Tag: Intended

  • Designing Effective Intended Learning Outcomes – Sijen

    Designing Effective Intended Learning Outcomes – Sijen

    I am delighted to release a version of the DEILO: Designing Effective Intended Learning Outcomes on the SenseiLMS platform for individuals self-study, self-paced, learning at USD139.00. The course takes between 3 and 10 hours depending on the depth of engagement. You also have the opportunity, entirely optional, to engage with me virtually by submtting draft ILOs for my review and feedback. The course also allows for a certificate (again totally optional) to be triggered on succesfull completion of the course and a final assessement.

    Please note that individual registration requires an individual’s email rather than a shared email. If you want to review the course with a view to programme, departmental or institutional licensing just drop me an email at [email protected]. Course overview is available here.

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