Category: Access to Higher Education

  • From Gogglebox sofa to a degree via Go Higher – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    From Gogglebox sofa to a degree via Go Higher – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    Photo by Andrew Teebay, Liverpool Echo.

    At the University of Liverpool December graduations this year, 2024, the traditional student speech was given by Gogglebox and Go Higher star Viv Woedenweber. Viv came to Go Higher at the age of 56 after leaving the Goggle box show in 2020 to seek a change in her career and a route into university. Her love of history saw her excel on the Go Higher access programme and go on to achieve a Bachelor degree and then a Master’s degree in Archaeology.

    In her Graduation speech at the Philharmonic Hall, Viv said: “I came along with slight trepidation at first, as perhaps we all did, but was soon overwhelmed by the sense of belonging I experienced. I have made so many good friends, gained a passion for my discipline, climbed hillforts, laughed, cried and had many adventures..’.

    Alongside her studies, Viv works as a disability coach at the University of Liverpool to support students to fulfil their full potential, including Go Higher students and those on other courses in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

    You can read more about Viv’s reflections on completing a degree as a mature student in the Liverpool Echo. Her story is yet another illustration that no matter your age or background, university is for you if you want it.

    And, of course, mature people make the very best students….

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  • From no qualifications to a first-class degree in nursing – Joannne’s inspirational story – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    From no qualifications to a first-class degree in nursing – Joannne’s inspirational story – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    My name is Joanne Henry and started Go Higher in 2018 as a mature student. I left school with no formal qualifications and since then had always worked in the retail sector. I always looked back and wished I had done better at school, but truth be told, whilst suffering the bereavement of my mother whilst still young at age 13 so unexpectedly, I had experienced some mental health difficulties and had lost all interest in doing well on my exams.

    Later in life, I become dissatisfied with how my life/career was progressing and applied for college to complete my level 2 in English and Maths. However, before being accepted, I had to sit an exam and was advised after this that unfortunately, it was believed I was not capable of sitting my level 2 in both subjects and that they could not accept me at the time. I found this extremely upsetting but accepted it and went back to my everyday employment within retail.

    It was a year after this that a friend had recommended Go Higher to me, at first, I didn’t quite believe that with no formal qualifications I could attend any university never mind one as prestigious as the University of Liverpool. My friend encouraged me to apply like she had, so I did. Shortly after, I received a letter inviting me for an interview and a test, I was filled with sheer dread after my last experience! On the day I contemplated not attending and ringing with some excuse due to my fear of being rejected, but I decided to go along and see what happened…

    That was when I met with a tutor from Go Higher for my interview who was warm, friendly and welcoming. My immediate dread subsided, and I was put at ease. I explained the reasoning for leaving school with no formal qualifications and I was given a big hug. I was then asked to sit the test. I did what I could and thought, well, it is what it is, if it is meant to be it will be.

    To my sheer astonishment, I received an acceptance letter. I was so proud of myself. I started the course which is and was life changing, the tutors, the course content, the lovely cohort I was with, it was all thoroughly enjoyable. The year went so quickly and after completing Go Higher, I started to believe in my own ability and my confidence had increased drastically. I then applied for a degree in mental health nursing, something which I felt passionate about, helping others who experience mental illness. I was surprised when I received the acceptance letter and commenced my 3-year journey to become a registered mental health nurse. I finished with a first-class honours degree and began my career in the NHS helping others.

    Go Higher provided me with the self-belief and confidence which I believe I would never have gained if I wasn’t for the lovely people who took a chance on me that day. I owe so much to Go Higher, and I hand on heart, encourage anyone who is considering starting higher education as a mature student not to hesitate, apply it’s never too late!

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  • Thank you to the Go Higher team for allowing me to write a blog and share my amazing experience on the Go Higher programme! By Gary Singh – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    Thank you to the Go Higher team for allowing me to write a blog and share my amazing experience on the Go Higher programme! By Gary Singh – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    I am thrilled to share my heartfelt gratitude to the University of Liverpool for offering the Diploma for Go Higher Programme – a remarkable initiative designed to open doors and beacon of hope for those who, due to various reasons, have been unable to pursue their educational goals and have had to suppress their ambitions.

    My name is Gary Singh, and I want to share my journey with you, a journey that has been filled with challenges, resilience, and hope. In 2004, my plans to become a solicitor were shattered by the sudden passing of my father. I had to start working, and unfortunately, I faced exploitation by corrupt politicians in India, making it nearly impossible to chase my dreams. Every attempt to resume my education was met with rejection due to the gap in my studies. After seeking asylum in the UK, I reached out to the University of Liverpool, hoping to enroll in a degree program because of the plenty of time available to me. Unfortunately, again, I was told that the gap in my education prevented direct entry into a degree course. However, Go Higher Team introduced me to the Go Higher Diploma program, a pathway that would enable me to pursue a degree. This news reignited my optimism and belief that I could achieve my dream of becoming a solicitor to serve society, just as I had hoped for as a teenager.

    I was fortunate enough to receive scholarships from the University of Liverpool, which were specifically designed for destitute students like myself, as I am not permitted to work as an asylum seeker. Even as a mature student, I found the friendly, multicultural atmosphere at the University of Liverpool very welcoming. My classmates, both younger and older, were incredibly supportive. Despite English being my second language and the initial challenge of understanding new accents, I can comprehend about 80% of my tutor’s lectures and make up the rest by utilizing lecture slides and class recordings available on the Canvas site. I started my first assignment with marks well above passing, and with unimaginable support from my tutors, I received an A grade on my last assignment. The dedication of my mentors—James Bainbridge, David Ellis, Barbara Milne, Julia, Sharon Connor, Darryn Nyatanga, Claire Jones, Stephen Kearns, Debbie Hart, and Matthew—along with additional English classes by Will, has been invaluable.

    I have encountered challenges on the path to success, but determination and hard work have allowed me to conquer every obstacle. On the day of the Go Higher celebration, something incredible occurred. I was honored with a personal achievement award, which came as a pleasant surprise. Furthermore, I was accepted into the Law with Business program at the University of Liverpool. This achievement has filled me with excitement and hope as I strive to complete my degree and make a positive impact on society. My aspiration is to become so capable and competent that I can assist those in need.

    Go Higher education means more to me than just personal advancement; it’s a way to think critically for the betterment of society and individuals. Through my Go higher studies, I learned to see society from a different perspective and took the first step toward progress in civilized society. My message to everyone is this: Don’t let your ambitions die in your heart. Give it a try! If your intentions are good, you will find many opportunities, mentors, and friends who are ready to help you. Believe in yourself and take the first step. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable.

    Thank you,


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  • From a shaky start to a first-class degree, by Tracy Roberts – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    From a shaky start to a first-class degree, by Tracy Roberts – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    Although I was considered quite bright in the small primary school I attended, when I started high school as an undiagnosed autistic child I became incredibly overwhelmed and found the only way to cope with the extra sensory and social pressure was to coast through. I fell behind with work as I spent most of my time just trying to cope with the school environment.

    Having developed an apprehensive relationship with academia, I always hoped I might be able to access university. I had to drop my a-levels in 1995 when I was 18, so I could work full-time and move to a flat when it became obvious I needed to leave my toxic family home.

    After two failed attempts at trying to complete a degree, struggling through a lot of personal hardships, when my youngest started school I decided I wanted one last go. That was when I started Go Higher, in 2018. The incredibly kind, knowledgable, experienced and dedicated staff helped me develop the skills and confidence I needed to finally achieve my lifelong goal of gaining a degree.

    Many of us were particularly scared of the maths component, myself included. I actually ended up falling in love with maths, it is taught in such a well designed and easily accessible way. When my mother who had dementia was entering a severe decline in her condition I found the maths module gave me time to enter a logical mental space and actually helped me cope during an otherwise extremely emotional time. I even used the resources provided for the module to help my daughter develop a new confidence with maths.

    I had a shaky start but thanks to the support and advice I received on the course I ended up being awarded the academic achievement award and 99% in maths, and began my degree with the University of Liverpool in 2019. I faced many more struggles and it took me two extra years, but this time I had everything I needed to push through. No more coasting, the Go Higher provided me with a new confidence and a realisation of what I could achieve. Next week I will be graduating with a first class degree in Evolutionary Anthropology and will be receiving the Evolutionary Anthropology Prize. I have been accepted onto the MSc in Human Evolution, and am working on publishing a paper with one of the professors, based on one of my third year undergraduate assignments. At 47 years old I feel as if life might finally be opening up for me.

    For anyone who felt as if other people had access to a secret book of knowledge on how to develop their academic skills and confidence, the staff of the Go Higher team will help you access that book and guide you through every chapter.

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  • The essential PLUS for returning to learning at Liverpool by Sarah Hanson – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    The essential PLUS for returning to learning at Liverpool by Sarah Hanson – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    If you are a mature student, returner to learning or someone who has experienced a disrupted education, you may be anxious about the support available for anyone not familiar with higher education and its challenges.  Starting your higher education journey is one of the most exciting times of your life, but we realise you might have some concerns as well. Whatever they might be, you don’t need to worry as the University of Liverpool offers lots of support.

    Our Student Services team, who offer a huge range of services, including mental health support like counselling, a Mental Health Advisory Service and wellbeing support including self-help guides, workshops and events. They also provide financial advice, including guidance on managing the rising cost of living and support for disabled students through initiatives like Disability Coaches, a peer support service of trained students with lived experience of disability and accessing disability support. Disability Coaches can help with initial enquiries, support plans, obtaining medical evidence and Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).

    The Liverpool Guild of Students offer free and confidential advice to all students about the options available to you, covering academic, housing, wellbeing issues and more. Through the Guild you can  access a huge range of Societies, providing a brilliant opportunity to make new friends through shared interests. They also provide schemes like Give It A Go and lots of volunteering programmes, giving you the chance to enhance your student experience.

    From September 2024, Go Higher students will be able to access Liverpool Plus, a brand new post-entry support programme. Including an Enhanced Welcome package, 1-2-1 support with your transition into first year, bespoke events with University services like Global Opportunities and Libraries, and priority access to schemes like the Liverpool Advocate programme.

    With Liverpool Plus, we’ll provide the support you need to make the most out of your time at University

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  • Return to Learn Day 2024 – by Sharon Connor – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    Return to Learn Day 2024 – by Sharon Connor – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    Storm Lillian might have been causing chaos across the North West, but nothing could dampen the spirits of everyone involved in this year’s Return to Learn Day. For the second year running, the team at Go Higher invited potential mature learners to experience a full day of talks and tours on campus.

    The day was (high) kicked off on a musical note, with Dr Freya Jarman (below left) leading listeners through the history of the multiple meanings of singing high notes in Western music. Covering everything from Tiny Tim to Barbara Streisand, our visitors quickly warmed to the topic and were keen to share their own insights and experiences. We hardly had time to pause for breath, before Heather Johnston from Sydney Jones Library delivered an informative talk on KnowHow, the University of Liverpool’s skills support service. Go Higher and KnowHow work closely together all year round; we know that many mature students may not have written anything vaguely academic for many years, and may never have used a referencing system – the Study Skills team at Go Higher are there to support your learning throughout the whole course, and KnowHow provide the university wide support for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

    Lunch provided an enjoyable opportunity for guests to chat informally with not only professional services and teaching staff, but also current and former Go Higher students. Peer support plays a major role in the success of Go Higher, not only within a year group, but more widely as a mentoring system for students to continue that contact even after they have started their undergraduate studies.

    The University of Liverpool is the only university in England with an Irish Studies Department, and Dr Sean Haughey outlined the degree course content, as well as reminding us of just how many Go Higher students decide to study with this close and supportive department. Sean also gave us a taste of the sort of lecture students might expect, asking just how divided society is now in Northern Ireland. Combining contemporary cultural references such as Derry Girls, with recent government polls on schooling opportunities, Sean suggested that social attitudes towards mixed communities are far more positive than are often put forward by politicians and the press.

    Thankfully rain had stopped by mid afternoon, and although it was still too wet to take the campus tour, attendees were welcomed for a guided tour at the iconic Victoria Gallery and Museum in Ashton Street.  Our on campus bookstore, Blackwells, kindly offered attendees a discount for any purchases made on the day.

    The afternoon was completed by a lecture from Go Higher’s sociology lecturer, Dr David Ellis (left), who discussed his research in a talk titled ‘Towards a Sociology of Debt: Cultural Change in Britain and Beyond’. David explored the deregulation of banking by the Conservative Party in the 1980s, and the impact that it is still having today. A major point of discussion was what constituted ‘credit’ and how it differed from ‘debt’. There were so many comments and questions following this that we reached the end of the day before we knew it.

    Just in time for visitors to leave, the sun came out – but we hope to see many of them return as students in September.

    White Rabbit image by John Tenniel, from the Project Gutenberg edition of Alice In Wonderland (public domain).


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  • How not to be afraid of Maths – a tutor’s story by Stephen Kearns – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    How not to be afraid of Maths – a tutor’s story by Stephen Kearns – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    My name is Stephen Kearns and I am the module co-ordinator for the maths module on Go Higher.

    I remember when I was in junior school and would rush home to work on my mathematics book because I loved solving the problems and getting the smiley faces on my work. I always considered myself to be quite clever and thought I’d do really well in school. But, secondary school was a different experience.
    The pupils just wanted to mess around ensuring the teacher spent most of her time dealing with the disturbance rather than teaching the class. Many teachers were absent through illness and substitute teachers struggled to lead the class so the pupils lost interest. It was a difficult environment in which to focus and I struggled. I left school with a couple of GCSE’s and Art A-Level which was all I deserved really, but I knew I should have done better.

    After many insignificant roles in thankless jobs I had begun reading about philosophy, spirituality/eastern philosophy, and physics. I had begun to ask meaningful questions about myself and the world; I wanted more from myself and my life. I decided it was time to retrain and get a career possibly in nursing so I started looking at access courses in Liverpool and came across Go Higher. I am from a poor, single parent family of six and was indoctrinated from an early age to think I was not the sort of person who goes to university. Go Higher was not a path to nursing but it taught a variety of modules including philosophy and so I applied thinking I wouldn’t even get accepted. But I got an interview and I remember the day clearly, I parked my car on Grove street, walked past Abercromby Square which looked beautiful in the spring sunlight with the trees in blossom, and nervously made my way to a large Georgian building which was a buzz of student activity. I sat in a dark oak wood room overlooking Abercromby Square wandering if I had made the right decision but the tutor who interviewed me made me feel valued for my life experience and dedication and not looked over because of my lack of academic qualifications. From this point on I never looked back. After completing Go Higher I stayed at University of Liverpool to complete my philosophy degree exceling at formal logic which is a mathematical based system of argumentation. I stayed at Liverpool for master’s degree focussing on ethics, the environment and technology. I am currently a PhD student focussing on the moral status of synthetically generated organisms in a Kantian framework, something I would not have dreamed about before I started Go Higher.

    I have worked in several secondary schools and the difficulties I faced in my education are still there. When I started teaching on Go Higher the academic literature on mature student learning of mathematics supports a flipped learning strategy so we redesigned the course to best fit the mature student learner. Learning math on Go Higher is not like school learning, there is a staff team to deliver 1:1 teaching, students have access to all the material at the start of the semester so they can go at their own pace, we have weekly quizzes for students to test themselves and for tutors to check how they’re progressing, and most of all it’s fun! The mathematics module is one that scares mature students the most but it not like mathematics at school, and once students get past that initial reservation it is great to see them understand this, enjoy it, and flourish. It is brilliant to see how many students end up enjoying mathematics on Go Higher, but it’s not surprising as that is why we structured the module the way we have, and it does work. Our pass rate is exceptional but that’s because students are willing to learn the subject and that is all down to them. Last year I went to the graduation of a former student who passed his History degree. He came to Go Higher hating mathematics but he was willing to put in the work and now he has a whole new life ahead of him. Go Higher could change your life if you are brave enough to give it a go.

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  • Go Higher – a true sense of community and support, by Skye Brocklebank – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    Go Higher – a true sense of community and support, by Skye Brocklebank – ALL @ Liverpool Blog

    I joined the GoHigher programme at just 19, I had always wanted to opportunity to be able to help others and wanted to serve justice and after doubting my self, it gave me an opportunity to follow my dream. I didn’t think I was capable of Law after leaving  school so took an NVQ route and planned on going into engineering.

    As a woman in STEM, it was extremely difficult to be taken seriously, so I thought, why not just put the shift in to do what I really wanted to do? Not only did I get into my goal university studying my dream subject, but I for the first time enjoyed learning, I felt a real sense of community and belonging in GoHigher, with students from different backgrounds and life experiences; it really is a shared learning experience with your peers. You’re all in it together and everyone in my time at GoHigher was incredibly open minded and accepting, with that being the tone set for the environment.

    The Go Higher teachers adore the subjects they teach and it really inspires people and makes the learning experience extremely enjoyable and rewarding. The broad range of subjects that are taught on this course are incredibly thought provoking and eye opening. I was able to engage in creative subjects that I know and love such as literature and arts and cultures, and also be intrigued by philosophy and social sciences, I also found a new liking to maths, which I always struggled with at school. The patience and support from all GoHigher staff is outstanding and all teachers, lecturers and professors should take a leaf out of their book.

    Image by Freepic

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