Education Conferences and Summits Need to Provide Trainings Focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Their Attendees

    🌎 – Higher Education Institutions Need to Include Faculty and Staff as Part of Their Planning Process (an Important Part)

    🌎 – Higher Education Institutions Provide Wellness and Holistic Support for Faculty and Staff Who are Having Problems With Change (You Need Us and We Need Help)

    🌎 – Higher Education Institutions Need to Be Comfortable with Uncommon Spaces (Flexible Office Spaces)

    🌎 – Faculty Need to Embrace Collaboration Opportunities with Faculty at Their Institutions and Other Institutions

    Here are some additional articles about the future of higher education:

    Higher education will continue to transition in an effort to meet the needs of our current and incoming students. 

    For our particular university, we are striving to modify all of these items simultaneously. It is a challenge, but the changes are well worth the journey.

    Here’s the challenge for this post: “In your opinion, which one of the items on the list is MOST important for your institution?”


    Check out my book – Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

    Remember to order copies for your team as well!

    Thanks for visiting! 


    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
    Professor of Communication

    Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

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  • Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Preparing for Research Presentations

    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Preparing for Research Presentations

    Hi Y’all!

    A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of presenting for an Undergraduate Research Group at my university. When they initially asked me about presenting about visual presentations, I had to think back to the numerous presentations that I have been fortunate to facilitate all over America. 

    Then, I thought about the items that I wish I would have had on site when I saw the place where I needed to place my poster. So, I decided to make a “Poster Presentation Survival Kit”. This kit contains: masking tape, t-pins, white out, sharpie markers, and cuticle clippers (to serve as scissors for your poster (just in case)). 

    The presentation was well received and they asked for a copy. I was very impressed with this group and their questions focused on research and the presentation process. We also had a great conversation about presenting information that has not yet been published. 

    Here’s the presentation:

    Here are some additional resources. Thanks UNC, UC Davis, and Bucknell!

    Enjoy! Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Dr. Jennifer Edwards


    Check out my book – Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

    Remember to order copies for your team as well!

    Thanks for visiting! 


    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
    Professor of Communication

    Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

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  • Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Resource Alert: A Health Check-In for Meeting and Classrooms

    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Resource Alert: A Health Check-In for Meeting and Classrooms

    Throughout the past few years we have definitely been part of a Zoom and Microsoft Team centric world. As we meet with teams and individuals, we have to account for the life that is happening on the other side of the screen. Through Zoom we have a unique opportunity to gain a glimpse into another person’s life to which we would normally not have access.

    This means that we have a moral and ethnical responsibility as peers and as leaders to genuinely care about the people to which we are communicate with on Zoom. Here’s a great resource from the Collective Impact Forum (http://www.collectiveimpactforum.org). 

    The Team Color Check-In Tool is a communication tool to help people in virtual and face-to-face conversations have a check-in. The colors range from:







    Team Status Check for Individuals and Groups

    If you are wondering how to apply this for your teams or classrooms, I would definitely recommend the following:

    #1 – Utilize it when you meet with individuals one-on-one (BEFORE) the meeting.

    #2 – Utilize it in Zoom via an anonymous poll to gauge how their audience is feeling BEFORE the meeting and providing resources at the end of the meeting (or in a follow-up email).

    #3 – Send the check-in tool to your team/organization at the beginning of the week and provide workshops and support throughout the week for the team. 

    Respond Below – How would you use the resource?  Do you think teams would benefit from this resource? How would you modify it? 

    Thanks for reading!  


    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
    Professor of Communication

    Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute


    Check out my book – Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

    Remember to order copies for your team as well!

    Source link

  • Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Learning How to Curb Inflation with a Garden

    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Learning How to Curb Inflation with a Garden

    I love gardening. Whether my gardening takes place in a container, in an urban area, or in a rural area, I am all about it! This year, my daughter decided that she wanted to become a mini-gardener as well.

    As a result, we are growing…tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, watermelon, and lettuce. I teach her to watch the prices as they continue to increase. My daughter and I talk about innovative ways to counteract the increasing prices. Our strategy is gardening!

    I am part of a wealth of gardening groups. My favorites are “Black Girls Garden” and Black girl container gardening groups on Facebook. These groups give me inspiration and ideas to garden for my family and for the community. One thing that I like the most is the emphasis on sharing seeds and supporting one another. I also work with our community garden group as well.

    This summer, I have been very fortunate to learn even more gardening skills from the local Agrilife Extension agent in Panola County, Clarissa Moon. She is an excellent teacher and she provides so much educational outreach for the community.

    Another resource that I absolutely love is the USDA, which has great resources for gardening as well. I subscribe to their blog, “Farmers.gov Blog” and it has some incredible tips for gardening. It also features several other sections on their website that  feature articles. These categories are:

    Of course, my favorite is Farm Life! I love the “Friday’s on the Farm” series.

    Check them out! What is your favorite part?

    Thanks for visiting! 


    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
    Professor of Communication

    Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute


    Check out my book – Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

    Remember to order copies for your team as well!

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  • Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: COVID-19 Outreach in Rural Areas

    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: COVID-19 Outreach in Rural Areas

    Over the past few months, our Rural Communication Institute (RCI) team (Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards, Dr. Subi Gandhi, and Dr. LaShondra Manning) has been tirelessly providing education and outreach for the rural areas of East Texas. This outreach has been both challenging and rewarding since the pediatric vaccine was approved by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS).

    Educating parents about the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. As a parent, I am always very excited to share health information, but especially this information has been very important for me.

    Here’s a workshop that we were very excited to view from the Texas Department of Health and Human Services. This workshop was focused on “What About the Children: Changing the Landscape on Rural Vaccine Coverage”. It focused on health in rural areas, especially for our youngest populations.

    Also, we have been fortunate to receive funding for travel for our outreach events, shirts, and giveaways. Here’s a special shout out to the Episcopal Health Foundation in Texas, because they provided so much support for our project.

    At first, we partnered with existing vaccination clinics and these were not very well attended, but THEN we decided to venture out on our own and to create our own clinics with the health of the Texas Department of State Health Services. We have been experimenting with the best time and date for our clinics as well all content for the clinics.

    We decided a “Summer Fun and Health Clinic” approach has been the best outreach strategy for reaching the community. The mid-day clinics (before 5pm) were not as well attended for some audiences (i.e. – parents), but other times had much better attendance (after 5pm).

    Also, we partnered with Agrilife (Mrs. Clarissa Moon) and Above Average Health Care and House Calls. Agrilife provided educational outreach sessions and Above Average Health Care and House Calls offered health checks and interpretations of lab results.

    Do you have any suggestions for us? We are so thankful for our partners!


    Check out my book – Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

    Remember to order copies for your team as well!

    Thanks for visiting! 


    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
    Professor of Communication

    Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

    Source link

  • Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: FREE 11th Annual Texas Social Media Conference

    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: FREE 11th Annual Texas Social Media Conference

    Yes! I am excited! We are getting back into the training and development mode with the Texas Social Media Research Institute (and the Rural Communication Institute)! Are you looking for a FREE conference focused on social media and rural communication? Check out our conference schedule!

    Tuesday, November 2nd

    5pm – Journal Club (Discussing “Reality check: How adolescents use

    TikTok as a digital backchanneling medium to speak back against

    institutional discourses of school(ing).”

    Thursday, November 4th

    8pm – #TXSocialMedia Twitter Chat – Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Sweater

    Weather, and Autumn/Winter Social Media Outreach Strategies

    Monday, November 8th

    6pm – How Public Health Agencies in the United States in the United

    Kingdom Communicate with their Target Audience During the COVID19

    Pandemic (Presented by: Riley Odom, Megan Mackay, Erin McDonald,

    Bayley Chenault, Sydney Brown)

    8pm – How the Texas Department of Health and Safety and Colorado

    Department of Health and Environment are Communicating about

    Health During COVID19 (Presented By: Halie Hix, Shelby Hargrove,

    Magnolia Dunlap, Michaela Bierman, Steven Duncan)

    Tuesday, November 9th

    5pm – Journal Club – Discussing the article: “We (Want To) Believe in

    the Best of Men: A Qualitative Analysis of Reactions to

    #Gillette on Twitter”

    7pm – How the United States Federal Government and the State of Texas

    Communicate with the Public During the Pandemic (Presented by: Kristi

    Cortez, Jessica Thomas, Kennedy Onuam, Julia Nolen)

    Thursday, November 11th

    3pm – Neurodiversity at Work; Assignment Construction Strategies for

    Creative Thinkers in Online Teams (Presented By: Melanie Mason (University

    of Texas at Arlington)

    8pm – #TXSocialMedia Twitter Chat – Veterans Day and How the Military

    Engages the Public Through Social Media

    Thursday, November 11th

    11:59pm – #TXSocialMedia Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowship

    Applications Due

    Sunday, November 14th

    6:30 pm – How the Louisiana Department of Education and the Texas

    Education Agency are Communicating about Health During COVID19

    (Presented By: Katherine Mitchell, Audrey Morton, Jorge Irizarry,

    Audrey Morton, Morgan Maley, Christina Byrd)

    Monday, November 15th

    7pm – #TXSocialMedia LIVE: Let’s Network Session on Zoom –

    Social Media and Privacy – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Tuesday, November 16th

    1pm – Connecting & Engaging with Students –

    Presented By: Narissra Punyanunt-Carter & Dr. Ryan Martinez (Texas Tech University)

    3pm – Alzheimer’s (and Rural Health) Community Forum for Tarleton

    Staff and Faculty- Register online: alznct.news/ACF1116

    5pm – Journal Club – Discussing “Small Businesses Still Missing the Boat

    on Social Media and Internet Advertising.”

    Thursday, November 18th

    8pm – #TXSocialMedia Twitter Chat – National Rural Health Day –

    Innovative Ways Rural Residents Can Practice Preventative Care

    7pm – #TXSocialMedia LIVE: Let’s Network Session on Zoom – Innovative

    Ways TikTok Can Be Utilized in Education, Business, and Life

    Saturday, November 27th

    All Day – Use the Hashtag #ShopSmall for Small Business Saturday

    Monday, November 28th

    7pm – #TXSocialMedia LIVE: Let’s Network Session on Zoom –

    Social Media and Health – How Does Social Media Impact Our Health?

    Tuesday, November 30th

    12:30pm – Student-based Resourcing: Responding to Increased Needs as

    a Rural Institution (Presented by: Dr. Lora Helvie-Mason

    & Cameron Ellner, Tarleton State University)

    6pm – How the Texas Department of Health and Human Services

    and the State of Louisiana Department of Health are Communicating

    About Health (Presented By: Averill Hubbard, Zachary Mesa, Dylan

    Antonelli, Olivia Teague, Kyon Barnes)

    7pm – #TXSocialMedia LIVE: Let’s Network Session on Zoom –

    Hooked on Social: Social Media the New Kid’s Toy?

    Are They Becoming Hooked TOO EARLY?

    National Day of Giving – Give to the Rural Communication Institute and

    the Texas Social Media Research Institute

    National Mason Jar Day –

    Highlight Innovative Ways You Can Use Mason Jars

    (Use the #TXSocialMedia and #ThinkRuralComm hashtags)

    Save-the-Date & Call for Proposals

    The 12th Annual #TXSocialMedia Conference & the 3rd Annual Rural

    Communication Conference will be held on Friday, April 22, 2022 in Fort

    Worth Texas. Submit a Proposal – http://www.tinyurl.com/SMCCFP/

    Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

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  • Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Reflecting on the 2020 Census

    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Reflecting on the 2020 Census

    In Fall 2019, I was truly fortunate to receive a grant from the Hogg Foundation to promote the 2020 Census in East Texas. Yes, this area includes my hometown county – Panola County, then Rusk County and Shelby County. This was an AMAZING project! Thanks Hogg Foundation!

    The North East Texas Counts campaign had three goals for the project. Goal one was “to select and train 200 NETX Counts Ambassadors and Junior Ambassadors to tell the importance of the census to the community”. Goal two was “to engage and educate at least 3,000 residents in the tri-county community (especially hard-to-count populations) about the importance of the census”. The final goal, goal three” was “to saturate the tri-county community media outlets with Census information pertinent to their residents”. Through this campaign, we hosted 25 outdoor Census booths, eight interactive community information sessions, an engaging social media campaign, and received coverage in almost 10 newspapers and television outlets.

    The North East Texas Counts began the Census season by communicating with key contacts in the community and scheduling large-scale events to educate the community about the Census. We scheduled events at the local community college, library, etc. After the three counties restricted large scale and in-person events, we decided to develop a more robust online training and development process for our interns and volunteers.

    We offered numerous outdoor Census education table sessions. However, instead of offering these sessions outside large big-box retailers in the country, we offered these sessions in formats more focused on common pain points experienced by residents of the three counties and safety protocols of the counties. Instead of shopping at big-box retailers, the residents were more focused on shopping in smaller retailers, visiting gas stations, and visiting the post office. As a result, our strategy changed. During this process, we coined the phrase, “from gas stations to grocery stores”, because these were the essential places visited by residents during the pandemic. During this process, we offered information booths outside of gas stations, libraries in each county, Tractor Supply stores, city council areas, and on the side of the major highways. These strategies proved to be very effective because many residents indicated they have not taken the Census before and they did not know the importance of the Census. We were able to provide support for these residents through interactive in-person, on-one-one programming focused on the Census.

    Community Communication

    The North East Texas Counts team began the Census season by communicating with key contacts in the community and scheduling large-scale events to educate the community about the Census. We scheduled events at the local community college, library, etc. After the three counties restricted large scale and in-person events, we decided to develop a more robust online training and development process for our interns and volunteers.

    We offered three pop-up Census education table sessions outside large big-box retailers in the country. During these sessions, participants received USB chargers, Census t-shirts, and USB wall plugs. These technology and apparel items were essential items during the pandemic, because individuals in these areas usually have to travel to larger cities for technology items. People saw our items as they drove on the highways and many turned around to hear about the Census and to receive the items. Many residents commented that they have seen several Census shirts around their town and they wanted to learn more. We did not have any Census t-shirts left after September 30, 2020.

    North East Texas Counts Census – Coverage

    This project was one of the TOP projects of my faculty career. It truly changed my life and impacted the way that I see local, state, and federal government. This project ENERGIZED me!

    Stay tuned!


    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
    Professor of Communication

    Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

    Source link

  • Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Use Google Trends for FREE Search Engine Keywords

    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: Use Google Trends for FREE Search Engine Keywords

    I really like using Google Trends for almost EVERYTHING! I use Google Trends for creating news articles, blog posts, course syllabi, and even when designing graphics!

    Here’s a video that I created about Google Trends – an amazing FREE technology!

    Exploring Google Trends is one of the best ways to discover social media topics and ideas for posts. Here’s a quick video focused on how to use Google Trends for Content Generation.

    Check it out! You can use Google Trends for everything from education to community engagement. Also, these are great for governmental outreach and engagement as well (depending on the search terms within your community).


    Try this campaign! Also, there are more campaigns available in my book – Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

    Remember to order copies for your team as well!

    Thanks for visiting! 


    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
    Higher Education Speaker and Researcher

    My Social Media Channels!
    Remember to Follow Me on Twitter! @drjtedwards
    I Always Post Higher Education Videos on YouTube
    Find Me on Instagram
    Engage with Me on Facebook!
    Watch My Videos on Twitter Live – http://www.periscope.com/drjtedwards/
    Email Me! I am PR Friendly! – [email protected]

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  • Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: About Your Professor

    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: About Your Professor

    Over the summer, I always think about how the fall courses will be better. I always strive to make my courses at least 5% better than the courses the semester before. Course evaluations are important and I want to make sure the students have a great experience, but I also want to have a great experience teaching in the course as well.

    This means that I write down ideas as I read blog posts, listen to videos, and also as I listen to local/regional/and national news. So, I get EXCITED to introduce myself to a new group of students! 

    This year, I decided to pre-record TWO videos introducing myself to the students. Here’s the video (Part 2/2) that I plan to send the students in the fall semester. This videos is based on the questions that I requested from via an email survey in the summer.


    Check out my book – Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

    Remember to order copies for your team as well!

    Thanks for visiting! 


    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
    Professor of Communication

    Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

    Source link

  • Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: About Your Professor

    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards: A Texas Professor Focused on Artificial Intelligence, Health, and Education: About Your Professor

    Over the summer, I always think about how the fall courses will be better. I always strive to make my courses at least 5% better than the courses the semester before. Course evaluations are important and I want to make sure the students have a great experience, but I also want to have a great experience teaching in the course as well.

    This means that I write down ideas as I read blog posts, listen to videos, and also as I listen to local/regional/and national news. So, I get EXCITED to introduce myself to a new group of students! 

    This year, I decided to pre-record TWO videos introducing myself to the students. Here’s the video (Part 1/2) that I plan to send the students in the fall semester. This videos is based on the questions that I requested from via an email survey in the summer.


    Check out my book – Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

    Remember to order copies for your team as well!

    Thanks for visiting! 


    Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
    Professor of Communication

    Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

    Source link