Tag: higher education

  • Key Findings from the 2025 Landscape of Higher Education Report  

    Key Findings from the 2025 Landscape of Higher Education Report  

    As higher education navigates demographic shifts, new technologies, and economic challenges, institutions face a complex landscape when optimizing enrollment and meeting the evolving needs of students. The 2025 Landscape of Higher Education Report provides actionable insights that empower educational leaders to improve learning pathways and better serve the Modern Learner.

    Challenges such as the rising education costs have led to increased scrutiny of a college degree’s value, with only 47% of Americans considering it worthwhile without loans. When loans are involved, this number drops to 22%, underscoring the imperative for institutions to adapt to more cost-effective pathways.

    The 2025 Report offers a future-oriented outlook, equipping institutions with data to address gaps and better understand the evolving profile of the Modern Learner. Themes include shifting student preferences, an increased emphasis on career-aligned programs, and the need for more flexible learning pathways. In this article, explore six key findings that are molding students’ educational journeys and how these trends can enable education leaders to adapt.

    Finding #1: Flexible Pathways Drive Enrollment Growth 

    Spring 2024 saw a 2.5% increase in undergraduate enrollment, particularly within community colleges, public institutions, and associate degree-granting baccalaureate institutions (PABs). Graduate programs also saw enrollment increases, with a 3% rise. The highest areas of growth occurred among private, for-profit four-year institutions. These trends indicate a growing demand for flexible learning pathways that accommodate different student preferences and career aspirations.

    The age profile of part-time students has shifted as well, with the median age of part-time undergraduate students decreasing by nearly 2% across all sectors since Spring 2020. The shift was most pronounced at public two-year institutions, which saw a 4.2% decrease, and private accredited bachelor’s programs, which experienced a 2.8% decrease. As the age of part-time students continues to trend younger, it reaffirms that age is no longer a reliable predictor of learning modality. Furthermore, these shifting demographics emphasize the importance of embracing a Unified Enrollment Strategy that engages with Modern Learners based on their preferences and behaviors to meet them where they are with the right message, in the right place at the right time.

    Finding #2: Modern Learners are Prioritizing Practical Skills and Career Outcomes

    The emphasis on practical skills and career-readiness is reshaping Modern Learners’ educational preferences. With nearly half of Americans questioning the value of a traditional college degree, the demand for flexible, affordable, and industry-aligned options is growing rapidly. Apprenticeships have emerged as an appealing pathway for Modern Learners, offering paid opportunities for hands-on learning and gaining practical skills without the burden of taking on additional debt. 

    Over the past decade, the number of apprenticeships in the U.S. has more than doubled, from approximately 317,000 to 640,000. Sectors such as Construction and Public Administration have led this growth with 34.5% and 22.4% increases, respectively. High-growth fields like Healthcare, Finance, and Technical Services present additional opportunities for expanding apprenticeship programs, aligning well with workforce demands and students’ increasing preference for practical, job-ready experience.  

    Despite apprenticeships’ increasing appeal, accessibility poses a challenge. While 75% find apprenticeships appealing, only 29% find them accessible. Geographic location, program availability, and a lack of awareness remain barriers that can prevent students from participating. Institutions can remove these barriers through strategic partnerships with industry leaders to expand opportunities, integrate practical skill-building in program curriculums, and market available programs to raise awareness. These efforts not only meet the demands of Modern Learners by providing them with relevant skills, but also enable employers to recruit qualified candidates, making apprenticeships valuable for both higher education and the economy.

    Finding #3: Student Demand for Alternative Credentials Continues to Rise 

    Much like apprenticeships, the rising demand for alternative credentials like certificates further underscores the shifting preference towards more flexible and affordable learning pathways. As students continue to seek programs that offer practical skills and immediate benefits for their careers, certificates have increasingly become an attractive alternative to traditional degree paths. With the cost of higher education on the rise, Modern Learners are turning to certificate programs as a focused and affordable way to gain relevant skills for their desired career industries.

    Spring 2024 saw significant growth in certificate enrollments, with graduate programs seeing a nearly 10% increase and undergraduate certificates growing by nearly 4%. This growth reinforces that Modern Learners are increasingly prioritizing education opportunities that yield a high return-on-investment. Institutions can capitalize on this interest by expanding certificate offerings and making them more accessible to students through diverse modalities, competitive pricing, and aligning programs with job demands.  

    Finding #4: Dual Enrollment Programs Gain Momentum Among High School Students

    Dual Enrollment programs are becoming increasingly popular pathways, as more young learners seek flexible avenues for higher education. The popularity of these programs aligns with the growing trend of younger students engaging in part-time studies, demonstrating a trend towards more adaptable educational modalities. Dual enrollment has increased over 10% over the last year alone, adding approximately 100,000 students and accounting for nearly 28.1% of undergraduate enrollment increases. This growth presents a crucial opportunity for institutions to leverage this interest as they develop enrollment strategies going into 2025.

    Finding #5: The Some College, No Credential (SCNC) Population Presents a Growing Opportunity for Re-Engagement

    The Some College, No Credential (SCNC) population, now at 36.8 million and growing by 2.9% from the previous year, represents a significant opportunity for enrollment growth. With re-enrollment rising by 9.1% in the 2022-2023 academic year, institutions have a chance to attract students who left before completing their degrees.

    Understanding the educational preferences of SCNC students is key to tailoring outreach and support services. Popular fields of study for this group include Business and Liberal Arts at the bachelor’s level, Liberal Arts and General Studies for associate degrees, and Health professions and Business for undergraduate certificates. These areas indicate a clear demand for programs that offer clear pathways to employment. To effectively engage this population, institutions should focus on building accessible options that allow students to build upon previously earned credits, prioritize transfer credits, and offer support that enables students to advance in their chosen career fields.

    Finding #6: International Student Enrollment Boosts Institutions’ Global Appeal

    The growing population of international students enrolled at U.S. schools presents a valuable opportunity to enhance universities’ presence and grow enrollments.  These students comprise of a significant share of enrollments, particularly in Massachusetts, Hawaii, New York, and California, where they account for 4.5% to 7.8% of the student population. Most undergraduate international students are enrolled within the public sector, underscoring its position to support higher education on a domestic and international scale.

    To maximize the benefits of international student enrollment, institutions should focus on strategies that attract and retain international students while providing support services tailored to their unique needs. By integrating a comprehensive enrollment and student support system with resources like language assistance, housing support, and financial aid, institutions can boost their global appeal, create more culturally diverse campuses, and enhance their enrollment by positioning themselves as a top choice for students worldwide.

    Looking Toward 2025

    The findings from the 2025 Landscape of Higher Education Report demonstrate both the challenges and opportunities shaping the future of higher education.

    As institutions look ahead, the ability to attract and retain students across a range of educational paths requires a holistic approach to enrollment and student support services. By focusing on creating accessible, cost-effective, and relevant learning opportunities, institutions can position themselves for success in 2025 and beyond, while meeting the diverse needs of Modern Learners and driving sustainable enrollment growth.

    For more insights and actionable strategies, download the full 2025 Landscape of Higher Education Report and see how your institution can stay ahead of the curve.

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  • What to Expect on Your Organizational Development Journey

    What to Expect on Your Organizational Development Journey

    Next Steps to Empower Your Multiyear Growth Road Map

    In higher education organizations, enrollment management plans can be like the weather: short term, ever changing, and subject to the whims of the seasons each year. 

    But for your organization and programs to thrive no matter the conditions, a multiyear growth road map is needed to keep all parts of the organization aligned and moving toward a strategic set of goals. 

    In my last article, I discussed the importance of taking a step back to assess the people, processes, and technology of your organization to identify opportunities for improvement and high-quality growth. This critical first step results in an organizational development plan that moves your institution from good, to better, to best in class. 

    With this article, we’ll dig deeper to outline how you can build a multiyear growth road map that allows you to weather everything from regulatory storm clouds to enrollment droughts, keeping your focus on a longer-term strategy. You’ll learn how to get started, measure your progress, and ensure that feedback loops are in place for continuous improvement. 

    A multiyear growth road map helps your teams move beyond term-to-term thinking to develop activities that ladder up and contribute to a true organizational vision. Everyone has a part to play that is specific, measured, and celebrated.  

    The First 90 Days

    As with any effective plan, laying a strong foundation can lead to long-term success. In the context of your multiyear strategic road map, building the foundation involves these steps:  

    Year One: The Blueprint

    With a solid understanding of your institution’s current landscape — both internally and externally — it’s time to launch into the first year of your strategic road map. These 365 days are about implementing basic changes to boot up the structures, systems, and processes that will support growth in later years. 

    Year Two: Optimize and Accelerate 

    With a firm foundation now in place from your first year’s efforts, the focus shifts toward refinement, optimization, and acceleration of your growth initiatives. This phase is crucial, as it’s where you begin to see the fruits of your labor blossom.

    Years Three and Four: Knowledge Sharing and Independence 

    As your strategic initiatives mature, the focus will naturally transition toward sharing knowledge and strengthening your internal teams. This critical period in years three and four is about empowering your staff and shifting your role from hands-on implementer to guiding coach.

    The Journey to Sustainable Development Starts Today

    Successful organizational development requires a multiyear effort that encompasses careful planning, precise execution, and a dedicated team of leaders. From the initial 90 days to the subsequent years, each phase of the process moves your institution closer to becoming stronger and more agile.

    Our team at Archer Education has helped dozens of institutions build and execute comprehensive multiyear strategic plans. These plans are tailored to enhance enrollment and retention, setting each institution on a path to long-term success.

    If you’re ready to transform your organization and achieve remarkable results, reach out to us at Archer Education. Let’s make your educational vision a reality together.

    Subscribe to the Higher Ed Marketing Journal:

    Melanie Andrich

    Melanie Andrich is vice president of strategy and development at Archer Education. Melanie is a results-driven higher education leader with 20-plus years of experience in developing and supporting high-quality, accessible, and scalable academic programs and services. She spent the first half of her career at Rutgers University running study abroad programming and leading the first fully online professional master’s degree program for the university. She then moved into management consulting to help colleges and universities with academic innovation, enrollment management, and organizational transformation initiatives.

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  • Busting Roadblocks in the Community College Enrollment Cycle

    Busting Roadblocks in the Community College Enrollment Cycle

    Top Student Enrollment Roadblocks and How to Overcome Them

    In my more than two decades of steering enrollment management at various institutions, I’ve seen students encounter numerous hurdles on their journey to and through higher education. 

    My experience has consistently shown that the decision to enroll is heavily influenced by four critical factors: 

    Understanding these priorities is critical to attracting and retaining students in the community college space. By aligning your enrollment strategies with the needs and expectations of prospective students, you can ensure a smoother, more engaging educational journey that benefits both the students and your educational institution alike. 

    Common Ease of Enrollment Roadblocks for Students

    The pursuit of higher education is a daunting task in itself. When students encounter challenges at the enrollment phase — before the actual coursework even starts — it can be easy for them to bow out of the process altogether. To ensure that doesn’t happen, avoid these common pitfalls in the community college enrollment journey: 

    Complex Enrollment Processes

    Orientation and Information Overload

    Confusing Websites

    Placement Testing Delays

    How to Overcome Ease of Enrollment Roadblocks

    So, those are the potential enrollment roadblocks for community college students. But what are the enrollment solutions? Solutions for overcoming enrollment roadblocks for community college students include the following: 

    Common Clear Path to Graduation Roadblocks for Students

    Now that you’ve mowed down the enrollment roadblocks, it’s time to ensure that the ride stays smooth. Remember, it’s never too late for students to change their direction. They might do so if these issues persist: 

    Course Registration Problems

    Technology Barriers

    How to Create a Clear Path to Graduation

    Constructing a clear path to graduation isn’t easy, and with limited resources, it can be difficult to avert every bump in the road. But in my experience, you can keep most students on track by focusing on these two key areas: 

    Common Reasonable Degree Completion Roadblocks for Students

    You’ve cleared two major hurdles by easing the enrollment process and creating a clear path to graduation. But you’re only halfway home. Here are some common mistakes institutions make when it comes to the time it takes to complete a degree: 

    Inadequate Academic Advising

    Lack of Clear Communication

    Social and Emotional Challenges

    How to Help Students Reach Their Goals in a Reasonable Amount of Time

    When it comes to keeping students on track, intervention is key. Follow these tips: 

    Common Cost/Benefit Roadblocks for Students

    You’ve now reached the last but never the least critical roadblock in higher education: return on investment. It’s why your students are showing up, and if the numbers don’t make sense, they can — and should — turn back. Here are some financial concerns that your students are likely to face: 

    Housing and Transportation Challenges

    Cost of College Data Is Hard to Find

    Ways to Help Students With Their Financial Concerns

    Your institution is responsible for ensuring that students understand their financial obligations and how to meet them. Here are a few ways that you can do this: 

    Bust Down Roadblocks by Partnering With Archer 

    In my 20 years of experience, I’ve helped lots of institutions navigate these potential roadblocks to enrolling and retaining more students. And I’m far from alone in my expertise at Archer. Our full-service team partners with colleges of all kinds to help them build and scale their capacities. 

    Is your institution ready for a collaborative partner who takes the time to get to know you, then makes custom recommendations based on decades of experience? Reach out to us today

    Subscribe to the Higher Ed Marketing Journal:

    Brian Messer

    Brian Messer has over 20 years of experience overseeing all aspects of university administration, including online, operations, academic affairs, enrollment management, marketing, financial management, and human resources and student affairs. Specifically, his extensive experience in scaling marketing and enrollment initiatives in all sectors of nontraditional higher education have contributed to student success and growth at many institutions of higher learning.
    Messer holds a doctorate in higher education administration from Saint Louis University.

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  • InsightsEDU 2025 – Marketing and Enrollment Management for Adult and Online Education 

    Date: February 12-14, 2025
    Location: The Ritz Carlton, New Orleans

    EducationDynamics’ InsightsEDU is one of the only higher education marketing and enrollment management conferences focused on the Modern Learner. Every year, InsightsEDU brings together thought leaders, decision-makers, and professionals from colleges, universities, and education-related organizations nationwide. The mission of InsightsEDU is to create a platform for the exchange of ideas, strategies, and innovations that propel higher education forward.

  • 2025 Presidents Institute

    Date: January 4–7, 2025
    Location: San Antonio, TX  

    The Council of Independent Colleges’ 2025 Presidents Institute serves as a pivotal gathering amid the shifting higher education environment, offering a space for leaders to address key challenges. The 2025 gathering will provide over 300 college and university presidents, along with nearly 750 participants, the opportunity to explore how strategic community engagement can transform challenges into opportunities. With a focus on critical issues like financial sustainability, legal challenges, DEI and belonging, and federal policy, this event offers timely insights for navigating higher education’s political landscape.

  • SXSW EDU Conference & Festival 2025  

    Date: March 3-6, 2025 
    Location: Austin, TX 

    Immerse yourself in four days of unparalleled learning and collaboration at the SXSW EDU Conference & Festival. Designed for education professionals, industry leaders, and policymakers, this pivotal event ignites creativity and fosters innovation in the field of education. 

  • 2025 UPCEA Annual Conference 

    Date: March 24-26, 2025
    Location: Denver, CO  

    UPCEA’s Annual Conference is one of the most significant assemblies of thought leaders and practitioners today in the field of professional, continuing, and online education. Deans and other senior university leaders, key staff, and teams responsible for the management, administration, and growth of professional, continuing, and online education programs attend every year to gain insights on the most pressing topics in the higher education landscape – including federal policy, finance and operations, marketing and enrollment management, instructional design, noncredit programs, alternative credentialing, and more.  

  • American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) 2025 

    Date: April 12-16, 2025
    Location: Nashville, TN

    The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Conference hosts a premier professional development event for leaders and stakeholders in the community college sector. It features impactful keynote presentations, focused breakout sessions, technology showcases, and peer-to-peer exchanges, all aimed at addressing the most pressing challenges and opportunities in two-year colleges. With a focus on innovation, problem-solving, and extensive networking opportunities, the AACC Annual Conference serves as an essential platform for shaping the future of community college education.

  • The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO) 110th Annual Meeting 

    Date: March 30 – April 2, 2025
    Location: Seattle, WA 

    Join a global network of higher education professionals at the AACRAO Annual Meeting, where leaders from various disciplines come together to explore, engage, and advance the field. This event provides an opportunity to discuss the ever-changing landscape of higher education, share valuable insights, and collaborate on practical solutions to real-world challenges. Each year, the AACRAO Annual Meeting tackles emerging issues and trends, offering attendees the chance to deepen their knowledge, expand their network, and contribute to the future of higher education.

  • OLC Innovate 2025 

    Date: April 1-4, 2025
    Location: Nashville, TN

    The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is a group of higher education leaders and innovators who work to advance quality digital teaching and learning experiences. OLC Innovate 2025 offers educators of all experience levels to explore, share, and advance digital and blended learning. Themed “The Rhythm of Innovation: Hitting the High Notes in Digital Education,” the conference will reimagine how today’s disruptions shape tomorrow’s classrooms.

  • 2024 Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Annual Conference 

    Date: April 5-8, 2025
    Location: Chicago, IL 

    HLC’s Annual Conference is geared towards administrators in the higher education community, including administrative professionals, faculty members, CEOs, presidents, and chancellors. Sessions, speakers, and workshops provide opportunities for institutions that seek accreditation and offer information on the latest developments, issues, and best practices in higher education. The 2025 conference will explore how colleges and universities use higher education to address evolving student and societal needs, impart workforce skills, fuel innovation, and tackle today’s most pressing challenges.

  • ASU+GSV Summit 2025 – Learning at the Speed of Light 

    Date: April 6-9, 2025
    Location: San Diego, CA 

    The ASU GSV Summit brings together leading thinkers in digital learning and workforce skills to create a future where everyone has equal access to opportunity. It is a community of educators, entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators in the educational technology and higher education industry who are motivated in reshaping society and education through innovation.  

  • NAGAP, The Association for Graduate Enrollment – 2025 Graduate Enrollment Management Summit 

    Date: April 23-26, 2025  
    Location: San Francisco, CA

    NAGAP’s annual summit unites professionals engaged in every aspect of the graduate enrollment lifecycle—from admissions and recruitment to financial aid, academic affairs, and beyond. As the only professional organization dedicated exclusively to graduate enrollment management, NAGAP provides a unique platform for addressing the specific concerns and challenges faced by those in this field.

  • Digital University Week – Inside Higher Ed/Times Higher Education 

    Date: May 2025
    Location: TBD

    Digital University Week, hosted by Inside Higher Ed and Times Higher Education, brings together leaders in higher education’s digital transformation to explore the opportunities and challenges of a digital-first future. The event focuses on overcoming institutional silos, fostering industry collaboration, and maximizing resources while emphasizing a human-centered approach for equitable digital learning. The series offers an intimate setting for impactful conversations, sparking new ideas and building connections to reshape the future of education. 

  • 2025 Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU) Convention 

    Date: May 27-29, 2025
    Location: Las Vegas, NV

    The 2025 North American Career Education Convention is regarded as the largest gathering of private career education professionals nationwide. Featuring renowned keynote speakers, expert-led sessions, and ample opportunities to connect with sector leaders, this conference attracts a diverse audience each year, fostering collaboration and innovation in postsecondary career education.

  • Slate Summit 2025 

    Date: June 25-27, 2025
    Location: Las Vegas, NV

    The Slate Summit, an exclusive event led by the Slate community, provides a deep dive into specific Slate topics through expert-led sessions and offers networking opportunities with like-minded peers in affinity group breakouts. This year’s Summit, tailored for admissions, student success, and advancement professionals, promises to be the most engaging and informative yet, featuring industry experts, interactive workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities. 

  • eduWeb Summit 2025 

    Date: July 15-17, 2025 
    Location: Portland, ME 

    The eduWeb Summit is a community of higher education professionals and industry partners who are passionate about advancing their marketing, communications, and digital work. This conference gathers higher education professionals and industry partners from 16 countries and all 50 states. Attendees benefit from enhanced networking opportunities, engaging with peers and potential partners while gaining valuable insights into web and digital experiences, AI and analytics, leadership and innovation, and enrollment marketing. 

  • UPCEA DT&L and SOLA+R 2024 – Distance Teaching & Learning Conference and Summit for Online Leadership & Administration + Roundtable 

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    UPCEA’s DT&L and SOLA+R event combines 2 conferences into 1 seamless experience. It captures all the elements of digital transformation and leadership in a holistic way—from teaching and learning to leadership and administration—preserving the salient issues for two distinct professional communities, while catalyzing dialogue across all facets of the larger field. This event is ideal for key campus leaders – presidents, provost, deans, instructional designers, faculty, and other focused on digital leadership. 

    UPCEA DT&L and SOLA+R 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information. 

  • UNCF Unite 2025 

    Date: July 20-24, 2025
    Location: Atlanta, GA 

    UNITE, powered by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), is the nation’s leading annual gathering for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominately Black Institutions (PBIs). This influential event brings together thought leaders, change agents, and community partners to accelerate institutional transformation, address shared challenges, and celebrate achievements. Through networking, discussions, and celebration, UNITE fosters innovation within higher education and propels institutions towards a brighter future for all students.  

    UNCF Unite 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • HashtagHigherEd 2025

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    HashtagHigherEd is a dedicated forum of professionals in higher education marketing and communications to converge, fostering the exchange of best practices amidst the complexities of a competitive and ever-evolving landscape. This dedicated forum provides a space for these professionals to collaboratively discuss effective communication, marketing, and branding strategies tailored to the unique challenges of the higher education sector.   

    HashtagHigherEd US 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • HighEdWeb Association Annual Conference 2025 

    Date: September 28-October 1, 2025
    Location: Online and Grand Rapids, Michigan  

    Connect with colleagues and explore the impact of digital media on higher education at the HighEdWeb Annual Conference 2025. Designed for professionals across all roles—programmers, marketers, social media experts, managers, designers, and writers—this event offers diverse track sessions, an inspiring keynote, and group discussions. Engage with a vibrant community, gain valuable insights, and address unique digital challenges faced by colleges and universities, all while expanding your network and enhancing your professional development. 

  • NACAC Conference 2025 

    Date: September 18-20, 2025 
    Location: Columbus, OH

    The NACAC Conference 2025 will gather over 6,000 dedicated counselors in Los Angeles to exchange best practices, gain inspiration, and explore cutting-edge research in admission counseling. This event provides higher education counselors with the chance to discover innovative strategies, engage with thought leaders and peers, stay updated with the latest research, and connect with a diverse community of professionals. 

  • UPCEA Convergence 

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    The UPCEA Convergence conference explores contemporary trends and emerging models within the realm of alternative credentials. This event, a collaborative effort by UPCEA and AACRAO, serves as a platform for key campus figures involved in credential innovation. This includes deans of professional education, chief online learning officers, registrars, and their respective teams. Together, they aim to delineate and refine institutional strategies concerning alternative credentials.  

    UPCEA Convergence 2025 conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information. 

  • P3 EDU – Innovation and Public-Private Partnership in Higher Education

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD 

    P3 EDU is an invitation-only annual conference that brings together university administrators, government officials, and representatives from foundations and corporations to discuss public-private partnerships in higher education. Attendees will delve into partnership opportunities, share best practices, and address the challenges of implementing successful public-private partnerships in higher education.  

    P3 EDU 2025 conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information.

  • Educause Annual Conference 2025

    Date: October 27-29, 2025 
    Location: Nashville, TN and Online 

    The Educause Annual Conference is the premier event for higher education technology professionals, connecting the brightest minds in the field. This global gathering brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds within the higher education industry – practitioners, researchers, and solution providers – to share ideas, develop their expertise, and discover innovative solutions to contemporary challenges.  

    The Educause Annual 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information. 

  • 2025 AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education  

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD 

    For over 30 years, the AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education has offered a dynamic glimpse into the ever-evolving landscape of higher education. With a program featuring peer-reviewed content, attendees gain the strategic insights needed to elevate their marketing strategies, enhance their institutional reputation, and ensure financial strength. Beyond the wealth of sessions, the Symposium serves as a vibrant community where knowledge seamlessly transitions into actionable initiatives, making it an invaluable resource for marketers looking to shape the future of higher education, foster growth, and ensure vitality.   

    The 2025 AMA Symposium Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information. 

  • OLC Accelerate 2025

    Date: November 17-20, 2025
    Location: Orlando, FL 

    The OLC Accelerate conference showcases groundbreaking research and effective practices in online, blended, and digital learning. It offers a diverse range of sessions and activities designed to support administrators, designers, and educators by addressing the unique challenges and goals of the entire community. This event is a comprehensive resource for staying at the forefront of innovative practices in digital education.  

    The OLC Accelerate 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • UPCEA MEMS 2025

    Date: TBD
    Location: TBD

    UPCEA MEMS is a must-attend conference for education professionals who want to stay on top of the trends in higher ed marketing. Presented from a variety of perspectives, sessions elevate the conversation about today’s higher education landscape. For over 30 years, MEMS has drawn professionals from institutions of all sizes to showcase thought leadership in higher education and explore trends in adult student recruitment and retention.

    UPCEA MEMS 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view the 2024 event page for more information.

  • NAICU 2025 Annual Meeting and Advocacy Day

    Date: February 2-5, 2025
    Location: Washington, DC

    NAICU’s Annual Meeting & Advocacy Day is the premier policy and advocacy event for private, nonprofit higher education leadership, including college and university presidents, government relations personnel, and executives from state and mission-specific higher education associations. The meeting annually offers briefings on pressing policy issues affecting higher education and focuses advocacy efforts on these critical concerns.

  • WCET 37th Annual Meeting

    Date: October 21-23, 2025
    Location: Denver, CO

    The WCET Annual Meeting brings together higher education professionals and practitioners to foster critical discussions, share the latest advancements in digital learning, and navigate the evolving regulatory landscape. With a registration limit of 500, the intimate and collegial setting of the WCET Annual Meeting offers unique opportunities for meaningful dialogue and insights, making it a valuable event for leaders and practitioners in digital learning.

    WCET 2025 Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

  • 2025 Engage Summit

    Date: June 24-26, 2025
    Location: Charlotte, NC

    The Engage Summit focuses on practical applications of AI, equipping attendees to lead their institutions through AI transformation. Participants will gain insights into the modern student’s mindset—understanding their motivations, interactions, and expectations in today’s digital landscape. This event serves as a great opportunity for educational leaders to prepare their campuses for the evolving future of learning.

    The 2025 Engage Summit Conference details have not been released at this time, but you can view last year’s event page for more information.

Conferences offer invaluable opportunities for higher education professionals to stay current with industry trends, discover innovative strategies, and connect with like-minded individuals. Whether you’re seeking to advance your career, enhance your skills, or simply stay informed, attending a relevant conference can be a hugely rewarding experience.  

If you see any of our experts at EducationDynamics (EDDY) at one of these events, come and say hello! We’re excited about making new connections with people from all over the world who share a passion for learning more about what it means to understand, find, enroll, and retain adult, online, or non-traditional students.  

We look forward to seeing you there; drop us a line if you’re attending any of the conferences above. 

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  • Improving the Student Experience – Archer Education

    Improving the Student Experience – Archer Education

    Attract and Retain the Right Students for Your Institution

    Choosing a higher education program is often a defining moment in a person’s life. Whether it’s a teenager deciding on a traditional, on-ground undergraduate program, or someone in their late 30s selecting an online master’s program — it’s a big decision, and one that can be heavily influenced by the experiences they have with the institutions they’re considering. 

    Your students don’t just deserve a great experience, they expect it. Which is why identifying opportunities to enhance the student journey at your institution is essential. 

    In the competitive world of higher ed enrollment, the ability to attract and retain students goes beyond offering picturesque campus views or flexible online scheduling. It hinges on understanding and navigating the complexities of the process a student goes through, from their initial awareness of your program all the way through to their graduation, and identifying where students can get stuck, or worse, drop off. 

    When it comes to enhancing the student journey, I’m often asked, “Where is the best place to start?” To that end, this article dives into some of the most common areas for improvement. Focus on these areas and you’ll be on your way toward delivering a stand-out student experience. 

    This article explores:

    Common Bottlenecks in the Student Journey 

    Institutions aiming to enhance the overall student experience need to understand where students tend to get stuck. By pinpointing these bottlenecks, your university can devise strategies that streamline the journey and boost student engagement and retention. Some common points of friction in the enrollment process include: 

    Top of the Funnel: Driving Awareness               

    Every student journey begins with awareness, but getting potential students to visit your institution’s website to gain awareness of its programs can be a stumbling block. Many universities face challenges due to poor audience targeting, ineffective creative strategies, or a lack of investment in organic channels like websites and content strategies. 

    If your awareness efforts are falling short, your potential students won’t land on your university’s digital doorstep. This means opportunities to engage and inform them go untapped, which sets the stage for a cascade of engagement issues downstream. 

    It’s called an enrollment funnel for a reason — if you don’t attract enough qualified traffic at the top, the bottom of your funnel will fall short of your goals. 

    Mid-Funnel: Generating Interest

    Let’s say your awareness efforts are working, and your brand, story, and program marketing tactics are finding prospective students. Once these prospects are aware of your institution and have visited your site, the next challenge is to convert them into active inquirers. In other words, getting them interested enough to raise their hand by filling out a form, contacting an enrollment advisor, or even starting their application. 

    This stage often suffers from two main issues: 

    If your paid ads told one story and your website tells a totally different one, it can be a turnoff for prospective students. If the content does not resonate with potential students’ academic aspirations, they are less likely to take the next step. If you’re not highlighting what makes an education at your institution truly unique or how it connects to your target audience, it’s likely that your content won’t resonate, even if you did identify the right audience. 

    Bottom of the Funnel: Growing Application Submissions

    What’s every enrollment leader’s least favorite word? Melt. Even after marketing to the right audience and generating inquiries, there’s often a drop-off before the application stage — commonly known as the application melt. 

    This is a delicate phase, where bad strategy moves and overly clunky processes can cause big problems. This could include generic follow-up communications that fail to engage the interests of prospective students, a lack of personalized experiences that can make students feel valued, or insufficient time spent nurturing and managing these warm leads. Each of these factors can lead to a significant reduction in the number of completed applications.

    Methods to Identify Student Experience Bottlenecks 

    Now that we’ve covered the most common bottlenecks, let’s talk about how to identify where these bottlenecks are showing up in your student experience. Once you identify them, you can target improvements effectively and efficiently. Methods to identify bottlenecks include: 


    A powerful starting point for identifying pain points is benchmarking your institution’s performance against your peers or similar programs. Benchmarking involves a comprehensive comparison of your processes, outcomes, and student satisfaction levels to those of other institutions. 

    By evaluating where you stand in relation to your peers, you can identify specific areas where you lag behind. Benchmarking provides a clear, external perspective on your institution’s relative strengths and weaknesses, guiding you toward the most impactful areas for enhancement.

    Leveraging Internal Data

    Once you understand the external picture, you can dive in internally. Your internal data is an invaluable resource for tracking the effectiveness of changes in the student experience. By analyzing metrics such as enrollment rates, drop-off points, and student feedback before and after implementing changes, you can gauge their impact. 

    This approach helps you identify which efforts are helping the student experience and which aren’t, allowing you to make data-driven decisions. It also enables you to adapt your strategies dynamically, continuously improving the student journey as students’ needs continue to evolve. 

    Intuition and User Testing

    As we all know, data alone isn’t enough. Intuition and direct feedback play a crucial role in creating the full picture of your student experience. Conducting user testing sessions in which potential or current students navigate your enrollment process can reveal obstacles that data might not capture. This can be as simple as a conversation or as intricate as a survey.

    Additionally, personally walking through each stage of the student journey yourself can provide you with insights into the emotional and practical challenges prospective students face. Think of it as acting like a secret shopper — fill out an inquiry form and see what happens. This method helps you uncover hidden roadblocks that might not be evident from quantitative data alone, adding a human element to your analysis.

    Fixing Bottlenecks With ICE Scoring 

    Now that you’ve got a list of bottlenecks to fix, you need a system to prioritize them. This next critical step ensures that you properly allocate your time and resources. The ICE scoring framework, which stands for impact, confidence, and effort, is a structured approach to evaluating potential fixes and deciding which ones to tackle first. 


    The first step, impact, involves evaluating how much a potential fix could enhance the student experience. 

    Fixes that address issues at the top of the funnel, such as increasing awareness and initial engagement, often get a high score because they can influence the largest number of prospective students. The more qualified prospective students you can get into your enrollment funnel, the more you’re likely to enroll. 

    By prioritizing high-impact fixes, you can see substantial improvements in overall student engagement and satisfaction.


    Confidence measures how certain your institution is about the effectiveness of a proposed fix. This assessment is based on evidence from user testing, adherence to best practices, personal experience, and insights from experts in the field. 

    For example, if you get a large volume of inquiries outside of business hours, you can give a high confidence score to an effort that would engage students at any hour, like Onward or a chatbot. 

    A high confidence score indicates a strong belief that the fix will achieve the desired outcome, reducing the risk associated with resource allocation. You are more likely to succeed when you base your decisions on robust, tested solutions.


    The final component of the ICE framework is effort, which estimates the time, financial investment, and organizational energy required to implement a fix. This step also considers the level of internal buy-in necessary to move a project forward. 

    Effort scoring helps you understand the resource demands of each potential fix, allowing you to consider its feasibility against its expected benefits. Implementing a new learning management system (LMS) is a huge project that requires organization-wide input and execution. This equals a high effort score. Refreshing your creative assets? Much less effort. 

    Prioritizing fixes that require reasonable effort but offer significant impact can lead to more sustainable and effective improvements.

    Implementation and Iteration in the Student Experience 

    Improving the student experience is not a one-time thing. It’s an ongoing process that demands continuous attention and optimization. As your institution implements changes,  you’ll need to monitor the effects and iteratively refine your efforts based on the outcomes. 

    Monitoring Results

    The first step after implementing any change is to closely monitor the results. Key performance indicators (KPIs), such as cost per lead, application melt, enrollment numbers, student retention rates, and satisfaction scores, are a gold mine. Continuous monitoring validates the effectiveness of new strategies and highlights areas that may require further attention. 

    Rinse and Repeat

    Once the initial results are known, the next step is to apply the ICE framework again — this time to any new bottlenecks or existing issues that were deprioritized in earlier rounds. This iterative approach ensures that your resource allocation remains dynamic and responsive to the evolving needs of your students and your institution. 

    Ready to Improve Your Institution’s Student Experience

    At Archer Education, we understand the transformative power of full-funnel data visibility when you’re improving your student experience. Our commitment to transparency and knowledge sharing drives our partnerships with colleges and universities, helping higher ed leaders and marketers exceed their online learning growth and enrollment goals. 

    Our experienced team is adept at identifying and addressing the bottlenecks that can hinder student journeys, utilizing strategies like those outlined in this article to maximize impact. By applying the ICE framework, we help institutions prioritize and implement improvements that significantly enhance the student experience. 

    If you’re ready to transform your student journey and achieve remarkable outcomes, contact our team today, and explore how our offerings can bring your educational goals to fruition.

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  • NCES Data Show Modern Learners Want Career Focused Degrees

    NCES Data Show Modern Learners Want Career Focused Degrees


    The 2023 NCES completion data points to some interesting – and impactful – student trends that continue to paint a picture of a fundamentally changing set of priorities for the Modern Learner. Specifically, more students are moving towards degrees that have firm career outcomes, either in furthering their current career or starting a new endeavor.

    Institutions need to pay attention to these trends in order to prepare themselves for a radically different higher education market in the next 5-7 years. This includes prioritizing programs that align with the market’s appetite, as well as re-investing in the value proposition of programs that are currently declining in popularity.

    Other Highlights

    • Associate degree completions saw marked decline, which is notable considering the growth of Undergraduate Certificate completions. Students seem to be preferring certificates that can lead to employment opportunities.
    • STEM programs continue to either grow or remain stable, depending on the level of the degree. This was most notable at the Graduate level. As more jobs continue to require advanced degrees, this trend is set to only grow in importance.
    • Liberal Arts programs across all levels experienced significant YoY reductions in completions. Schools that are defined by their Liberal Arts programs will need to assess ways in which they continue to project relevance as the market shifts.
    • Undergraduate Health Profession programs also saw a decline, which goes against the commonly held belief that the labor market and these programs are continuing to grow. This is something that should definitely be monitored and evaluated, to ensure that institutions do not over-invest in a sector that may be slowing.

    2023 NCES Completions Data and the Changing Priorities of the Modern Learner

    The 2023 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) completions data offers a rich and complex tapestry of insights into the trajectory that the Modern Learner is taking their education. As enrollment managers and marketers, it is our imperative to move beyond surface-level observations and delve into the intricate patterns and implications woven within these numbers. This data serves not merely as a historical record but as a powerful compass, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of the Modern Learner’s market demands, and the strategic decisions that will chart the course for institutions in the years to come.

    This year’s data unveils a series of significant shifts in student choices, reflecting both the evolving needs of the labor market and the lingering reverberations of the COVID-19 pandemic. We observe a notable decline in associate degree completions, particularly in general studies and humanities, while undergraduate certificates continue their upward trajectory. At the bachelor’s level, STEM fields remain stable, while other areas, especially those associated with traditional liberal arts programs, face headwinds. Graduate programs, particularly in STEM disciplines, are experiencing a surge in completions, and both undergraduate and graduate certificates continue to gain popularity.

    In this analysis, we will dive deep into the data, exploring the specific programs experiencing growth or decline, examining the multifaceted factors driving these trends, and discussing the profound implications for higher ed. We will delve into the remarkable growth in graduate programs and certificates, highlighting the increasing demand for advanced credentials in the labor market. We will also confront the undergraduate decline, exploring the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the looming 2025 enrollment cliff, with a particular focus on the challenges facing private non-profit liberal arts schools. By understanding these multifaceted trends and their interconnectedness, we can proactively adapt our strategies, ensuring that our institutions not only remain relevant and competitive but also thrive amidst a landscape in flux.

    Associate Degree: Trade Focused

    The 5% decline in associate degree completions is notable both in what programs dropped and which programs are continuing to see growth. The most significant drop emanates from Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies, and Humanities, programs that have historically served as a bridge to further education or a broad foundation for diverse career paths. 61% of the YoY decline were in this category. The decline in these areas, coupled with the simultaneous rise in undergraduate certificates, suggests a growing preference among students for more focused, career-oriented pathways that offer a faster and more tangible return on investment.

    This shift in student preferences is not surprising in the context of a rapidly changing labor market that increasingly values specialized skills and knowledge. Students are seeking educational pathways that provide them with a clear and direct route to employment and career advancement. In this environment, the perceived value of broad-based, general education programs may be diminishing.

    However, amidst this overall decline, we observe encouraging signs of growth in fields directly aligned with high-demand skills. Programs such as Construction Trades, Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians, and Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services have all witnessed increases in completions. This trend underscores the enduring value of associate degrees that equip students with tangible, marketable skills, enabling them to seamlessly transition into the workforce and meet the demands of employers seeking skilled talent.

    Bachelor’s Degree: Value Proposition Challenges

    At the bachelor’s level, we encounter a mixed bag of stability and change. While STEM fields remain a stronghold, with only a negligible 0.07% dip, other areas, particularly those associated with traditional liberal arts programs, are facing challenges. The most pronounced decline occurs in Health Professions, a field traditionally associated with strong job prospects and stable growth. This decline, juxtaposed with the increase in master’s level completions in Health Professions, suggests a potential shift towards requiring advanced degrees for certain healthcare roles. This mirrors a broader trend of “graduate degree bloat” in the labor market, where employers increasingly demand advanced credentials for positions that previously required only a bachelor’s degree.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly exacerbated the challenges facing undergraduate programs. The disruption to traditional learning models, coupled with economic uncertainty and concerns about the value of a college degree, has led many students to reconsider their educational plans. The looming 2025 enrollment cliff, which predicts a significant drop in the number of high school graduates, further compounds these challenges, creating a perfect storm for undergraduate enrollment.

    Private non-profit liberal arts schools are particularly vulnerable in this environment. The growth areas in the undergraduate space are mainly concentrated in STEM programs, leaving liberal arts institutions grappling with declining enrollments and a need to reimagine their value proposition. Adapting to this changing landscape will require innovative approaches to curriculum design, student support, and career services. Tuition driven, liberal arts institutions must demonstrate the relevance and value of their programs in today’s world, not only highlighting the critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills that their graduates possess (which has always been their particular promise), but also their undergraduate’s career opportunities.

    Graduate Studies: Career Growth and Specialization

    Graduate programs, especially those in STEM disciplines, are experiencing a period of remarkable growth. The 51% and 25% surges in Computer and Information Science and Support Services and Engineering master’s completions, respectively, echo the trends at the bachelor’s level and underscore the premium placed on advanced technical expertise. The overall 30% rise in STEM master’s completions further solidifies this trend, reflecting the insatiable demand for skilled professionals in these fields.

    This surge in graduate completions aligns with the broader trend of graduate degree bloat (others might more favorably describe it as “expansion”) in the labor market. As certain industries and professions increasingly require advanced degrees for career advancement, we can anticipate continued growth in graduate programs, particularly in fields that offer a clear pathway to high-demand, well-paying jobs. This presents a significant opportunity for institutions to expand their graduate offerings and cater to the growing population of working professionals seeking to upskill and advance their careers.

    Graduate certificates are also experiencing growth, with a 2% increase in completions. The growth in fields like Computer and Information Technology, Psychology, and Engineering/Engineering-related Technologies/Technicians demonstrates the appeal of these focused credentials for professionals seeking to enhance their skill sets or transition into new careers. The flexibility and shorter duration of graduate certificates make them an attractive option for busy professionals who may not have the time or resources to pursue a full master’s degree – especially if the certificates are tied to a degree later.

    The flourishing graduate landscape presents a wealth of opportunities for institutions. Expanding graduate program offerings, enhancing online and hybrid learning options, and strategically marketing to working professionals are all essential strategies for capitalizing on this growth. The increasing popularity of graduate certificates also underscores the need for institutions to develop a diverse portfolio of graduate programs that cater to the varied needs and preferences of learners.

    Navigating the Data’s Implications for Engaging with the Modern Learner

    The 2023 NCES completions data provides a roadmap for navigating the complexities of the higher education landscape. The trends we’ve observed highlight the growing preference for career-focused programs, specialized credentials, and flexible learning options. They also underscore the challenges facing undergraduate programs, particularly in the liberal arts, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the approaching enrollment cliff.

    To thrive in this environment, institutions must be proactive, agile, and data-driven. The Modern Learner is looking for clear career outcomes – not just in program availability but in the flexibility that comes with balancing work with furthering education. They want to know exactly what they can expect from their investment of time and money to the program. Schools must also reimagine their programs, enhance student support services, and strategically market offerings to meet the evolving needs of learners and the demands of the labor market. They need to embrace innovation and explore new models of education that provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the 21st century.

    For associate degree programs, this may involve a greater emphasis on career-focused pathways, stackable credentials, and partnerships with employers. Bachelor’s degree programs, especially in the liberal arts, may need to re-articulate their value proposition, highlighting the transferable skills and lifelong learning benefits that their graduates acquire. Graduate programs should continue to expand and innovate, offering a mix of traditional degrees and flexible certificates to meet the diverse needs of working professionals.

    Above all else, if this data is speaking to troubling realities on campus, the most important takeaway should be: trying the same strategies that are producing tepid results in regards to enrollment growth will not be the solution going forward. If you are seeing challenging enrollment numbers for any level of program, think about how your institution can more readily adapt to these changing trends, whether that be introducing multiple starts per term, reworking tuition costs, or making better strategic use of marketing and enrollment processes for priority programs.

    Is Your Institution Ready for the Modern Learner?

    We help schools all the time who have been trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, and often the solution is for an outside perspective to create a vision for the future. The time to act is right now, there is a quickly closing time frame for ensuring a flourishing future for your institution. In fact for many schools, it is already too late. The Modern Learner is moving at a swift pace, and if universities do not keep up, they will quickly be left behind.

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