Tag: story

  • To tell a big story find one that’s small

    To tell a big story find one that’s small

    How do you get someone who lives in India to care about people in Uganda?

    That’s the challenge for journalists who try to tell stories about parts of the world that most of the press ignores. Correspondent Enock Wanderema is from Uganda and wants the world to know what happens there. 

    For a story about the widespread government corruption he focused on one woman, Aloikin Praise Opoloje. Wanderema tells us this story about Opoloje giving birth in a hospital that had been starved of resources because of government corruption. He writes: 

    …she watched the midwife try to manage multiple births at once. Opoloje could tell she was exhausted.  “One of the women was in critical condition, but the surgeon who was supposed to operate was nowhere to be found,” Opoloje said. “We tried calling him, but he wasn’t picking up.” 

    Wanderema used what we call an anecdote to help bring the complicated story of government corruption to life. Anecdotes are little stories about something that happened to someone. People tell little stories about themselves all the time. 

    Bring the story to life.

    In interviews savvy reporters will focus attention on these little stories and try to get as many details as they can. When did this happen? Where were you exactly? What time of day was it? Were there people around? What did it sound like? 

    A good reporter knows that the little details help make a story three-dimensional for readers or listeners. It helps place the reader there as it is happening. And if people feel like they are there, they will care. 

    High school student Helen Milito wrote about her experience spending a year studying in Italy with School Year Abroad. To show how different she felt and how much it took her out of her comfort zone she gave this story:

    We were split into two teams scrimmaging against each other. The boys I play with are competitive so there was the usual light trash talking, jersey pulling and agile foot skills. 

    We were playing friendly rules with no corner kicks. My teammate, Gugu, was fouled in the makeshift goalie box and dramatically fell to the ground yelling for a penalty kick. 

    None of us expected the coach to listen to him, but surprisingly he gave it to our team on the condition that I take the kick. All the players lined up around the box as I prepared to shoot, choosing to aim for the bottom right corner. 

    Two things you should know: First this is in Italy and I’m an American teenager who speaks little Italian. Second, I’m the only girl on the team.

    The coach blew the whistle. I confidently ran, kicking the ball with all my strength. It went soaring over the crossbar into the fence behind. I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. 

    Note how she shows us visually what is happening through action: “there was light trash talking, jersey pulling and agile foot skills.” She includes the sound of the coach’s whistle. And she gives us emotion: “I confidently ran…”, “I wanted to crawl into a hole…”

    Telling other people’s stories

    Correspondent Leah Pattem felt compelled to report how people in Madrid were suffering from high rents. To do that, like Wanderema, she found one woman whose story she could tell. 

    Pattem wrote: 

    Now in her 80s, [Marjorie] Kanter is at the peak of her career, author of three books and an active member of Madrid’s writing community. “I don’t have many more years left, so I really want to enjoy being a successful writer for as long as I can,” she said.

    However, Kanter is facing a major setback. In September, a registered letter demanded she vacate her home at the end of October. A Galician vulture fund had purchased her apartment and didn’t offer her a new higher-priced rental contract. She suspects that means they will convert her home into a tourist flat.

    The thing is, people don’t offer up anecdotes without prompting. They don’t think reporters are interested in the little stories they tell their friends. And there is a general rule in interviewing that people won’t answer unasked questions. So to get the anecdote you need to tease it out of the person you interview question by question.

    Here are some questions that are useful in teasing out a little story:

    Can you remember the first time you did that? 

    Can you remember the scariest time? 

    Can you think of a time when that happened to you?

    Drilling down

    Ask questions to jog a person’s memory. They’ll say, “There was this one time that …”

    All the time, write down what they say and pester them for details. Imagine that the person is your grandfather and you are five years old. You will keep interrupting him to ask for details he doesn’t think is important but is important to a five-year old: What were you wearing? Was it cold? What did it smell like? Were you scared? Were you hungry? How old were you? How tall were you? 

    The key is to drill down. When someone says something, ask for specifics. When did that happen exactly? Where was that? Who else was there? No detail is too small or insignificant because to recreate a scene and you need to paint a complete picture.  

    Anecdotes are great ways to start articles. They grab the attention of readers and get them interested enough to read on. 

    After all, who doesn’t want to hear a good story?


    Three questions to consider:

    1. What is an anecdote?
    2. How can anecdotes help you tell a complicated story?
    3. Can you think of a little story you have told your friends or family about yourself?


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  • Can your story stay fresh?

    Can your story stay fresh?

    At News Decoder we publish stories intended to help young people understand the wider world they live in. To do that we look for stories in places that are underreported and on problems that many people in many places are struggling to solve.

    But we don’t expect our readers to read these stories the second we publish. Young people are busy and teachers might want to focus a class on a particular topic weeks if not months after we publish. So our stories are meant to be “evergreen.” 

    That’s a journalism term to mean that a story is about something that isn’t just happening now. It will still be relevant a year from now or two or three years in the future. 

    But it is a challenge to write a story that will grab readers’ attention now and still be worth reading a year from now. 

    The prize is that you get new readers all the time. We have stories on News Decoder that reappear on our most-read list years after we originally published them as the topics become hot and people search for information on them. 

    Make your story “evergreen”.

    So how do you make a story that isn’t necessarily time-sensitive grab a reader’s attention and at the same time be relevant for those who come to it much later? We’ll show you.

    1. Take the time and space to explain events and their context. This way readers in the future will understand what the heck you are talking about. Right now a lot of people are talking about DOGE — the Department of Government Efficiency, an initiative created by U.S. President Donald Trump and led by the world’s richest person Elon Musk. But two years from now who knows? DOGE might be all but forgotten. 

    2. Connect what is happening now to universal concepts. Musk and DOGE are systematically going through the U.S. government laying off thousands of people and cutting funding to thousands of programs. These moves are affecting programs that involve food, health, housing, travel, education and recreation. Those are topics people are always concerned about and interested in. Chances are, a year from now a top news event will concern the government and one of those things and your story will connect to it. 

    3. Connect what is happening now to events in the past. In this way you show your audience how the past repeats and how the present is affected by what has happened before. For readers coming in much later they can start connecting what happened when the story was first published to what is happening in their world when they read it.

    For the past year, we’ve been republishing articles that connect to something happening now. We call it our Decoder Replay. On 19 February, for instance, we republished a story about how China censors mentions of the Tiananmen Square protests and massacre that occurred in 1989 because now a Chinese artificial intelligence program called DeepSeek seems to negate any reference to Tiananmen Square. 

    The week before we republished a story from 2020 about the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in fighting the Covid pandemic. Then U.S. President Donald Trump had denounced the WHO. We connected it to now President Trump pulling the United States out of the WHO.

    One of the reasons many people feel disconnected from news articles is that the articles focus on “news” — what is happening now even when such things don’t have much relevance in people’s lives — isolated crimes that happen far away, for example.

    So next time you decide to take on a hot topic, think about the readers who come to the story six months from now, or a year from now. How might the story resonate with them?

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  • Journalism is a calling. Is a story calling you?

    Journalism is a calling. Is a story calling you?

    Marcy Burstiner is the educational news director for News Decoder. She is a graduate of the Columbia Journalism School and professor emeritus of journalism and mass communication at the California Polytechnic University, Humboldt in California. She is the author of the book Investigative Reporting: From premise to publication.

    💡 More Tips Like This

    This story is part of News Decoder’s open access learning resources.

    Whether you’re a secondary student, studying at university or simply interested in learning new things, we can help you build your journalism skills and better understand big global issues.

    If you are a student or a member of a News Decoder Club, check out our other learning resources.

    If you are a teacher, check out our other classroom resources:

    And ask us about joining the News Decoder Club program.

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  • Revolutionizing storytelling with AI: Empowering ELLs

    Revolutionizing storytelling with AI: Empowering ELLs

    Key points:

    Imagine this: You assign your students a writing prompt, and while some eagerly begin crafting their stories, others stare at the blank page, muttering, “I have nothing to write,” or “I can’t think of a story.” For English Language Learners (ELLs), this scenario is even more daunting due to limited vocabulary or fear of making mistakes. In fact, studies show that a lack of confidence and linguistic resources often prevents ELLs from fully engaging in creative writing, despite their rich cultural and personal experiences.

    As educators, we constantly seek ways to help students overcome these barriers. Enter artificial intelligence (AI)–a powerful tool that transforms storytelling into an accessible and engaging experience for every student. By integrating AI into storytelling, we can empower students to generate ideas, build confidence, and create compelling narratives, all while developing their language skills.

    Getting started: Using AI to spark creativity

    A simple and engaging way to introduce AI in storytelling is by using a writing prompt and generating an example story opening with ChatGPT. For instance, you might ask: “Write the opening to a mysterious story about an abandoned lighthouse.”

    ChatGPT could respond: “The wind howled through the cracks of the abandoned lighthouse, carrying whispers of secrets long forgotten. The light, extinguished for decades, seemed to flicker faintly as if trying to tell a story no one had yet heard.”

    Students can take this opening and continue the story in their own words, expanding the scene, introducing new characters, or creating a plot twist. This method not only sparks creativity but also provides ELLs with a scaffold, building their confidence to dive into storytelling.

    To bring their stories to life, students can use AI image generators like DALL-E or tools like Canva to create visuals matching their narratives. For example, they could create an eerie image of the abandoned lighthouse with flickering light and stormy skies. This connection between words and visuals reinforces comprehension and engages students in the storytelling process.

    The final step is sharing stories and visuals with the class. Presenting their work allows students to practice speaking, gain confidence, and showcase their creativity.

    How AI enhances storytelling

    AI tools offer unique opportunities to support ELLs in their storytelling journey. When
    students struggle to come up with ideas, tools like ChatGPT can provide engaging prompts and vivid descriptions to spark creativity. For example, a student might request a description of a magical forest and receive a response like: “A forest bathed in golden sunlight, where trees tower like ancient guardians and the air shimmers with tiny, glowing orbs.” Such detailed imagery can inspire students to dive into their stories with greater confidence.

    In addition to idea generation, AI tools help expand students’ vocabulary. ELLs can use AI to explore synonyms or alternative ways to describe scenes, enriching their language repertoire.

    For instance, if a student wants to avoid repeating the word “beautiful,” the AI might suggest options like “stunning,” “captivating,” or “breathtaking,” enabling more nuanced and expressive writing.

    Visual storytelling is another area where AI shines. Tools like DALL-E or Adobe Express allow students to create images that align with their narratives, making their stories come to life. For example, a student writing about a mysterious glowing orb could generate a corresponding image, blending creative thinking with visual artistry.

    Once students have drafted their stories, AI-based writing assistants like Grammarly can help refine their grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. This process encourages independence and self-correction, teaching students to identify and address their mistakes while improving the overall clarity and polish of their work.

    Interactive platforms like Twine take storytelling to a new level by enabling students to create “choose your own adventure” narratives. For example, students might create a mystery where readers decide whether to follow a shadowy figure or stay hidden, leading to different outcomes. This fosters critical thinking and collaboration as students craft branching storylines and engage in problem-solving to connect various plot points.

    Classroom example: AI in action

    In a Grade 8 ESL classroom, students were given the prompt: “Write about a strange object you find buried in your backyard.” After brainstorming ideas with ChatGPT, one student created a story about a glowing orb that transported them to another dimension. They used DALL-E to generate an image of the orb, and Twine to develop a branching narrative where the reader decides whether to touch the orb or call for help. The result was an immersive storytelling experience that combined creativity with critical thinking.

    By incorporating AI tools, students not only created more engaging stories but also developed their language skills in a meaningful and enjoyable way.

    Making storytelling accessible and engaging

    Using AI in storytelling doesn’t just overcome barriers; it transforms the experience for students. Visual elements and interactivity keep learners engaged, while tools for grammar and vocabulary improvement build confidence. For ELLs, AI provides scaffolding and encouragement to take creative risks and express themselves authentically.

    Guiding responsible AI use

    While AI opens doors to creativity, teaching students to use these tools responsibly is

    Students need to understand the concept of AI “hallucinations,” where AI generates
    inaccurate or entirely fabricated information. For instance, an AI might describe a historical event inaccurately or create a fictional fact that seems plausible. Educators should teach students to verify AI-generated information with reliable sources.

    Equally important is teaching students how to craft clear and specific prompts. For example, instead of asking, “What happens in a story?” they might ask, “Can you suggest a story idea about a character who solves a mystery in a small town?”

    Modeling this process helps students see how precise wording yields better results.
    Encouraging critical thinking is also crucial. Teachers can create opportunities for students to analyze AI-generated content by asking: “Does this make sense? Is it accurate? Can I verify it elsewhere?” Such discussions help students see AI as a helpful tool, but not an infallible one.

    Students should also learn that AI is a partner in creativity, not a replacement for their
    original thinking. They must guide the AI, evaluate its outputs, and make creative decisions to ensure their work remains authentically theirs. Additionally, students should be encouraged to credit AI-generated content appropriately to foster ethical use.


    Storytelling is a cornerstone of language learning, offering ELLs opportunities to build
    vocabulary, practice grammar, and express their ideas. With AI, the storytelling process becomes more accessible, engaging, and impactful. From generating prompts to creating visuals and refining drafts, AI supports students in overcoming challenges and discovering the joy of storytelling.

    By integrating AI tools responsibly, educators empower every student to find their voice and share their unique stories with confidence. In the intersection of creativity and technology, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn storytelling

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  • Immigration arrests at schools loom after Trump changes longstanding policy

    Immigration arrests at schools loom after Trump changes longstanding policy

    This story was originally published by Chalkbeat. Sign up for their newsletters at ckbe.at/newsletters.

    The Trump administration has cleared the way for immigration arrests at or near schools, ending a decades-old approach.

    Republican and Democratic administrations alike have treated schools and child care centers, along with churches and hospitals, as “sensitive” or “protected” locations where immigration enforcement should only take place when there is an immediate danger to the public.

    But U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials announced on January 21 that they had rescinded the latest version of the policy, which was issued in 2021 by the Biden administration. The news was first reported early on January 21 by Fox News.

    A copy of the Homeland Security memo was not immediately available for review.

    But in a statement, a Homeland Security spokesperson said that Acting Secretary Benjamine Huffman issued a directive on Monday that rescinded the sensitive locations policy. The spokesperson said the action would help federal authorities enforce immigration law and catch criminals who entered the country illegally. Immigration agents will be asked to use “common sense” in enforcing the law.

    “Criminals will no longer be able to hide in America’s schools and churches to avoid arrest,” the statement read.

    Since Trump’s reelection, observers anticipated the end of treating certain locations as “sensitive” with respect to immigration enforcement. News reports surfaced in mid-December that the incoming Trump administration was planning to get rid of the policy. Since then, schools have been bracing for the possibility of immigration agents showing up at their doors.

    Even before this policy existed, large-scale immigration raids weren’t conducted at schools. But Trump’s policy change paves the way for immigration agents to detain parents during dropoff or pickup, as has happened occasionally in the past.

    Immigrant rights advocates worry that could lead to more absenteeism among children with immigrant parents, who may now fear being stopped by immigration agents while driving or walking their kids to school. That happened during the first Trump administration. Advocates also worry about the potential for routine interactions with school police to reveal a student or family’s immigration status, and lead to their deportation.

    Some school districts have issued explicit instructions to educators and parents about how school staff should handle an immigration agent’s presence on campus. Some districts have also said they will not permit a federal agent on school premises without a judicial warrant, and that staff will be instructed to call the school system’s lawyer if these agents do show up.

    Some of the nation’s largest districts, including Los Angeles and Chicago, have re-upped or expanded existing policies meant to protect immigrant students and families. New York City is scheduled to vote on a resolution this week that would reaffirm a policy preventing school safety agents from collaborating with federal immigration authorities in most cases.

    Others, including several Texas school districts near the U.S.-Mexico border, are taking a “wait and see” approach to avoid causing confusion or fear among families. At the same time, immigrant rights advocates say it’s helpful to inform families of their rights and show them how to make a plan in case a parent is detained.

    The end of treating schools as sensitive locations is just one of many executive actions on immigration that the new Trump administration has taken since taking office on January 20.

    Trump also signed an executive order that seeks to end the automatic right to citizenship for any child born in the U.S. On January 21, 18 states announced they were suing to block the policy change.

    This story has been updated to include confirmation and comments from the Department of Homeland Security about the policy change.

    Chalkbeat is a nonprofit news site covering educational change in public schools.

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    For more news on education policy, visit eSN’s Educational Leadership hub

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  • From no qualifications to a first-class degree in nursing – Joannne’s inspirational story – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    From no qualifications to a first-class degree in nursing – Joannne’s inspirational story – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    My name is Joanne Henry and started Go Higher in 2018 as a mature student. I left school with no formal qualifications and since then had always worked in the retail sector. I always looked back and wished I had done better at school, but truth be told, whilst suffering the bereavement of my mother whilst still young at age 13 so unexpectedly, I had experienced some mental health difficulties and had lost all interest in doing well on my exams.

    Later in life, I become dissatisfied with how my life/career was progressing and applied for college to complete my level 2 in English and Maths. However, before being accepted, I had to sit an exam and was advised after this that unfortunately, it was believed I was not capable of sitting my level 2 in both subjects and that they could not accept me at the time. I found this extremely upsetting but accepted it and went back to my everyday employment within retail.

    It was a year after this that a friend had recommended Go Higher to me, at first, I didn’t quite believe that with no formal qualifications I could attend any university never mind one as prestigious as the University of Liverpool. My friend encouraged me to apply like she had, so I did. Shortly after, I received a letter inviting me for an interview and a test, I was filled with sheer dread after my last experience! On the day I contemplated not attending and ringing with some excuse due to my fear of being rejected, but I decided to go along and see what happened…

    That was when I met with a tutor from Go Higher for my interview who was warm, friendly and welcoming. My immediate dread subsided, and I was put at ease. I explained the reasoning for leaving school with no formal qualifications and I was given a big hug. I was then asked to sit the test. I did what I could and thought, well, it is what it is, if it is meant to be it will be.

    To my sheer astonishment, I received an acceptance letter. I was so proud of myself. I started the course which is and was life changing, the tutors, the course content, the lovely cohort I was with, it was all thoroughly enjoyable. The year went so quickly and after completing Go Higher, I started to believe in my own ability and my confidence had increased drastically. I then applied for a degree in mental health nursing, something which I felt passionate about, helping others who experience mental illness. I was surprised when I received the acceptance letter and commenced my 3-year journey to become a registered mental health nurse. I finished with a first-class honours degree and began my career in the NHS helping others.

    Go Higher provided me with the self-belief and confidence which I believe I would never have gained if I wasn’t for the lovely people who took a chance on me that day. I owe so much to Go Higher, and I hand on heart, encourage anyone who is considering starting higher education as a mature student not to hesitate, apply it’s never too late!

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  • How not to be afraid of Maths – a tutor’s story by Stephen Kearns – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    How not to be afraid of Maths – a tutor’s story by Stephen Kearns – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    My name is Stephen Kearns and I am the module co-ordinator for the maths module on Go Higher.

    I remember when I was in junior school and would rush home to work on my mathematics book because I loved solving the problems and getting the smiley faces on my work. I always considered myself to be quite clever and thought I’d do really well in school. But, secondary school was a different experience.
    The pupils just wanted to mess around ensuring the teacher spent most of her time dealing with the disturbance rather than teaching the class. Many teachers were absent through illness and substitute teachers struggled to lead the class so the pupils lost interest. It was a difficult environment in which to focus and I struggled. I left school with a couple of GCSE’s and Art A-Level which was all I deserved really, but I knew I should have done better.

    After many insignificant roles in thankless jobs I had begun reading about philosophy, spirituality/eastern philosophy, and physics. I had begun to ask meaningful questions about myself and the world; I wanted more from myself and my life. I decided it was time to retrain and get a career possibly in nursing so I started looking at access courses in Liverpool and came across Go Higher. I am from a poor, single parent family of six and was indoctrinated from an early age to think I was not the sort of person who goes to university. Go Higher was not a path to nursing but it taught a variety of modules including philosophy and so I applied thinking I wouldn’t even get accepted. But I got an interview and I remember the day clearly, I parked my car on Grove street, walked past Abercromby Square which looked beautiful in the spring sunlight with the trees in blossom, and nervously made my way to a large Georgian building which was a buzz of student activity. I sat in a dark oak wood room overlooking Abercromby Square wandering if I had made the right decision but the tutor who interviewed me made me feel valued for my life experience and dedication and not looked over because of my lack of academic qualifications. From this point on I never looked back. After completing Go Higher I stayed at University of Liverpool to complete my philosophy degree exceling at formal logic which is a mathematical based system of argumentation. I stayed at Liverpool for master’s degree focussing on ethics, the environment and technology. I am currently a PhD student focussing on the moral status of synthetically generated organisms in a Kantian framework, something I would not have dreamed about before I started Go Higher.

    I have worked in several secondary schools and the difficulties I faced in my education are still there. When I started teaching on Go Higher the academic literature on mature student learning of mathematics supports a flipped learning strategy so we redesigned the course to best fit the mature student learner. Learning math on Go Higher is not like school learning, there is a staff team to deliver 1:1 teaching, students have access to all the material at the start of the semester so they can go at their own pace, we have weekly quizzes for students to test themselves and for tutors to check how they’re progressing, and most of all it’s fun! The mathematics module is one that scares mature students the most but it not like mathematics at school, and once students get past that initial reservation it is great to see them understand this, enjoy it, and flourish. It is brilliant to see how many students end up enjoying mathematics on Go Higher, but it’s not surprising as that is why we structured the module the way we have, and it does work. Our pass rate is exceptional but that’s because students are willing to learn the subject and that is all down to them. Last year I went to the graduation of a former student who passed his History degree. He came to Go Higher hating mathematics but he was willing to put in the work and now he has a whole new life ahead of him. Go Higher could change your life if you are brave enough to give it a go.

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