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  • LA Wildfires Reduce Classrooms to Ashes, Uproot Students’ Lives – The 74

    LA Wildfires Reduce Classrooms to Ashes, Uproot Students’ Lives – The 74

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  • One country wants to close math achievement gaps by ending academic tracking

    One country wants to close math achievement gaps by ending academic tracking

    CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand — Many students in New Zealand have a story to tell about “streaming” — being grouped into separate math classes based on their perceived ability to master the subject.

    Manaaki Waretini-Beaumont, now 18 and an environmental science major at the University of Canterbury, learned about the downside of streaming when she enrolled in Avonside Girls’, a 1,000-student high school in Christchurch.

    Avonside starts at Year 9, equivalent to eighth grade in the United States, and ends at Year 13, equivalent to 12th grade. Before the start of her Year 9 term, Waretini-Beaumont and her fellow students were divided up into groups to take tests in “maths,” reading comprehension, and patterns and shapes.

    Afterward, the students were separated into lettered groups that spelled out the word B-I-N-O-C-U-L-A-R-S. Waretini-Beaumont was a “9-N” student in mathematics — as she describes it, “the top of the middle block.”

    But she said she didn’t feel comfortable as one of the few Māori students in the class.

    “I felt like I wasn’t good enough to be in that space,” said Waretini-Beaumont, whose iwi, or tribal affiliations, are Te Āti Haunui-A-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Apa, Ngāti Paoa. “If there was something I wasn’t understanding, I felt like I wasn’t able to say that, because I’m supposed to be in the smart class with all these smart people.”

    So she shifted to another mathematics class with her Māori friends, who were in the “S” classes. 

    “Being in two different spaces, I could really see the change,” Waretini-Beaumont said. “At the top classes, the teachers’ language towards the students was always positive and it was always encouraging. And they really wanted students to learn and were trying to help them.”

    Manaaki Waretini-Beaumont experienced the effects of “streaming,” or academic ability tracking, during her time as a high school student at Avonside Girls’ School in Christchurch, New Zealand. Credit: Image provided by Richie Mills/Ngāi Tahu

    In the classroom where her friends were assigned, in contrast, the mathematics work mostly amounted to simple worksheets — “coloring pages and word find,” Waretini-Beaumont said.

    Related: Sign up for a limited-run newsletter that walks you through some of the most promising solutions for helping students conquer math.

    For years, much like in the United States, New Zealand has worried about sliding student proficiency in mathematics, as captured by both national and international test scores. Later this month — the beginning of the New Zealand school year — the country is launching an overhaul of mathematics instruction that education leaders hope will reverse the trend.

    But other groups in the country have been trying to approach the problem of academic achievement from a different angle. They believe that streaming is driving achievement gaps in the country, including in mathematics. Tokona te Raki/Māori Futures Collective, a think tank focused on youth, has been working since 2019 to persuade schools to voluntarily end the practice by 2030. The initiative is called “Kōkirihia”— Māori for “take action.”

    Streaming is just one of many ways that schools group students by academic ability. Ability grouping can include separating students into vocational or university tracks at different schools as early as age 10, as is common in Germany and other Western European countries. But it could also include teachers creating informal and non-permanent groupings within their own classrooms to provide enrichment or extra support to students who need it.

    In New Zealand, critics say streaming pushes two groups into so-called “cabbage,” or lower-level mathematics, at a disproportionate rate: Māori students, who are indigenous to New Zealand, and students who are Pasifika, the New Zealand term for people from Samoa, Tonga and other nations in the Pacific Islands.

    In the 14th century, the Polynesian ancestors of today’s Māori migrated thousands of miles by canoe to what they called Aotearoa, the land of the long white cloud. Hundreds of years later, English settlers came to engage in trade and now represent the majority ethnic group in New Zealand. In 1840, the two groups signed the Treaty of Waitangi that established New Zealand’s bicultural identity.

    Many youth with Pacific Island backgrounds are descended from people who were encouraged to move to New Zealand after World War II to address a labor shortage.

    Both Māori and Pasifika are a fast-growing, and young, population. By the 2040s, more than a third of children in the country are expected to identify as Māori, according to Stats NZ, the country’s official data agency.

    Related: Eliminating advanced math ‘tracks’ often prompts outrage. Some districts buck the trend

    The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s official stance discourages streaming, but the country’s more than 2,500 schools operate with a great deal of independence: Principals have similar powers and responsibilities as school superintendents in the United States, and each school has an elected board that sets policy and manages budgets.

    New Zealand does not track streaming or ability grouping by race or ethnicity, but surveys show it is common: Eighty percent of students are in schools that group students by ability level in mathematics, according to a 2022 survey conducted by the Program for International Student Assessment.

    Other data shows a wide academic gap among students of different ethnicities in New Zealand.

    Students at May Road School in Auckland, New Zealand, work through a lesson on fractions. Credit: Becki Moss for The Hechinger Report

    In the Auckland region, the country’s most densely populated of 16 regions in all, 76 percent of Asian students left secondary school with the highest of three levels on the country’s National Certificate of Educational Achievement in 2022. Like a high school diploma, the NCEA Level 3 is a minimum qualification to enter college in New Zealand.

    About 66 percent of Pākehā, or white, students left school with that credential. About 46 percent of Pasifika students and 40 percent of Māori students did the same.

    In comparison, the high school graduation rate by race and ethnicity in the United States in the 2021-22 school year was 94 percent for Asian American/Pacific Islander students, 90 percent for white students, 83 percent for Hispanic students, 81 percent for Black students and 74 percent for American Indian/Alaskan Native students.

    Misbah Sadat, the newly appointed principal at Kuranui College, a high school 50 miles northeast of the capital of Wellington, began actively working to “destream” mathematics courses soon after emigrating to New Zealand in 2009 and becoming a teacher there.

    As head of mathematics at a high school called Horowhenua College, she started by identifying promising Māori students on her own, moving them to higher level classes, and mentoring them, as described in a Ministry of Education newsletter.

    Related: OPINION: As a middle-class Black student, I was tracked into lower-level math classes that kept me back

    Eventually she convinced her colleagues at Horowhenua to create mixed-ability classes rather than dividing the students. She continued the same work as deputy principal at Onslow College in suburban Wellington, where she worked before her new appointment.

    The streaming practice comes from a patronizing mindset, said Sadat, who was also a math teacher in Montgomery County, Maryland.

    Schools are telling parents that their children might be lost and overwhelmed in a more rigorous class. In actuality, “We have demoted some students to learn crap,” she said. “And then we are saying that at age 16, ‘You are dumb at maths.’ How dare we decide what a young person is capable of or not capable of?” 

    Students at Kaiapoi North School in suburban Christchurch, New Zealand, work through a multiplication problem in chalk on the playground blacktop. Credit: Becki Moss for The Hechinger Report

    Both of New Zealand’s unions for elementary and secondary teachers signed onto the pledge to end streaming by 2030. In a newsletter to members, the elementary teachers union noted that its members have noticed “a sense of ingrained hopelessness that comes with being in the ‘cabbage’ classes.”

    But in the same newsletter, another teacher said educators struggle with the mix of abilities in one classroom, along with managing behavior challenges.

    David Pomeroy, a senior lecturer in education at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, is studying schools that have committed to reducing their reliance on streaming.

    It’s a difficult task, he said. So many teachers are accustomed to the practice, since they went through it in school themselves. Parents of students in high-level classes are worried their children will be shortchanged. Teachers also say that it is easier to work with students who are all roughly on the same skill level.

    And then there is an emotional connection to the practice, Pomeroy said. Unlike in the United States, lower-level mathematics classes are often taught by teachers who have a lot of classroom experience and who express real fondness for their students, he said. Pushing students too hard is seen as setting them up for repeated failure, which teachers were reluctant to do.

    Abby Zonneveld’s bulletin board at St. Clair School in Dunedin, New Zealand, asked students to describe their “tūrangawaewae,” or place where they feel a special connection. Credit: Becki Moss for The Hechinger Report

    “Even if they accepted streaming wasn’t the right next step, they wanted to protect them from anything that could damage their confidence,” Pomeroy said.

    For schools that have made a commitment to reducing or ending streaming, he said, one useful tool has been to bring mathematics teachers in different schools together so they can work through challenges, such as lesson planning, and share successes.

    Related: Racial gaps in math have grown. Could detracking help?

    The research into the benefits or harms of academic tracking or streaming show mixed results. In 2016, a group of researchers compiled all the best U.S-based research on ability grouping and acceleration at that point, going back for a century. They found certain kinds of ability grouping, such as placing highly gifted students together, was a benefit to those students. But grouping students in high- or low-performing classes did not show any benefit or detriment for students.

    The New Zealand Initiative, a right-of-center think tank, said that the country should conduct its own research on the effects of streaming in the country, rather than relying primarily on research done elsewhere and on qualitative reports that primarily capture feelings about the practice. “Research suggests that lowerstream students are often taught less engaging content by less experienced teachers. So, it may not be streaming itself that increases gaps in achievement but streaming done poorly,” the initiative said in a report.

    But the efforts to reduce streaming voluntarily seem to be catching on.

    When looking at all academic subjects, not just mathematics, principals on a 2022 PISA survey said 67 percent of students in New Zealand are grouped by ability into different classes for at least some subjects. That’s a drop from 2015, when 90 percent of principals reported that students were grouped into different classes in their schools.

    The change is welcome, said Waretini-Beaumont, who works on social media for Tokona te Raki. Streaming “has more impact than just cutting off some opportunities and stopping someone from doing calculus,” she said. “Our grandparents have been streamed and they don’t know it was even a thing. They just thought they were dumb.”

    Contact Christina A. Samuels at 212-678-3635 or [email protected].

    This story was produced with support from the Education Writers Association Reporting Fellowship program.

    This story about academic tracking was produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Sign up for the Hechinger newsletter.

    The Hechinger Report provides in-depth, fact-based, unbiased reporting on education that is free to all readers. But that doesn’t mean it’s free to produce. Our work keeps educators and the public informed about pressing issues at schools and on campuses throughout the country. We tell the whole story, even when the details are inconvenient. Help us keep doing that.

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  • Like private colleges, some public college campuses are beginning to close

    Like private colleges, some public college campuses are beginning to close

    RANDOLPH, Vt. — The thermostat was turned low in the admissions office at Vermont State University on a cold winter morning.

    It’s “one of our efficiencies,” quipped David Bergh, the institution’s president, who works in the same building.

    Bergh was joking. But he was referring to something decidedly serious: the public university system’s struggle to reduce a deficit so deep, it threatened to permanently shutter several campuses after dramatic drop-offs in enrollment and revenue.

    While much attention has been focused on how enrollment declines are putting private, nonprofit colleges out of business at an accelerating rate — at least 17 of them in 2024 — public universities and colleges are facing their own existential crises.

    State institutions nationwide are being merged and campuses shut down, many of them in places where there is already comparatively little access to higher education.

    David Bergh, president of the newly consolidated Vermont State University, in the building where he works at the VTSU campus in Randolph. “Public institutions are not exempt from the challenges” facing higher education, Bergh says. Credit: Oliver Parini for The Hechinger Report

    “Public institutions are not exempt from the challenges” facing higher education, Bergh said. “We are already seeing it, and we’re going to see more of it, and it’s particularly acute in some more rural states, where there’s a real need to balance limited resources but maintain access for students.”

    Vermont is a case study for this, and an example of how political and other realities make it so hard for public universities and colleges to adapt to the problems confronting them.

    “The demographics of fewer traditional-age college students, the over-building of these campuses, the change in the demand for what we need for our workforce in terms of programs — this is something that’s happening everywhere,” said Vermont State Rep. Lynn Dickinson, who chairs the Vermont State Colleges System Board of Trustees.

    Related: Interested in innovations in higher education? Subscribe to our free biweekly higher education newsletter.

    Public university and college mergers have already happened in Pennsylvania, Georgia, California and Minnesota, and public campuses have closed in Ohio and Wisconsin. A merger of public universities and community colleges in New Hampshire is under study.

    When state university and college campuses close, the repercussions for communities around them can be dire.

    Until this month, local students had a college “in their backyard,” said Thomas Nelson, county executive in Outagamie County, Wisconsin, where the two-year Fox Cities outpost of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh this spring will become the sixth public campus in that state to be shuttered since 2023, after a long enrollment slide. “We’ve had this institution for 60 years in our community, and now it’s gone.”

    Not only students are affected. In many rural counties, “there really isn’t a lot beyond the university,” Nelson said. “So that’s going to be devastating for the economy. It’s going to kill jobs. It’s going to be one more strike against them when they are competing with other communities with more amenities.”

    Attempts to close these campuses attract the intervention of politicians, who have more control over whether public than private nonprofit colleges in their districts close. After all, “they own the place,” said Dan Greenstein, former chancellor of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education, who — after that state’s enrollment fell by nearly one-fifth — led a reconfiguration that resulted in six previously separate public universities there being merged into two systems.

    Even trying to rename a public university can have political consequences. When Augusta State University in Georgia was combined with Georgia Health Sciences University to become Georgia Regents University, there was a local outcry over the fact that “Augusta” was no longer in the name. Within two years, the merged school had yet another new name: Augusta University.

    “Public institutions are complex structures,” said Ricardo Azziz, who led that consolidation, served as president of the resulting institution and now heads the Center for Higher Education Mergers and Acquisitions at the Foundation for Research and Education Excellence. “They’re influenced by politics. They’re influenced by elected officials.”

    Related: ‘Easy to just write us off’: Rural students’ choices shrink as colleges slash majors

    When the proposal to close campuses in Vermont was met with public and political resistance, state planners backed down and decided instead to merge them, laying off staff and cutting programs. That did not go well, either, and resulted in raucous public meetings, votes of “no confidence,” plans that were announced and then rescinded and a revolving door of presidents and chancellors. Only now, in its second year, has the process gotten smoother.

    Alarm bells started sounding about problems in Vermont’s state universities before the Covid-19 pandemic. With the nation’s third-oldest median age, after Maine and New Hampshire, according to the Census Bureau, the state had already seen its number of young people graduating from high school fall by 25 percent over the previous decade.

    Enrollment at the public four-year and community college campuses — not including the flagship University of Vermont, which is separate — was down by more than 11 percent. A fifth of the rooms in the dorms were empty. And with the birthrate in the state lower than it was before the Civil War, there was no rebound in sight.

    These trends have contributed to the closings of six of Vermont’s in-person undergraduate private, nonprofit colleges and universities since 2016.

    “We’d be keeping our head in the sand if we didn’t think that those same forces were going to affect our public higher education system,” said Jeb Spaulding, who, as chancellor at the time, merged two of Vermont’s five state colleges, in Johnson and Lyndon, in 2018.

    The red ink continued to flow. Two years later, just after Covid hit, Spaulding recommended that three of the five public campuses be shut down altogether — Johnson and Lyndon, plus Vermont Technical College in Randolph.

    Related: Colleges are now closing at a pace of one a week. What happens to the students?

    “What we needed to do was save the Vermont State Colleges System as a whole,” which has 145 buildings for fewer than 5,000 students, Spaulding recalled. That same problem of excess capacity is affecting higher education nationwide.

    “It was well known that we had too much bricks and mortar for the number of traditional-type students that were going to be available in Vermont,” Spaulding said. “We saw all that coming, and we had started a process of educating people and working on what would be a realistic public-sector consolidation plan so that we could actually put our resources into having a smaller constellation, but well financed and up to date.”

    The reaction to the plan was explosive, even in the midst of a pandemic. At socially distanced drive-by protests, critics brandished signs that said: “Start Saving: Fire Jeb.” Within four days, the proposal to close campuses was withdrawn. A week after that, Spaulding resigned.

    “I guess I didn’t realize that in the public realm, you can’t make the kind of difficult decisions that if you were at a private institution you would have to make,” he recounted. “When the politics got involved, then it became clear to me that there was no way that I was going to be able to get that through.”

    Instead of closing the campuses, the state decided to combine them with the other two, in Castleton and Williston, all under one umbrella renamed Vermont State University, or VTSU. In exchange, the blended institutions would be required to cut spending to help reduce a deficit estimated at the time to be about $22 million.

    That decision was almost as contentious. As in Georgia, even the name was controversial. Alumni petitioned in vain for the new system to be called Castleton University instead of Vermont State, to preserve the legacy of the state’s oldest and the nation’s 18th-longest-operating higher education institution, founded in 1787, instead of demoting it to “Castleton Campus.”

    Related: A trend colleges might not want applicants to notice: It’s becoming easier to get in

    Beth Mauch, who as chancellor has overseen VTSU and Vermont’s community college campuses since January, said she gets this kind of sentiment. “There are community members who have had these institutions in their community. There are folks who are alumni of these institutions who remember them in a certain way,” said Mauch. “Really, they are in the fabric of a community.”

    Beth Mauch, chancellor of the Vermont State University system and the state’s community college campuses. “Really, they are in the fabric of a community,” Mauch says. Credit: Oliver Parini for The Hechinger Report

    That close relationship between the universities and their communities only resulted in additional friction when 23 full-time faculty positions were cut, out of the then-existing 208. So were an equal number of administrators and staff. Not only were there more beds and buildings than were needed for the number of students, there were too many faculty compared to other comparably sized universities, a planning document said.

    Neighbors of the campuses, and their elected representatives, didn’t see it that way.

    “The people that work at the colleges are local. Everyone knows people that work at these colleges,” said Billie Neathawk, a librarian at what was formerly Castleton University for more than 25 years, and a union officer. “They’re related to people. Especially in a small state like Vermont, everybody knows everybody.”

    The layoffs went through anyway. There were also cuts to majors. Ten academic programs were eliminated, 10 others changed locations and still others were consolidated. That meant students at any campus could take the remaining courses in a format combining in-person and online instruction that the system dubbed “In-Person Plus.”

    Lilly Hudson is a junior at Vermont State University, whose consolidation means some programs are being offered online. Hudson prefers learning in a classroom but liked being able to take a class online from another campus that wasn’t available on hers. Credit: Oliver Parini for The Hechinger Report

    Lilly Hudson, a junior at Castleton, said she prefers learning in a classroom. “It’s just such a difference to be able to see people and meet your professors and go in person,” said Hudson, who is majoring in early education. But she was also able to take a class online from another campus that wasn’t available on hers.

    That can be an underappreciated upside to mergers, said Greenstein, now managing director of higher education practice at the consulting firm Baker Tilly. “You can only run as many programs, majors and minors as you can enroll students into,” he said. But by merging institutions and letting students take courses from other campuses online, “now they can go from 20 programs to 80 or 90.”

    While that seemed a step forward, the consolidated university’s inaugural president, Parwinder Grewal, next announced that, to cut costs, its libraries would go all-digital and give away their books, the Randolph campus would no longer field intercollegiate sports teams, and athletics on the Johnson campus would move from the NCAA to the less prestigious U.S. Collegiate Athletic Association.

    Related: Universities and colleges search for ways to reverse the decline in the ranks of male students

    This proved another blunder in a state so fond of its libraries that it has the nation’s highest per-capita number of library visits, and where rural communities rally around even Division 3 athletics. Faculty and staff unions and student government associations on every campus voted “no confidence” in the university’s administration. Athletes transferred away. Grewal was loudly booed when he met with students.

    “There was a hot streak there where, every email, we were, like, now what’s going on?” said Raymonda Parchment, a student who was halfway toward her bachelor’s degree at the time.

    Raymonda Parchment, who just graduated from Vermont State University, is grateful that a plan to close some public campuses was reversed. “If you can’t afford to go out of state for college, and you can’t afford to pay for maybe a dorm for a couple of years, where does that leave you if there’s no school within commuting distance?” she asks. Credit: Oliver Parini for The Hechinger Report

    The library and athletics decisions were eventually reversed, too, and Grewal was out before he’d served a full year. But the damage was done. When the new university finally debuted, at the start of the 2023-24 school year, freshman enrollment was down by about 14 percent from what it had been at the separate campuses the year before.

    “I know a lot of friends whose programs were consolidated and shuffled around,” said Parchment, in an otherwise empty study room on the snow-covered Johnson campus. “That was probably the biggest change for students that had direct impact on them. Some people’s programs don’t exist anymore. Some people’s programs have been moved to a different campus.”

    Vermont is still working out the kinks, said Bergh, the system’s current president, who was the president of private, nonprofit Cazenovia College in New York when it closed in 2023.

    Although first-year enrollment went up about 14 percent this fall, he said, “We’re still surfacing places where our systems aren’t talking to each other as well as they should be, and that we need to correct.”

    Parchment likes that it’s easier now to move from one campus in the system to another, without having to go through the red tape of the transfer process. She graduated at the end of the fall semester after moving from Castleton to Johnson to be closer to an internship.

    And no campuses were ultimately closed, as had been proposed — a relief to students, prospective students and community members, Parchment said. “Because if you can’t afford to go out of state for college, and you can’t afford to pay for maybe a dorm for a couple of years, where does that leave you if there’s no school within commuting distance?”

    Hudson, the Castleton student, whose father is a sixth-generation farrier — a specialist in trimming, cleaning and shoeing horses’ hooves — agreed.

    The campuses are “in the middle of an area where there’s a lot of rural towns,” she said. Keeping them in operation means that students nearby who want to go to college “don’t have to pick up their lives and move.”

    But Spaulding, the former chancellor, warned that public higher education budget and enrollment problems aren’t likely to subside, in Vermont or many other states.

    “I don’t think the storm is over by any stretch of the imagination.”

    Contact writer Jon Marcus at 212-678-7556 or [email protected].

    This story about public college closings was produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Additional reporting by Liam Elder-Connors. Sign up for our higher education newsletter. Listen to our higher education podcast.

    The Hechinger Report provides in-depth, fact-based, unbiased reporting on education that is free to all readers. But that doesn't mean it's free to produce. Our work keeps educators and the public informed about pressing issues at schools and on campuses throughout the country. We tell the whole story, even when the details are inconvenient. Help us keep doing that.

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  • Four Benefits of Attending InsightsEDU

    Four Benefits of Attending InsightsEDU

    Every year, EducationDynamics welcomes marketing, enrollment, admissions, and higher education leaders from across the nation for InsightsEDU—a higher education conference dedicated to uncovering emerging trends and innovative solutions that help colleges and universities enhance reputation and grow revenue. In 2025, InsightsEDU will be hosted in New Orleans, Louisiana at the Ritz Carlton from February 12-14, 2025.

    With 40+ subject matter experts, and 38+ sessions, InsightsEDU is designed to equip attendees with the knowledge, tools, and strategies necessary to successfully engage the Modern Learner. Discover key benefits you will experience by attending InsightsEDU 2025.

    Benefits of Attending a Higher Education Conference like InsightsEDU

    1. Gain Timely Insights into the Modern Learner

    There is no doubt that higher education is undergoing a shift. The Modern Learner, who increasingly values flexibility, personalization, and cost-effectiveness, is driving much of this transformation.  This year’s conference theme, “The Era of the Modern Learner,” reflects this pivotal moment in education.  

    InsightsEDU will help higher education marketers adapt strategies to meet the needs of these students, by equipping them with practical insights on how Modern Learners interact with enrollment teams, make decisions, and engage with content. Understanding these dynamics will allow higher ed professionals to tailor marketing and enrollment strategies to better address the demands of today’s students, while demonstrating value and personalization.

    2. Network with Fellow Institutional Leaders, Experts, and Professionals Nationwide

    InsightsEDU is more than a learning opportunity; it is also an unparalleled networking opportunity for the higher education community. With over 100 colleges and universities represented, InsightsEDU brings together a diverse group of higher education professionals, including institutional leaders, marketers, admissions professionals, and experts from across the nation and even abroad.

    Throughout the conference, attendees will experience everything from informative sessions and panels to networking events infused with New Orleans’ flair. These interactions will provide attendees with opportunities to build lasting connections with fellow professionals who share a commitment to advancing higher education initiatives. Additionally, attendees will be able to participate in discussion forums and stay connected to professional connections through the conference app, allowing attendees to stay engaged even after the conference ends.

    3. Access Tailored Strategies for All Student Demographics

    InsightsEDU is dedicated to helping professionals connect with today’s diverse student populations through targeted, practical strategies. For traditional students, attendees will explore ways to create personalized outreach and recruitment campaigns that highlight flexibility and value. Sessions focused on online students will uncover data-driven marketing methods and innovative enrollment strategies that address their desire for convenience and personalization. For graduate students, attendees will explore strategies that leverage career-focused messaging and a clear return on investment for advanced degrees.

    Attendees will leave InsightsEDU equipped with powerful, actionable strategies tailored to the unique needs of various student demographics—empowering them to drive success and lead in a changing higher education landscape.

    4. Experience Expert-Led Sessions Focused on Real-World Solutions

    At InsightsEDU, attendees will engage with a stellar line-up of speakers covering the latest trends and challenges in higher education. Our conference agenda features 38+ sessions from industry experts, each with unique and data-backed perspectives on topics such as personalized digital marketing, enrollment management, and student success. With expert perspectives from organizations like Google, Meta, Reddit, EY Parthenon and more, attendees will learn how to apply the latest trends and technologies to enhance their approach. Additionally, attendees will gain exclusive insights to groundbreaking tools and data, including the latest Online College Students Report, giving them a first look at critical insights into today’s students.

    Unlock the Future of Higher Education at InsightsEDU 2025

    InsightsEDU 2025 is the must-attend conference for higher education professionals who are committed to staying ahead of the curve and driving impact within education. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this innovative event, designed to provide you with strategies and insights for success in higher education.   

    We look forward to seeing you at InsightsEDU from February 12-14! Register today and secure your spot.

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  • Voices of Innovation: Meet InsightsEDU 2025 Featured Speakers

    Voices of Innovation: Meet InsightsEDU 2025 Featured Speakers

    Higher Education Speakers of InsightsEDU

    Meet the thought leaders shaping the future of higher education at InsightsEDU 2025! Taking place from February 12-14, 2025 in New Orleans, LA, this conference brings together expert voices in higher education marketing, enrollment management, and leadership to discuss the evolution of today’s Modern Learner. This year, explore the future of higher education in 38+ sessions, where our speakers will share their vast expertise and unique perspectives. From higher education leaders to enrollment professionals, these speakers are vital to the InsightsEDU experience and are ready to equip you with insights to thrive in a new era of learning.

    The lineup of featured speakers for InsightsEDU 2025 is still growing—stay tuned for exciting new announcements! Below are the confirmed featured speakers as of November 7, 2024.

    Gregory Clayton

    President of Enrollment Management Services at EducationDynamics
    With over 30 years of experience in the higher education space, Greg brings valuable expertise in enrollment management and performance marketing. As President of Enrollment Management Services at EducationDynamics, he leads a comprehensive team offering agency marketing, enrollment services, strategic consulting, and research, all tailored to the higher ed sector. His leadership and career position him as a visionary strategist, equipped to offer insightful commentary on the higher education landscape and enrollment solutions. Join his session to learn more about how to better serve the Modern Learner and implement strategies that drive institutional success.

    Session: The Evolving Expectations of the Modern Learner: How Institutions Can Adapt and Thrive

    Wendy Colby

    Wendy Colby

    Vice President and Associate Provost for Boston University Virtual (BU Virtual)
    Throughout her career, Wendy has distinguished herself as a leader in online learning and enhancing the student experience. At BU Virtual, she focuses on delivering educational and technological excellence, positioning the program as a model of high-quality online education. Wendy’s commitment to advancing digital learning solutions ensures that students receive an exceptional learning experience. With extensive expertise in strategic leadership and global engagement, Wendy brings invaluable insights to InsightsEDU, where she will speak on best practices for collaborative strategies that optimize institutional success.

    Session: Bridging the Gap: Aligning Marketing & Enrollment Management for Success

    Roy Daiany

    Director, Education & Careers at Google
    With over 15 years of experience, Roy Daiany leads Google’s national team of education advertising strategists, partnering with top universities and EdTech companies to drive growth. A champion of technology-driven marketing, Roy will share valuable insights in his upcoming session, drawing on Google’s data to highlight key areas for optimizing student outreach and exploring innovative advertising practices.

    Session: Emerging Trends and Priorities for Higher Education

    Brent Fitch

    President of Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design
    Brent’s extensive career and leadership in higher education provide invaluable perspectives for InsightsEDU 2025. As President of Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, he has played an instrumental role in shaping strategies that optimize student engagement. With a proven track record in developing innovative programs that enhance faculty, employee, and student outcomes, his strategic leadership offers InsightsEDU attendees exclusive access to tried and true best practices within higher education. Learn from Brent to gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate institutional challenges and embrace new strategies for ongoing success.

    Session: The Era of the Modern Learner: Redefining Higher Education

    Andrew Fleischer

    Head of Industry, Education at Google
    As Head of Industry for Education at Google, Andrew Fleischer leads a team dedicated to transforming how institutions and EdTech companies approach enrollment and brand positioning. With a background spanning strategic roles in Google’s App and Retail sectors, Andrew brings expertise in using data-driven advertising to address complex business goals. In his session at InsightsEDU 2024, Andrew will explore Google’s latest insights on the role of AI in higher education and share valuable strategies to navigate the evolving student journey.

    Session: Emerging Trends and Priorities for Higher Education

    Stephen Horn

    Chief Marketing Officer at The College of Health Care Professions (CHCP)
    Stephen Horn is an award-winning marketer known for his inventive strategies that drive growth and expand market share. With a strong background in brand-building and nurturing marketing talent, Steve has a proven track record of success. As Chief Marketing Officer for CHCP in Houston, his role has been critical to program success. InsightsEDU attendees can anticipate gaining valuable insights into effective strategies for enhancing student engagement and aligning marketing with cross-functional departments.

    Session: Bridging the Gap: Aligning Marketing & Enrollment Management for Success

    Dr. Melik Khoury

    Dr. Melik Khoury

    President of Unity Environment University
    Gain fresh insights and practical strategies for engaging Modern Learners with Dr. Melik Khoury, a pivotal leader in higher education. As President of Unity Environmental University, Dr. Khoury prioritizes student success and has spearheaded transformative initiatives to increase enrollment and retention. His commitment to affordability, accessibility, and flexibility are paramount to the university’s enduring success. Dr. Khoury’s tenure at Unity Environmental University has established him as an innovative and adaptable leader, making him an ideal expert to address today’s new era of learning and the unique needs of Modern Learners.

    Session: The Era of the Modern Learner: Redefining Higher Education

    Dr. Andy Miller

    Senior VP of Strategic Enrollment & Partnerships at Indiana Wesleyan University
    Andy Miller, PhD, brings a wealth of experience to InsightsEDU 2025. In his role as Sr. VP of Strategic Enrollment & Partnerships at Indiana Wesleyan University, Andy oversees enrollment and partnership initiatives, serving over 12,000 students. With expertise in building cross-industry partnerships and creating training pathways for adult learners to meet workforce demands, Andy is a pivotal leader in the field.

    Session: Bridging the Gap: Aligning Marketing & Enrollment Management for Success

    Dr. Joe Sallustio

    Dr. Joe Sallustio

    Vice President of Industry Engagement at Ellucian & Cofounder The EdUp Experience Podcast
    Dr. Joe Sallustio is a leading authority within the higher ed sector, recognized for his expertise in operations, finance, and academics. With over 20 years of experience, he has led teams across various institutional functions, including marketing, enrollment, finance, and student services, equipping him with the skills to successfully navigate the modern landscape of higher education. Dr. Sallustio leverages his extensive knowledge as co-founder and host of The EdUp Experience, a podcast that explores timely topics in the higher ed industry. Join his session to learn more about innovative strategies for addressing challenges and uncovering opportunities for student success amid changing times.

    Sessions: The Era of the Modern Learner: Redefining Higher Education

    Katie Tomlinson

    Katie Tomlinson

    Senior Director of Analytics and Business Intelligence at EducationDynamics
    Prepare to unlock insights with Katie Tomlinson. As the Senior Director of Analytics and Business Intelligence, Katie expertly manages data and reporting, uncovering key trends to support EducationDynamics in delivering data-driven solutions for the higher ed community. Learn from her as she discusses findings from EducationDynamics’ latest report, where attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the evolving learning environment and the significant factors that influence Modern Learners’ educational choices.

    Session: The Evolving Expectations of the Modern Learner: How Institutions Can Adapt and Thrive

    Engage with the Leaders Shaping Higher Education

    InsightsEDU 2025 promises to be another impactful conference, offering a forum for thought leadership, best practices, and meaningful networking among higher education professionals. This conference unites industry leaders and institutions to explore the key challenges and exciting opportunities facing the higher ed sector today. Taking place in early 2025, InsightsEDU is the perfect change to gain insights that will strengthen your institution’s foundation for the year ahead and beyond. Don’t miss out–Register today to secure your spot.

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  • InsightsEDU 2025 – Marketing and Enrollment Management for Adult and Online Education 

    Date: February 12-14, 2025
    Location: The Ritz Carlton, New Orleans

    EducationDynamics’ InsightsEDU is one of the only higher education marketing and enrollment management conferences focused on the Modern Learner. Every year, InsightsEDU brings together thought leaders, decision-makers, and professionals from colleges, universities, and education-related organizations nationwide. The mission of InsightsEDU is to create a platform for the exchange of ideas, strategies, and innovations that propel higher education forward.

  • 2025 Presidents Institute

    Date: January 4–7, 2025
    Location: San Antonio, TX  

    The Council of Independent Colleges’ 2025 Presidents Institute serves as a pivotal gathering amid the shifting higher education environment, offering a space for leaders to address key challenges. The 2025 gathering will provide over 300 college and university presidents, along with nearly 750 participants, the opportunity to explore how strategic community engagement can transform challenges into opportunities. With a focus on critical issues like financial sustainability, legal challenges, DEI and belonging, and federal policy, this event offers timely insights for navigating higher education’s political landscape.

  • SXSW EDU Conference & Festival 2025  

    Date: March 3-6, 2025 
    Location: Austin, TX 

    Immerse yourself in four days of unparalleled learning and collaboration at the SXSW EDU Conference & Festival. Designed for education professionals, industry leaders, and policymakers, this pivotal event ignites creativity and fosters innovation in the field of education. 

  • 2025 UPCEA Annual Conference 

    Date: March 24-26, 2025
    Location: Denver, CO  

    UPCEA’s Annual Conference is one of the most significant assemblies of thought leaders and practitioners today in the field of professional, continuing, and online education. Deans and other senior university leaders, key staff, and teams responsible for the management, administration, and growth of professional, continuing, and online education programs attend every year to gain insights on the most pressing topics in the higher education landscape – including federal policy, finance and operations, marketing and enrollment management, instructional design, noncredit programs, alternative credentialing, and more.  

  • American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) 2025 

    Date: April 12-16, 2025
    Location: Nashville, TN

    The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Conference hosts a premier professional development event for leaders and stakeholders in the community college sector. It features impactful keynote presentations, focused breakout sessions, technology showcases, and peer-to-peer exchanges, all aimed at addressing the most pressing challenges and opportunities in two-year colleges. With a focus on innovation, problem-solving, and extensive networking opportunities, the AACC Annual Conference serves as an essential platform for shaping the future of community college education.

  • The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO) 110th Annual Meeting 

    Date: March 30 – April 2, 2025
    Location: Seattle, WA 

    Join a global network of higher education professionals at the AACRAO Annual Meeting, where leaders from various disciplines come together to explore, engage, and advance the field. This event provides an opportunity to discuss the ever-changing landscape of higher education, share valuable insights, and collaborate on practical solutions to real-world challenges. Each year, the AACRAO Annual Meeting tackles emerging issues and trends, offering attendees the chance to deepen their knowledge, expand their network, and contribute to the future of higher education.

  • OLC Innovate 2025 

    Date: April 1-4, 2025
    Location: Nashville, TN

    The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is a group of higher education leaders and innovators who work to advance quality digital teaching and learning experiences. OLC Innovate 2025 offers educators of all experience levels to explore, share, and advance digital and blended learning. Themed “The Rhythm of Innovation: Hitting the High Notes in Digital Education,” the conference will reimagine how today’s disruptions shape tomorrow’s classrooms.

  • 2024 Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Annual Conference 

    Date: April 5-8, 2025
    Location: Chicago, IL 

    HLC’s Annual Conference is geared towards administrators in the higher education community, including administrative professionals, faculty members, CEOs, presidents, and chancellors. Sessions, speakers, and workshops provide opportunities for institutions that seek accreditation and offer information on the latest developments, issues, and best practices in higher education. The 2025 conference will explore how colleges and universities use higher education to address evolving student and societal needs, impart workforce skills, fuel innovation, and tackle today’s most pressing challenges.

  • ASU+GSV Summit 2025 – Learning at the Speed of Light 

    Date: April 6-9, 2025
    Location: San Diego, CA 

    The ASU GSV Summit brings together leading thinkers in digital learning and workforce skills to create a future where everyone has equal access to opportunity. It is a community of educators, entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators in the educational technology and higher education industry who are motivated in reshaping society and education through innovation.  

  • NAGAP, The Association for Graduate Enrollment – 2025 Graduate Enrollment Management Summit 

    Date: April 23-26, 2025  
    Location: San Francisco, CA

    NAGAP’s annual summit unites professionals engaged in every aspect of the graduate enrollment lifecycle—from admissions and recruitment to financial aid, academic affairs, and beyond. As the only professional organization dedicated exclusively to graduate enrollment management, NAGAP provides a unique platform for addressing the specific concerns and challenges faced by those in this field.

  • Digital University Week – Inside Higher Ed/Times Higher Education 

    Date: May 2025
    Location: TBD

    Digital University Week, hosted by Inside Higher Ed and Times Higher Education, brings together leaders in higher education’s digital transformation to explore the opportunities and challenges of a digital-first future. The event focuses on overcoming institutional silos, fostering industry collaboration, and maximizing resources while emphasizing a human-centered approach for equitable digital learning. The series offers an intimate setting for impactful conversations, sparking new ideas and building connections to reshape the future of education. 

  • 2025 Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU) Convention 

    Date: May 27-29, 2025
    Location: Las Vegas, NV

    The 2025 North American Career Education Convention is regarded as the largest gathering of private career education professionals nationwide. Featuring renowned keynote speakers, expert-led sessions, and ample opportunities to connect with sector leaders, this conference attracts a diverse audience each year, fostering collaboration and innovation in postsecondary career education.

  • Slate Summit 2025 

    Date: June 25-27, 2025
    Location: Las Vegas, NV

    The Slate Summit, an exclusive event led by the Slate community, provides a deep dive into specific Slate topics through expert-led sessions and offers networking opportunities with like-minded peers in affinity group breakouts. This year’s Summit, tailored for admissions, student success, and advancement professionals, promises to be the most engaging and informative yet, featuring industry experts, interactive workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities. 

  • eduWeb Summit 2025 

    Date: July 15-17, 2025 
    Location: Portland, ME 

    The eduWeb Summit is a community of higher education professionals and industry partners who are passionate about advancing their marketing, communications, and digital work. This conference gathers higher education professionals and industry partners from 16 countries and all 50 states. Attendees benefit from enhanced networking opportunities, engaging with peers and potential partners while gaining valuable insights into web and digital experiences, AI and analytics, leadership and innovation, and enrollment marketing. 

  • UPCEA DT&L and SOLA+R 2024 – Distance Teaching & Learning Conference and Summit for Online Leadership & Administration + Roundtable 

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    UPCEA’s DT&L and SOLA+R event combines 2 conferences into 1 seamless experience. It captures all the elements of digital transformation and leadership in a holistic way—from teaching and learning to leadership and administration—preserving the salient issues for two distinct professional communities, while catalyzing dialogue across all facets of the larger field. This event is ideal for key campus leaders – presidents, provost, deans, instructional designers, faculty, and other focused on digital leadership. 

    UPCEA DT&L and SOLA+R 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information. 

  • UNCF Unite 2025 

    Date: July 20-24, 2025
    Location: Atlanta, GA 

    UNITE, powered by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), is the nation’s leading annual gathering for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominately Black Institutions (PBIs). This influential event brings together thought leaders, change agents, and community partners to accelerate institutional transformation, address shared challenges, and celebrate achievements. Through networking, discussions, and celebration, UNITE fosters innovation within higher education and propels institutions towards a brighter future for all students.  

    UNCF Unite 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • HashtagHigherEd 2025

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    HashtagHigherEd is a dedicated forum of professionals in higher education marketing and communications to converge, fostering the exchange of best practices amidst the complexities of a competitive and ever-evolving landscape. This dedicated forum provides a space for these professionals to collaboratively discuss effective communication, marketing, and branding strategies tailored to the unique challenges of the higher education sector.   

    HashtagHigherEd US 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • HighEdWeb Association Annual Conference 2025 

    Date: September 28-October 1, 2025
    Location: Online and Grand Rapids, Michigan  

    Connect with colleagues and explore the impact of digital media on higher education at the HighEdWeb Annual Conference 2025. Designed for professionals across all roles—programmers, marketers, social media experts, managers, designers, and writers—this event offers diverse track sessions, an inspiring keynote, and group discussions. Engage with a vibrant community, gain valuable insights, and address unique digital challenges faced by colleges and universities, all while expanding your network and enhancing your professional development. 

  • NACAC Conference 2025 

    Date: September 18-20, 2025 
    Location: Columbus, OH

    The NACAC Conference 2025 will gather over 6,000 dedicated counselors in Los Angeles to exchange best practices, gain inspiration, and explore cutting-edge research in admission counseling. This event provides higher education counselors with the chance to discover innovative strategies, engage with thought leaders and peers, stay updated with the latest research, and connect with a diverse community of professionals. 

  • UPCEA Convergence 

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    The UPCEA Convergence conference explores contemporary trends and emerging models within the realm of alternative credentials. This event, a collaborative effort by UPCEA and AACRAO, serves as a platform for key campus figures involved in credential innovation. This includes deans of professional education, chief online learning officers, registrars, and their respective teams. Together, they aim to delineate and refine institutional strategies concerning alternative credentials.  

    UPCEA Convergence 2025 conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information. 

  • P3 EDU – Innovation and Public-Private Partnership in Higher Education

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD 

    P3 EDU is an invitation-only annual conference that brings together university administrators, government officials, and representatives from foundations and corporations to discuss public-private partnerships in higher education. Attendees will delve into partnership opportunities, share best practices, and address the challenges of implementing successful public-private partnerships in higher education.  

    P3 EDU 2025 conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information.

  • Educause Annual Conference 2025

    Date: October 27-29, 2025 
    Location: Nashville, TN and Online 

    The Educause Annual Conference is the premier event for higher education technology professionals, connecting the brightest minds in the field. This global gathering brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds within the higher education industry – practitioners, researchers, and solution providers – to share ideas, develop their expertise, and discover innovative solutions to contemporary challenges.  

    The Educause Annual 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information. 

  • 2025 AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education  

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD 

    For over 30 years, the AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education has offered a dynamic glimpse into the ever-evolving landscape of higher education. With a program featuring peer-reviewed content, attendees gain the strategic insights needed to elevate their marketing strategies, enhance their institutional reputation, and ensure financial strength. Beyond the wealth of sessions, the Symposium serves as a vibrant community where knowledge seamlessly transitions into actionable initiatives, making it an invaluable resource for marketers looking to shape the future of higher education, foster growth, and ensure vitality.   

    The 2025 AMA Symposium Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information. 

  • OLC Accelerate 2025

    Date: November 17-20, 2025
    Location: Orlando, FL 

    The OLC Accelerate conference showcases groundbreaking research and effective practices in online, blended, and digital learning. It offers a diverse range of sessions and activities designed to support administrators, designers, and educators by addressing the unique challenges and goals of the entire community. This event is a comprehensive resource for staying at the forefront of innovative practices in digital education.  

    The OLC Accelerate 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • UPCEA MEMS 2025

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    UPCEA MEMS is a must-attend conference for education professionals who want to stay on top of the trends in higher ed marketing. Presented from a variety of perspectives, sessions elevate the conversation about today’s higher education landscape. For over 30 years, MEMS has drawn professionals from institutions of all sizes to showcase thought leadership in higher education and explore trends in adult student recruitment and retention.

    UPCEA MEMS 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information.

  • NAICU 2025 Annual Meeting and Advocacy Day

    Date: February 2-5, 2025
    Location: Washington, DC

    NAICU’s Annual Meeting & Advocacy Day is the premier policy and advocacy event for private, nonprofit higher education leadership, including college and university presidents, government relations personnel, and executives from state and mission-specific higher education associations. The meeting annually offers briefings on pressing policy issues affecting higher education and focuses advocacy efforts on these critical concerns.

  • WCET 37th Annual Meeting

    Date: October 21-23, 2025
    Location: Denver, CO

    The WCET Annual Meeting brings together higher education professionals and practitioners to foster critical discussions, share the latest advancements in digital learning, and navigate the evolving regulatory landscape. With a registration limit of 500, the intimate and collegial setting of the WCET Annual Meeting offers unique opportunities for meaningful dialogue and insights, making it a valuable event for leaders and practitioners in digital learning.

    WCET 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • 2025 Engage Summit

    Date: June 24-26, 2025
    Location: Charlotte, NC

    The Engage Summit focuses on practical applications of AI, equipping attendees to lead their institutions through AI transformation. Participants will gain insights into the modern student’s mindset—understanding their motivations, interactions, and expectations in today’s digital landscape. This event serves as a great opportunity for educational leaders to prepare their campuses for the evolving future of learning.

    The 2025 Engage Summit Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

Conferences offer invaluable opportunities for higher education professionals to stay current with industry trends, discover innovative strategies, and connect with like-minded individuals. Whether you’re seeking to advance your career, enhance your skills, or simply stay informed, attending a relevant conference can be a hugely rewarding experience.  

If you see any of our experts at EducationDynamics (EDDY) at one of these events, come and say hello! We’re excited about making new connections with people from all over the world who share a passion for learning more about what it means to understand, find, enroll, and retain adult, online, or non-traditional students.  

We look forward to seeing you there; drop us a line if you’re attending any of the conferences above. 

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