Tag: unite

  • ASEAN universities unite to enhance global competitiveness

    ASEAN universities unite to enhance global competitiveness

    The ASEAN Universities Exhibition and Forum 2025 (AEF2025), held in Kuala Lumpur, brought together regional stakeholders to enhance higher education collaboration and foster meaningful partnerships.

    Attendees were addressed by Novie Tajuddin, CEO of Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS), who reinforced Asia’s position as a rising contender set to challenge the traditional ‘big four’ study destinations.

    With over 90 exhibitors in attendance – including from universities from Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Timor-Leste – Tajuddin stressed the importance of working together to ensure Asian institutions thrive on the world stage.

    In January 2025, Malaysia took over the rotating ASEAN chairmanship. Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir, Malaysia’s minister of higher education, said the country’s role is clear – “to serve as a bridge between ASEAN universities, governments, and industries, ensuring that education remains at the core of regional progress”.

    Speaking at the event, Zambry, a former international student himself, outlined his vision for Malaysia and the wider region, emphasising the importance of digital transformation and the integration of AI as the higher education landscape evolves.

    His vision prioritises continuous upskilling, a sustainable and inclusive education system, and stronger industry-academic collaboration to equip graduates for the evolving global landscape.

    “Over the past decades, ASEAN universities have gained global recognition. Institutions in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia are now ranked among the best, with others making significant strides in catching up,” he said.

    “Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand are establishing themselves as higher education hubs, attracting students from across the region and beyond. ASEAN universities are producing world-class research in science, technology, business, and the humanities, offering localised solutions to global challenges.”

    We must work together to ensure that ASEAN universities remain competitive amidst the rise of global education giants
    Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir, Malaysia’s minister of higher education

    “While this progress is commendable, we must work together to ensure that ASEAN universities remain competitive amidst the rise of global education giants,” the minister warned.

    The minister extended his “deepest gratitude” to organisers EMGS and the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MoHE), for their “unwavering commitment” in making AEF2025 event a reality.

    The event also saw the soft launch of the ASEAN Global Exchange for Mobility & Scholarship (ASEAN GEMS), a comprehensive platform designed to provide ASEAN students with access to scholarships and higher education opportunities.

    Zambry announced that for 2025, 300 scholarships have been secured, amounting to approximately USD 4 million, in what he describes as a “significant step in expanding educational access”.

    “We invite other ASEAN universities to contribute to this noble initiative,” he told delegates.

    The forum also marked the launch of the ASEAN Student Mobility Program, in collaboration with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and 13 esteemed Malaysian universities. The hybrid event gathered students and industry leaders across ASEAN to carry out activities designed to foster innovation, leadership, and collaboration, while addressing regional challenges and advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Student mobility was a key theme in addresses from both leaders, with Zambry highlighting the role of intra-regional mobility.

    “Countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia are increasingly becoming preferred destinations for students from neighbouring nations, enriching the academic landscape and fostering a stronger sense of ASEAN solidarity,” he said, pledging to advocate for policies that facilitate seamless student movement, establish mutual recognition of academic credits across ASEAN institutions, and enhance government support for mobility programs.

    Zambry acknowledged another key aspect of ASEAN’s higher education future – transnational education (TNE).

    “The establishment of branch campuses of foreign universities in Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam has provided world-class education while retaining talent within ASEAN,” he told delegates.

    “Dual-degree programs, joint research collaborations, and online education partnerships offer students access to global knowledge while remaining in their home countries. By strengthening transnational education, we ensure that our students receive a globally competitive education while staying rooted in ASEAN’s rich cultural and economic landscape.”

    Elsewhere, throughout the forum, over 10 collaborations were signed between universities across ASEAN, while roundtable discussions fostered meaningful dialogue and led to the drafting of resolutions.

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  • Love, loyalty, and liberty: ASU alumni unite to defend free speech

    Love, loyalty, and liberty: ASU alumni unite to defend free speech

    Late last year, a group of Arizona State University alumni gathered on the rooftop of the Canopy Hotel — high enough to see the headlights snake through the city of Tempe, but low enough to feel the pounding bass line of Mill Avenue’s nightlife. 

    Though the setting was casual, the conversation was anything but. A simple question had brought them together: What obligations do alumni have to their alma mater? 

    For most graduates, the answer is simple. Come back for Homecoming, buy the sweatshirt, scribble a check when the fundraising office calls. Thanks for your generosity! Click

    But for the assembled Sun Devils — spanning the classes of ’85 to ’24 — their connection to ASU is more than rahrah nostalgia. They feel a duty to protect what made the university worth attending in the first place. 

    And so, that evening, they formed ASU Alumni for Free Speech. Their mission? “To promote and strengthen free expression, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity, both on campus and throughout the global ASU community.” 

    The group’s inaugural chairman is Joe Pitts, ASU class of ’23 — whose beard, broad shoulders, and sage intellect belie his youth. For him, alumni should be more than mere spectators or “walking check books,” as he puts it, “endlessly giving and expecting little in return.” Instead, they should be invested stakeholders. 

    Pitts says it’s now fashionable to view a college diploma as little more than a fancy receipt. People think, I paid my tuition, endured the required courses, and behold: I’m credentialed! A neat little market transaction — no lingering ties, no ongoing investment.

    But this mindset, Pitts argues, is both morally bankrupt and pragmatically wrong-headed. As a practical matter, he says, “the value of your degree is tied to the reputation of your school — if your alma mater improves over time, your degree becomes more prestigious. If it declines, so does the respect it commands.” 

    And in the cutthroat world of status-signaling and social capital that matters — a lot. 

    ASU alumni have already petitioned the Arizona Board of Regents, urging them to adopt a policy of institutional neutrality, which would prevent the university from taking positions on current political issues and weighing in on the cause-du-jour.

    As a moral matter, “spending four years (or even more) at a university inevitably shapes you in some way,” Pitts says. “And in most cases, it’s for the better — even if we don’t exactly realize it at the time.” Think about it: how many unexpected friendships or serendipitous moments of clarity, insight, rebellion, and revelation do we owe our alma mater? 

    To discard that connection the moment you graduate — to treat it like an expired gym membership — isn’t just ungrateful. It’s a rejection of one’s own formation.

    But beyond these considerations, Pitts insists that what united them on the Canopy Hotel rooftop last year was — love, actually. Not the saccharine, Hallmark kind or the fleeting thrill of a Tinder rendezvous, but the sort of love that drives men to build cathedrals and forge legacies.

    Echoing St. Thomas Aquinas, Pitts says, “We love ASU, and to love is to will the good of the other — not to sit idly by.” And what is the good? It’s a campus where students unapologetically speak their minds; where professors dare to probe the perilous and the provocative; where administrators resist the temptation to do their best Big Brother impression! 

    Fortunately for ASU Alumni for Free Speech, their alma mater is already a national leader when it comes to free speech on campus — though, as Pitts notes, that’s “a damn low bar.”

    ASU ranks 14 out of 251 schools in FIRE’s 2025 College Free Speech Rankings, and has maintained a “green light” rating from FIRE since 2011, meaning its official policies don’t seriously imperil free expression. In 2018, ASU adopted the Chicago principles, committing to the “free, robust, and uninhibited sharing of ideas” on campus.

    The university didn’t stop there. This spring, ASU will launch a Center for Free Speech alongside an annual Free Speech Forum. 

    But despite these credentials, the specter of censorship still lingers at ASU, and the numbers tell the tale:

    • 68% of ASU students believe shouting down a speaker is at least rarely acceptable.
    • 35% believe violence can sometimes be justified to silence speech.
    • 37% self-censor at least once or twice a month. 
    • Over one-third of surveyed ASU faculty admit to self-censorship in their writing.

    And so — like the cavalry cresting the hill — ASU Alumni for Free Speech arrives just in time.

    “When controversy inevitably arises on a campus of 100,000 students,” Pitts argues, “the defense of free expression shouldn’t be left solely to outside organizations or political bodies. Instead, those speaking up should be people who genuinely care about ASU and have its best interests at heart.”

    ASU Alumni for Free Speech aims to be that voice. “In the long run, we want to have a seat at the table,” Pitts explains. “We want to build relationships not just with the ASU administration but also with the Arizona Board of Regents.”

    Along with FIRE, ASU alumni have already petitioned the Arizona Board of Regents, urging them to adopt a policy of institutional neutrality, which would prevent the university from taking positions on current political issues and weighing in on the cause-du-jour.


    Pitts and the rest of ASU Alumni for Free Speech are tired of playing cheerleader. They’re here to ensure that ASU flourishes not just today, but for every Sun Devil yet to step onto Palm Walk for the first time.

    “Sometimes that may look like applause,” Pitts says. “Other times, that may look like criticism.” 

    In either case, he insists, it’s an act of love.

    If you’re ready to join ASU Alumni for Free Speech, or if you’re interested in forming a free speech alumni alliance at your alma mater, contact Bobby Ramkissoon at [email protected]. We’ll connect you with like-minded alumni and offer guidance on how to effectively protect free speech and academic freedom for all. 

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