Tag: President

  • FIRE’s president to Donald Trump: Here’s how you can help save free speech

    FIRE’s president to Donald Trump: Here’s how you can help save free speech

    Since the 2008 election, our President and CEO Greg Lukianoff has written to each new president upon their inauguration, offering FIRE’s perspective on how they can help defend free speech and academic freedom.

    Read LETTER FROM Greg Lukianoff to President DONALD Trump

    As President Trump enters office today, there is much work to be done. Free speech is under attack on college campuses. In fact, last year was the worst on record for free speech on college campuses, as more attempts were made to deplatform speakers on campus than any year since FIRE began tracking in 1998. And professors are censoring themselves more now than at the height of the McCarthy era.

    Off campus, the situation is alarming as well.

    Greg’s letter to President Trump highlights some policies his administration can implement to help remedy the situation and protect free speech over the next four years, on campus or off.

    1. Support the Respecting the First Amendment on Campus Act

    A 2024 FIRE study found that only 15% of public colleges and universities’ speech policies comply fully with their First Amendment obligations. This should be a national scandal.

    But there’s a simple way for the Trump administration, working with Congress, to better protect the free speech rights of our nation’s students.

    FIRE to Congress: More work needed to protect free speech on college campuses


    FIRE joined Rep. Murphy’s annual Campus Free Speech Roundtable to discuss the free speech opportunities and challenges facing colleges.

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    We ask that Trump support the Respecting the First Amendment on Campus Act — or another piece of legislation to protect campus speech rights — to codify speech protective standards  including ending “free speech zones” that limit where students can hold demonstrations, the levying of viewpoint-based security costs to punish student groups seeking to host “controversial” speakers, and encouraging institutions to adopt the Chicago Principles on Free Expression.

    At least 23 states have enacted some of these commonsense provisions, but student free speech rights deserve federal protection. Legislation to ensure that all of our nation’s public colleges and universities finally protect the basic free speech rights of their students should be a top priority.

    2. Address the abuse of campus anti-harassment policies

    In the landmark 1999 decision Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education, the Supreme Court defined student-on-student harassment as behavior that “is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive, and that so undermines and detracts from the victims’ educational experience, that the victims are effectively denied equal access to an institution’s resources and opportunities.”

    After 25 years of advocating for students’ rights on campus, FIRE knows all too well how definitions of student-on-student harassment that fail to meet the Davis standard will inevitably be used to punish protected speech. Consider the 2022 case of eight law students at American University who were put under investigation for participating in a heated back-and-forth following the leak of the Dobbs v. Jackson draft opinion, after another student said their pro-choice commentary harassed and discriminated against him based on his religious, pro-life beliefs. 

    As president, Trump inherits the privilege and the obligation to defend the First Amendment rights of all Americans, regardless of their viewpoint

    But properly applied, the Davis standard ensures that institutions protect students against actual discriminatory behavior as opposed to punishing students who merely express controversial viewpoints.

    3. Rein in government jawboning

    Leaks and disclosures over the past few years have brought to light demands, threats, and other coercion from government officials to social media companies aimed at suppressing particular viewpoints and ideas.

    This practice, known as jawboning, is a serious threat to free speech. But the Trump administration can prevent jawboning by federal officials with the following steps:

    • Prohibit federal employees from jawboning;
    • Support legislation to require transparency when government officials communicate with social media companies about content moderation. FIRE’s SMART Act is one such model bill.
    • Refrain from threatening or pressuring social media platforms to change their content moderation practices or suppress particular users.

    And, of course, refrain from making calls for investigations, prosecutions, or other government retaliation in response to the exercise of First Amendment rights outside of the social media context as well.

    4. Protect First Amendment rights when it comes to AI

    Over the course of history, technologies that make communication easier have aided the process of knowledge discovery: from the printing press and the telegraph to the radio, phones, and the internet. So too have AI tools revealed their potential to spark the next revolution in knowledge production.

    What is jawboning? And does it violate the First Amendment?

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    Indirect government censorship is still government censorship — and it must be stopped.

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    The potential power of AI has also prompted officials at all levels of government to move towards regulating the development and use of AI tools. Too often, these proposals do not account for the First Amendment rights of AI developers and users. 

    The First Amendment applies to AI just as it does to other technologies that Americans use to create and distribute writings, images, and other speech. Nothing about AI software justifies or permits the trampling of those rights, and doing so would undermine its potential as a tool for contributing to human knowledge.

    Trump’s administration can prevent this by rejecting any federal regulation of AI that violates the First Amendment.


    The Trump administration faces historic challenges both at home and abroad. But the United States is uniquely capable of solving our challenges because of our unparalleled commitment to freedom of speech. 

    As president, Trump inherits the privilege and the obligation to defend the First Amendment rights of all Americans, regardless of their viewpoint — and FIRE stands ready to help in that effort.

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  • Montana State president to lead APLU

    Montana State president to lead APLU

    The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities named Montana State University president Waded Cruzado as its next president, according to a Thursday news release.

    Cruzado, who has served as chair of APLU’s Board of Directors since 2021, will formally step into the top job at APLU on July 1. Cruzado has led Montana State University since 2010, and last August that she would retire in June 2025.

    She replaces outgoing president Mark Becker, who has led APLU since 2022.

    “Throughout my life, the history and the impact of land-grant universities and public higher education have provided me, and countless students and families, with inspiration and a call to action. I’ve seen firsthand the life-changing opportunity our public universities provide to their students, their communities, the country, and the world,” Cruzado said in the news release.

    Cruzado, who was a first-generation college student, is a native of Puerto Rico.

    Gary May, chancellor of the University of California, Davis, who led the search committee that hired Cruzado, described her as “an exceptional leader who brings deep experience in successfully leading a public and land-grant university to impressive new heights.” May also noted her familiarity with the organization given her time as chair of APLU’s Board of Directors.

    (The headline was corrected to reflect that Cruzado is retiring before going to APLU.)

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  • Yeshiva U president to participate in Trump’s inauguration

    Yeshiva U president to participate in Trump’s inauguration

    Rabbi Ari Berman, president of Yeshiva University in New York, will deliver the benediction at the inauguration of Donald Trump next week, officials announced Tuesday.

    Berman “will call for the nation to rise to this historic moment and unite around America’s foundational values as a source for realizing our shared dreams of a prosperous, compassionate country led by faith and trust in God,” according to a university news release.

    Berman has led Yeshiva University, a modern Orthodox Jewish institution, since 2017. As president, he has overseen both successes and controversies. The institution recently reported its highest number of undergraduate applications in its history and has increased the number of transfer students, which it attributed in part to contentious pro-Palestinian protests elsewhere.

    But Yeshiva administrators also clashed with an LGBTQ student group, which it refused to recognize, prompting a lawsuit. In fall 2022, the university suspended all student groups in an effort to avoid recognizing the LGBTQ club after Yeshiva was dealt a legal setback.

    In the university news release, Berman said he was deeply honored to deliver the benediction.

    “As I prepare my remarks, I am inspired by the words of the prophet Jeremiah, who thousands of years ago walked through the roads of Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel, and proclaimed ‘Blessed is the one who trusts in God.’ I pray that we are all united around the core values of life and liberty, of service and sacrifice, and especially of faith and morality, which George Washington called the ‘indispensable supports’ of American prosperity,” Berman said.

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  • Introducing Our New Vice President of Business Development Peter Moran

    Introducing Our New Vice President of Business Development Peter Moran

    Peter Moran assumed the helm of Collegis Education’s business development team earlier this year, but he’s not new to our company or higher education. Learn more about him in this Q&A.

    What brought you to Collegis Education?

    Higher ed has been at the core of my career journey. I was partnership director at Cengage Learning for several years. That role required building strong relationships with college and university leaders, and I learned very quickly about the higher ed landscape and its challenges, specifically from the partner perspective. After a brief stint with a start-up, I had the opportunity to join Collegis as senior director of partnerships. When I started, I think we had 16 partners; today, we have over 50.

    That’s some impressive growth in a relatively short amount of time.

    That was eight years ago; it’s wild to think how much we’ve grown as a company. Our partner schools have grown, too. When I started, we worked primarily with small, four-year, private nonprofit institutions, and we still do. But now, we also work with some of the largest colleges and universities in the United States, several community colleges, and other two-year institutions. It’s been a fun ride.

    What’s the best part of working at Collegis?

    From the day I started with the company, we’ve always adapted quickly to meet the market where it’s at and structure solutions to help address the biggest challenges colleges and universities are facing. I’m proud to be a part of an organization with that mindset.

    And now you’re leading the business development at Collegis. What’s that like?

    It’s great. I get to work with some incredible people and have a fantastic team. Everyone has a partner-first approach. On the surface, you can easily say, “Well, sure, it’s sales,” but there is an authenticity that each of our reps brings to their role. It’s genuine. We prioritize listening and understanding — understanding our partners’ goals, what they’re trying to impact, and the challenges they’re facing.

    What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

    Be early, be responsible, and be a gentleman.

    What’s the best piece of advice you have ever given?

    “Take a breath, reset, all good.”

    See, I played baseball competitively for years and have coached youth baseball for the past 12. Pitchers will throw bad pitches, and hitters will have bad swings. When that happens, you can see stress, anxiety, pressure, and even a little embarrassment start to mount. In those moments, “Take a breath, reset, all good.” I think it’s also applicable professionally, and while I may not use those exact words, I think of them often as our team and I work through different challenges.

    OK, so if your career wasn’t in sales, what job would you likely be doing and why?

    I think I would really enjoy being an athletic director at a small college. It would be a perfect blend of sports and higher ed. Plus, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on young adults.

    So, I’m getting the sense you’re a big sports guy, huh?

    Yes, definitely – attending, playing, watching on TV. I am also extremely involved with our area youth sports organization. I coach and sit on the board. I’m also a sports dad and am often on the move, attending our sons’ various sporting events.

    Any other hobbies and interests outside of work?

    I enjoy reading, fishing, skiing in the winter, golfing from time to time, family dinners, and spending time with our golden retriever, Briggsy. Additionally, I am a dedicated, albeit reluctant, runner.

    Back to shop talk. What do you see as the major challenges and opportunities facing higher ed right now?

    How much time do you have? In all seriousness, it’s a really competitive market right now. It always has been. There’s the impending demographic cliff, the national discount rate continues to rise, and according to more recent studies, tuition revenue, in turn, is going down. Staff reductions are happening at many schools, and we’re hearing more conversation around consolidation.

    Oh, is that all?

    [Laughs] Look, every industry has its peaks and valleys, and sure, this is one of higher ed’s more challenging times. But every problem has a solution. You first have to get to the root cause of the issue, what’s preventing progress. There’s a lot of disruption going on, and that typically provides motivation for change, which can be a very good thing.

    Alright, I’ll take the bait. What is preventing the progress, Peter?

    It comes down to data, tech, and talent. When these three things work together, schools find efficiency, offer a better experience for students, and make better decisions. But when they are not aligned, or worse, working against one another, it’s paralyzing.

    Let’s look at the data element: What is an example of how Collegis helps schools be more data-enabled to win in this competitive market?

    The higher ed market, despite best intentions, is a bit behind other industries in how it uses and governs data. Most partners don’t have the financial resources to compete in ways that other schools do. We support them by putting an integrated tech infrastructure in place that allows them to connect data sets from across the entire student lifecycle and utilize that data to make more informed decisions. This enables them to connect upstream investments to downstream outcomes and helps them determine how to spend money — what activities and programs they should support and what actions they should take. All of these factors help them to be successful.

    How does data help your partners develop new offerings?

    For institutions exploring new offerings, we can provide them with an informed point of view on what their data is saying, where we see opportunities or challenges, and what investments make sense for them. Before going down a path, making an investment, and doing all the work necessary to set up a new program, we want to make sure they have the information they need to make the best decision possible, utilizing not only their own data but also data from external sources. Collegis can guide them through that process and help them successfully move in a direction that supports their goals –– from increasing enrollment to generating new revenue and more.

    Who has had the biggest influence on you, personally or professionally?

    As a child, my mother; as an adult, my wife. They are the two most kind, giving, thoughtful, and selfless people I have ever known.

    I asked you earlier about what brought you to Collegis; now tell me, what keeps you here?

    I believe in what we do and how we do it.

    And what is that?

    Hey, if you’re asking for the sales pitch, I’ll give it to you.

    [Laughs] OK, let me hear it. I guess it’s only fitting to end this interview with the new VP of business development delivering the sales pitch.

    Number one, we’re not offering one particular service or product. We provide different services, ranging from marketing, recruitment, and retention to instructional design and IT support. There are many companies that help schools with their marketing, companies that support recruitment, tons of instructional design companies, and certainly many IT support companies. There aren’t many out there today that do all those things and help institutions activate data to inform decision-making.

    Second, every single one of our partnerships is different from the next. Through a series of meetings with their various functional teams, we identify strengths and gaps, and then develop a customized plan that leverages our experienced team and resources to achieve their desired impact. That makes us unique in the marketplace.

    Our partner institutions have talented people, but often, they deal with small teams that are stretched very thin. One value we bring is to augment their existing team with our experienced team through consistent communication. There are, of course, regularly scheduled calls on a weekly or biweekly basis, but there’s also organic communication happening every day between us and the institution’s teams. Many of those conversations focus on the use of data, uncovering and interpreting insights, and recommending action. That doesn’t mean an institution has to move in that direction, but with our experience and expertise, we can provide an informed point of view and have a collaborative discussion.

    We’ve pioneered and proven the fee-for-service model in higher education, unbundling a collection of services into customized plans for institutions. When I first came to Collegis, that was really new in the marketplace. Now, we’re seeing other companies try to replicate it, which is great validation. So even though other companies are offering similar engagements, our model is proven, and we are more established. We’re not learning how to do our job on our partner’s dime and time.

    Our market is broadening, and we are seeing opportunities at schools that eight years ago may not have even considered our approach. We’re expanding and partnering with new types of institutions, which is exciting. We’re looking forward to spreading our message even further and helping more colleges and universities make an impact.

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  • Dean Hoke Appointed President and CEO of the American Association of University Administrators – Edu Alliance Journal

    Dean Hoke Appointed President and CEO of the American Association of University Administrators – Edu Alliance Journal

    BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – March 21, 2023 — Dean Hoke, of Bloomington, Indiana, has been chosen to serve as the next President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Association of University Administrators (AAUA), currently based in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania. His appointment is effective July 1st when the current President & CEO, Dan L. King will retire after nineteen years of service in that position.

    A highly successful and internationally recognized higher education administrator, Mr. Hoke first affiliated with the Higher Colleges of Technology in the United Arab Emirates in 2009 as Head of Marketing and Institutional Development; that experience was followed by four years at Khalifa University with the UAE Advanced Network for Research and Education. In 2014 he became Co-Founder in a new educational management consulting firm, Edu Alliance Ltd. based in the UAE; three years later Edu Alliance Group opened its US office in Bloomington serving as the Managing Partner.

    Mr. Hoke has extensive experience in the fields of higher education, marketing, communications and e-Learning. He has held a number of senior higher education administrative positions; and co-founded the Connected Learning Network, a provider of online educational services for educational institutions. In the field of broadcasting he served as an executive and CEO of four public broadcasting stations, and executive vice president of a cable network. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of the School of Education of Franklin University in Ohio and is a member of the Advisory Board of Higher Education Digest. He recently served as president-elect for the United States Distance Learning Association and chaired the Global Partnership Committee.

    Mr. Hoke currently produces and co-hosts the podcast series Higher Ed Without Borders. He holds a B.A. degree from Urbana University and an M.S. degree from the University of Louisville. He also completed the Executive Management Program at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

    AAUA Board of Directors chairperson William Hill, assistant dean of the College of Education at Wayne State University, said, “Mr. Hoke is, without a doubt, the best person to step up and take over the executive administration of this organization. His background and his wide range of experiences will be useful. Moreso, his enthusiasm for leading AAUA to new programming ventures which should lead to expanded membership is contagious!”

    When interviewed, Mr. Hoke remarked, “It is a great honor to be selected as the AAUA’s next President and CEO. I am grateful to the Board for their unanimous support and to Dan King, who has led the organization for several years.”

    He continued, “AAUA sees a high percentage of administrators leaving the higher education profession. They are frustrated over the lack of opportunities for advancement, work challenges, and readily available professional development. The AAUA board of directors and I will work with our membership to build new and innovative professional development programs and services which will address a higher level of training and increase retention of our higher education administrator colleagues.”

    Departing chief executive, Dan King remarked, “I had planned to leave my AAUA responsibilities over two years ago but my departure was delayed by the COVID pandemic. The delay turned out to be fortuitous because it was during this time that I developed a closer professional tie with Mr. Hoke and was able to recruit his candidacy for this position. AAUA is ready for new direction, and Mr. Hoke has the perfect combination of personality, vision and enthusiasm to lead it to new heights. I look forward to watching the association improve and grow.”

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  • Higher Ed Without Borders speak with President Jim Henderson of the University of Louisiana System – Edu Alliance Journal

    Higher Ed Without Borders speak with President Jim Henderson of the University of Louisiana System – Edu Alliance Journal

    On this podcast episode of Higher Ed Without Borders co-hosted by Edu Alliance Founders Dr. Senthil Nathan and Dean Hoke speak with Dr. Jim Henderson, President of the University of Louisiana System.

    Dr. James Henderson, President of the University of Louisiana System, a multi-university campus system with an enrollment of approximately 90,000 students. Prior to being appointed as President of the System, Dr. Henderson served as President of Northwestern State University.  He is a native of Shreveport Louisiana. He received his Master’s in Administration from the University of West Florida, and his Doctor of Management degree from the University of Maryland – University College.

    In an October 2021 newspaper article in the Acadiana Advocate, Dr. Henderson’s wife Tonia discussed her husband and love of learning. “Jim has “gone through a lot of schooling” during their marriage and he is a constant reader. He earned his master’s and doctorate while they were married. He also has routinely taken coursework where available — he oftentimes takes Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs — most recently one in Irish literature. “He’s always trying to learn new things,” she said.

    His penchant for lifelong learning made an impact on their three children; only the youngest lives at home now. She says she gets inspired by watching him use his time so well. He allots time for work, family, and his own study.”

    Senthil and Dean discussed with Dr. Henderson about the university system and his views on education and leadership.

    Comments and Suggestions:

    Higher Ed Without Borders would love to hear your ideas for future topics and guests. Connect with Dr. Senthil Nathan or Dean Hoke on LinkedIn. You can also visit the Edu Alliance website. To hear the entire series please subscribe to Higher Ed Without Borders on your preferred podcast platforms such as Apple, Spotify, or Google. The podcast is sponsored by Edu Alliance, an education consulting firm located in Bloomington Indiana, and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

    We assist higher education institutions worldwide on a variety of mission-critical projects. Production support was provided by White Rabbit Printing and Design.

    If your organization wants to know more about how Edu Alliance can best serve you, please contact either Dean Hoke or Dr. Senthil Nathan.

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